there's no reason for an Ethno-Nat to like DeSantis at all. He is not now, and is never going to be a White Nationalist.
The only real idea I have is they think he can be changed. Like they did with Trump until they figured out that Trump was going to roll over them and tell them to suck fat 'nards and go look at their furry porn collection. And then they will be once again disgusted and enraged that actually, no, the MAGA movement is not a home for them. No matter how much the media tries to tell them otherwise.
(note: This theory relies on them not be subversives or agitators. If latter is true, reason is much more straight forward and obvious).
What you are probably thinking of is the judge in the case significantly reduced his bail last week. Originally, the DA wanted the bail to be $500,000, but the judge said that was entirely unreasonable for a first time offender who was claiming self-defense, so reduced it to $50,000.
8 year old conflict, many knew of it already and see Ukraine as the aggressor,
Then they are wrong. Russia has been the aggressor for this entire time, and its their own damn fault that Ukraine has been moving away from them. To the point that when Russia came screaming into the country, a ton of territory in the east that everyone thought would side with the Russians instead started fighting back with a savagery rarely seen in war. To the point you saw cities that were majority ethnic Russians deciding they would rather be razed to the ground than join the Russians. Which is part of the reason that the Donbass is still not secure, even though they were the ones who said it would be done almost as soon as they invaded.
Ukraine being ultra corrupt
Who isnt in Eastern Europe? That doesnt change the fact that Russia is the larger threat, and it would behoove us to side with Ukraine. Just like we did the Hungarians, Polish, Baltics, Bulgarians, and Romanians. All of these governments are fairly corrupt. But sometimes you have to look the other way to deal with a larger threat.
Ukraine Govt shutting down Biden corruption investigation because Soros told them not too,
Did you...did you just link to a statement from the guilty party themsleves?! No freaking shit the Atlantic Council says they had to shut down the investigation. It would have implicated THEM! Ukraine never stopped any such investigations. The US just said they didnt want to hear it anymore, because it turns out that Trump was on to something when he said something was rotten over there. And I would like to remind you that for all the complaints that people have thrown his way, it was Zelensky who was saying that he liked Trump and was wanting to work with him on corruption issues...which was the entire basis for the "Ukrainian Collusion" they tried to impeach him over.
I think the scale is tipping back in their favor. They have been buying up a lot of current-gen F-16's (the ones that have gotten a ton of upgrades to the avionics and radar), and they have been getting a pretty extensive SAM network. They also have a pretty significant anti-ship missile capability now (thank you Trump), and have even started upgrading their navy. Japan has also said that they will view an attack on Taiwan as an Article 9 worthy event, so its unlikely Taiwan would even be going it alone.
And this is of course all assuming you believe the Chinese combat capabilities. Because lets be honest: China uses most of the same stuff Russia does, and we have spent months seeing that their shit is nowhere near as effective as was advertised.
The reaction of a lot of my fellow right-wingers has been confusing to me over the course of this entire war. Its entirely in reason to cry foul over raw cash being sent, but I would have thought giving a nation the firepower it needs to fight its own war would have been a welcome change in foreign policy instead of putting our own citizens lives at risk (I know I favor it in the future). And I would have thought they would have taken heart in a people deciding they would fight and die to defend their own nation, and that we should hope to be so brave if the time came for our own.
But no. For some reason, a ton of my fellows on the right went all rootless cosmopolitan and have said that the Ukrainians should have fled without a fight, and just accepted their new rulers because "Putin is the savior of the west and the white race" or some bullshit. Even though Putin is the one killing white people through his own brutality and ill-advised war, and lets also forget that he has said his goal is basically to reform the Soviet Union, and this will bring him into conflict with a ton of other nations who are even more hostile toward him than Ukraine.
Quite frankly, I dont really care anymore. Give them beans and bullets, keep the receipts on the cash for later, and let the Ukrainians go buck-ass wild so that we can destroy a nation who is a threat to the West and the world at large. Then tell China "Your next. Dont even think about Taiwan."
It's not official content btw.
I was going to say: It literally says "Steam Workshop" right there on the tab. And you can find any number of fake nations to use.
