ThePipeGuy 5 points ago +6 / -1

Humza Useless was bad. His replacement looks to be a carbon copy down to the same speech.

It's so bad I had to check if it was a gag using ai voice, but no. He pretty much is Humza 2.0.

ThePipeGuy 9 points ago +9 / -0

Humza Useless about 15 mins after resigning. RACISM it's too white.

My p45 form was WHITE!!!

As I'm not Scottish, thank god. I wonder what completely useless, far left, globalist scumbag they will replace him with?

Actually Ive just seen his possible replacement, labour, Indian and a carbon copy down to the white speech.

Good luck Scotland.

ThePipeGuy 5 points ago +5 / -0

Distant Worlds Universe.

Space based 4x.

It can be as involved or automated as you like, you can even leave it running and have it play itself until you come back.

Aurora / Quasar 4x.

Another space based 4x where detail goes into detail of details. A learning curve that makes dark souls look like a kindergarten game. "" graphics"" that will run on anything.

If you want to customise your civ, really go into detail and play with drop down menus then it's perfect.

ThePipeGuy 6 points ago +6 / -0

As a Warhammer fan and bibliophile I'd actually be interested to hear what it costs to stock Warhammer books.

I ask because from a consumer perspective it looks like they do a single run release and charge a truly ludicrous amount for them, paperbacks included, and that's in their own dedicated stores.

ThePipeGuy 10 points ago +10 / -0

Is resetera still a thing? I would of thought it would be only the jannies left n a circle playing soggy biscuit as they banned everyone else.

ThePipeGuy 12 points ago +12 / -0

I'd say that statement is enough for a retrial but it's NY so I doubt it'll go anywhere different even if it was granted.

ThePipeGuy 16 points ago +17 / -1

You forgot the important one.

Its Paris, it's been a urine soaked shithole for the last few centuries.

ThePipeGuy 6 points ago +6 / -0

I like listening to the atc comm videos, it's not just atc that's incompetent. The worst yet would be air chyna that was obviously reading from a script.

But given that it's current year, I'm just avoiding flying at all. Atm I trust aeroflot more than Boeing.

ThePipeGuy 6 points ago +6 / -0

Next up. The time he went to the moon for a burger and some apple pie. Just like a real murican.

ThePipeGuy 5 points ago +5 / -0

Hopefully it just means actual turks and not turks by proxy (iirc that's what the cumans where).

ThePipeGuy 11 points ago +11 / -0

He won't resign, he's faced the same calls for months now but he knows Khan the kunt has his back

ThePipeGuy 7 points ago +7 / -0

Tbh I kbew a guy that's been featured in white dwarf and displayed in Nottingham Warhammer world.

His entire army is from chyna. Either the stuffs so good now GeeDubs can't tell the difference or as I suspect, he was sucking off the judges.

ThePipeGuy 4 points ago +4 / -0

I used to know a furry, she was always pretty strange, probably on a spectrum. But she quickly grew out of it when she stopped taking her anti depressants (I think),and is now relatively normal and married.

I'm wondering how many of these kids are taking a handful of prescribed meds every morning.

ThePipeGuy 2 points ago +2 / -0

But re, sorry Conform UK isn't anywhere near the right, let alone far right.

Micey Ticey removes his own candidates for repeating his own party's policy because HopeNotHate cried.

He's actively working with HNH to vet further candidates, he's praising and groveling to HNH.

If at this point you still vote for conform UK then you're either mind numbingly stupid or a secret (not so any more though) commie.

ThePipeGuy 11 points ago +11 / -0


You think it's a berserk reference but it's current year.

Ill let your imagination wonder with that one.

ThePipeGuy 4 points ago +4 / -0

Vote for reform.

Why? Reform are controlled by HopeNotHate, Tice the Mice bent over backwards to please them.

ThePipeGuy 8 points ago +8 / -0

I won't spoil it, I just ripped the one that was sent up.

The choice is between commies in red, commies in blue, eco commies in yellow or cucks that bend over to hope not hate.

ThePipeGuy 6 points ago +6 / -0

No. GW have always been cucks when it comes to their lore.

Remember back in the day the ultrasmurfs where manly men that wrestled, they had a half eldar marine, squats existed, the man that confronted Horus was just a guardsman.

Female golden boys is just them shitting up their lore some more.

ThePipeGuy 17 points ago +17 / -0

Do something - made a example of and jailed.

Do nothing - Person that would condemn you in a second starts whining.

ThePipeGuy 18 points ago +18 / -0

Can't wait for them to release the big titty necrons.

I also think as its current year, eldar need to be plus size, sisters need burquors and the emperor was actually a lesbian.

ThePipeGuy 24 points ago +24 / -0

It's the reason they are called smear merchants.

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