My job has me driving for a significant part of my 10 hour shifts. I've been trying to figure out how to get podcasts without ads which would be ideal. What I can't deal with is that server side injected shit right in the middle of the podcast. From what i can tell the best way is to find a podcast on YouTube and use a program to swipe them, and figuring out how to use the program isn't trivial.
I think he's saying that showing empathy for someone who a) doesn't deserve it and b) would have celebrated if it happened to someone on our side is the kind of virtue signaling that those subs would have dunked on before they drowned in the sea of shit they've been swimming in. There's no need to celebrate like a leftist. "Good fucking riddance" is all that needs to be said.
Our refusal to be as ruthless as the left in making friend/enemy distinctions will be the death of us. The Peddit sub really has gone to shit, hasn't it? I stopped trying to post there a couple years back and I stayed longer than most. I don't trust any community that Spez willingly allows to exist. It screams controlled opposition.
I have a bit of a running joke with a friend about Asians and grades. Read this in the voice of a tiger mom:
You better get A.
You get B you get beat.
You get C you get cut.
You get D you die.
You get F you not want to know what happen.
This is of course completely noncomparable to ultra rich chads who just have abs despite eating like shit and never needing to waste time lifting, like those found in terribly unpopular series like 365 Days or Literally Every Vampire Ever.
Or like those found on their social media feeds, creating unrealistic expectations in ways that makes pornographers look like amateurs in comparison.
That's why men's brain rot from porn doesn't hold a candle to women's brain rot from social media. Their feeds are full of dudes who look like Gigachad, so they classify normal heathy men as subhuman. Most men know that the typical woman doesn't look like the porn star they jerk it to.
The judge sentenced him to all kinds of mental health interventions as well. After his 5 years he has 15 years of probation. They're gonna put him in a group home at first, and on the off chance the group home is able to prevent him from trying to kill someone again the judge said he'd consider home health options, so he'll get the chance to try to murder the sorry fuck who gets stuck with that job.
Its lawyer tried to get probation. No doubt the prison time was cut due to black privilege but at least the violent ape didn't get off completely which was a serious possibility.
The teen's mother blamed the school district for failing her son.
He dindu nuffin. He a good boy.
You're really overestimating how principled the dude is. He'd be parroting the shit we say if he thought it would gain him access to the circles he wants to run in and keep the cash flowing. I'm not defending any of the shit he enables, I just think he's opportunist rather than an idealogue.
I'd say the problem started with Sue Gardener, who was executive director starting in 2007. She's the one who started with the DIE shit by accusing the userbase of misogyny. Jimbo was almost completely absent by that point because he was more interested in finding ways to grift off of Wikipedia's success than seeing through any particular vision. That doesn't excuse his refusal to be the adult in the room when the lunatics took over the asylum but this wasn't his plan from the start. He didn't have a plan and a lot of Wikipedia's dysfunction (which goes far beyond woke infiltration) stems from there being no control at the top in the early days. Their whole "governance" structure consists of gangs of anonymous weirdos fighting turf wars behind the scenes. Jimbo just goes along with the bullshit because he doesn't want the gravy train to end. He's a coward and a grifter but he's not a committed leftist.
I hear the house building and Create-a-Sim is mostly an improvement over 3, but even there they cut out the color wheel because they just couldn't resist reducing the quality in some way. But otherwise, no. The gameplay is absolute dog shit and OG Simmers keep going back to 3 for that reason. The improved design aspects combined with the gameplay going to shit has caused the player base to skew even more female than previous installments which probably contributes to the woke bullshit being pushed.
Before election denial became a cardinal sin they were constantly banging on about how the 2016 election was stolen. The funny thing is they were right. They were just wrong about which 2016 election was stolen. They stole the Dem nomination from Bernie Sanders that year.
Remember that city council that got taken over by goat fuckers and removed the fag flags from city property? Lefties are just useful idiots for them and they'll be the first to have their heads chopped off (no janny, this isn't a call for violence; just an obvious statement of cause and effect).
Thanks. Command line stuff doesn't come natural to me but I can usually figure it out. I just hadn't found the time and motivation.