For all the jokes, I think most Americans know Geography better than the memes say. It’s just the stupid ones are always picked out and shown off because it’s funny.
Egad, its brilliant! Why has no one thought of this before?
I just wish people pushed for the forms of power that made sense for their local area. For instance, I live in Kansas, and we have had no issue with wind. We get almost half of our power from it, and there has been no blackouts or brownouts related to any weather or our wind power.
But you know why it works here? Because we are on the plains! The wind never fucking stops blowing. If you ask a Kansan and they say "There is no wind today", what they actually mean is "There is a light breeze today." If the wind ever actually stops, that is when we get concerned (the only times I have ever seen that were before tornadoes or wind storms). So no shit wind power works around here. And then we have a clean coal plant, a nuclear plant, and several natural gas plants to provide backup in the event the wind power dips. And if shit well and truly hits the fan, most small towns have their own large diesel generators that can do emergency power for a day or two.
Its almost like, an energy policy of "All of the Above" and "Based on the local conditions" is the smart way. Instead of just ignoring things.
If you like Battle Beast, Beast in Black is also pretty good. They released a new album last year that was also pretty good.
Actually, in general, I have been vibing pretty well with modern Metal and Rock albums, and I have not been hard pressed for new content.
Very fair points, but the fact it was memory-holed just doesnt sit well with me as a murder-suicide. I know some have tried to say it was some CIA-shit where he was killing people to cover up the assassination of some Saudi prince, but I dont buy it (not because I dont think an evil government would. Just that it doesnt follow in this instance). They were gearing up to use it as a gun control push item, and then just dropped it. Like it never happened. It was right around the same time they were beginning to investigate the shooter as well.
So they must have found something that freaked them out and they decided it would be more damaging to them than the need to push for gun control. So it just raises an eyebrow for me.
Of course, its also possible that it was a murder-suicide, but the media stopped covering it because they thought it could be seen as a political execution. Even if it wasnt.
I suppose the good thing is that people on the Right are starting to learn this again. You have Bannon and people associated with him taking over territory, and you have the likes of Scott Presler (1) making it so that the Republican Party outnumbers the Democrats in registered voters for the first time ever (and most of those votes are being pushed toward MAGA types). And they are using this newfound power to start taking the fight to the enemy in turf they can win to start fighting back. And then you have Daily Wire and other Right-Wing companies and individuals starting to set up their own cultural institutions, and they are even pulling in normies with some of this stuff .
The fight back is coming, and I think the ones in charge understand that. Its why I think they have become so brazen about their corruption. Much like the plotters at the end of a financial scheme, they have pushed it as far as they can go, and so are cashing out everything they can and hoping to make it so that someone else is holding the bag when the music stops.
Of course, keeping up with the Viking analogy, resecuring territory isnt the hard part. The hard part will be dealing with the areas that have been conquered and are under the thumb of the Danelaw. Although I still think we win in the end. And so far, the world has been following the outline from a historian I watched almost a year ago.
(1): I still cant believe they let him get away from Jan. 6 stuff without an arrest, even though he is probably one of their greatest political threats. Of course, it shows that maybe they dont think he is, and that will be their own undoing.
While there was never really any closure to it (because it got memory-holed), I stand by my theory that the mass shooting at the country music festival in Las Vegas was a Leftist attempting to kill "Trump Supporters." And that the media memory-holed it because if it came out that a Leftist killed almost 80 people and injured hundreds on the grounds of "Trump is a Fascist! The Media told me so!", it would have ended in a very bad time for them and their cause.
But then they might have to admit the war is winnable, and its their own defeatism that is making them miserable and causing their losses. And then they might actually have to step up and fight, instead of just bitching and moaning about how its all over but the crying. And we cant have that, because its so much easier to just bitch and moan instead of put your nose to the grindstone and fight.
If someone wants to hold the institution hostage... we can always destroy the institution and build a new one.
To the point I have even heard someone I know say "Kill the hostage" in relation to institutional capture. And yea, I have noticed it is a very American attitude, especially over the last few years.
I was thinking about it today listening to the Lotus Eaters podcast, where Carl was yet again going on one of his anti-republican rants. Where, in relation to the US, he said that he opposes republics because they are (direct quote) "inherently unstable and prone to corruption", and was once again saying how constitutional monarchy is the superior government. Yet I distinctly remember him and his cohorts bitching and moaning that Elizabeth is fine-ish, but the rest of the Royal Family are a bunch of clowns kissing up to Klaus and the Davos brigade. Because I suppose they would rather keep up that old English decorum instead of living wild and free.
Meanwhile, I have found that an increasing chunk of people are open to what would have been considered radical change even just a few years ago, for the simple reason of "The hostage is an enemy agent. Shoot him." Just to go with law enforcement (because its the one I have noticed one of the largest swings), there is the obvious, growing push to nuke the FBI. This is expected, the FBI has been an issue since it was established. But I have even heard some people taking on the stance that we should get rid of all municipal police, and replace it all with sheriffs. On the grounds that a sheriff is elected, and therefore directly accountable to their voters. Because I am sure its not coincidence that all of the based law enforcement, saying things like "Fuck the state and their mask mandates! Live free or die!" and "You know, honestly, just shoot the bastard if he breaks in your house. I wont even be mad." have been elected sheriffs in almost every case. And the only national level police I have heard people be willing to spare are the US Marshals, and I would imagine that is because they are usually too busy doing gangster shit to be someone's political hitmen.
But like you said, suggesting something like that happen in the UK would cause a sharp "I SAY, SIR!!" and cause them to go into an existential crisis...which is why they fail.
Although I will say, to me the whole situation has kind of shown what you are talking about for how you cant just back away and then wage a war to destroy the Fabians (in relation to the idea of "national divorce"). Because Putin attempted to do just that, and now he is getting absolutely laid out due to a combination of his own military being incompetent/underequipped, the Ukrainians going absolutely buck-ass wild on Russian ass against everyone's initial beliefs, and it being laid bare that US/NATO equipment is significantly more potent. And so now Putin will likely be destroyed, and all of his efforts to protect Russia from the Fabians will be for naught.
Hey, let’s just run with the Lefts view in this: You are not Black, because you are acting White. Therefore, you don’t get deported to New Liberia.
(Note: this is me deliberately running with an absurd premise for a joke, do not take seriously)
That depends. Does “Literally recreating the Southern Aristocracy word for word, with with American blacks taking on the Plantation owner position with the natives as slaves” count as treating the natives like crap?
If you want more proof of this, look at the war in Ukraine right now. Russia is getting its shit pushed in, all of its “game changing” weapons are either nonexistent or a joke, and their true capabilities are shown to be even more of a joke.
And this is against a country they actually share a border with. Naval invasions are the single most difficult military operation to perform. And you expect me to believe China, who lost the last war they fought since they went Commie, can do it? While facing down the objectively superior US and Japanese navy, as well as Taiwans extensive anti-ship mission and not insignificant navy? Don’t make me laugh.
Much like with Russia, I don’t fear their military. I fear their subversion. And even that is starting to fail as China’s economy is beginning to falter.
And now Twitter is suing him to force him to buy. Its almost like they dont even understand the game being played. Because its blatantly obvious that Musk is going to respond to that with "Well, if you insist." and take it over...after they spent months fighting to keep him from doing that very thing!
That also makes sense. But if it is three years, that could change his outlook and maybe convince him to make the move permanent. But I wouldnt be surprised if he goes back either, since Canada is still his home after all.
With respect, having also seen the movie and loved it, I think you are just looking for reasons to nitpick.
The "cool, collected" ones still have their own issues. Phoenix has an arrogant streak to her as well, she just keeps it in check better. And while Hangman is indeed a cocky asshole, it is repeatedly shown throughout the movie that, like Mav in the first movie, he is cocky because he has the skill to back it up. He is the only one who can even keep up with Mav in training, with everyone else consistently losing. I also think calling Bob a "pathetic mal-adjusted autistic loser" is not accurate. He is shown to be a mild stick in the mud when first meeting everyone, but in other scenes you see him cut loose and actually get along and join in the party. Also worth mentioning that Bob is more in line with most fighter pilots I have ever met, if that means anything to you.
For authority figures, the black one standing up for him is one. The only other prominent black guy is Mavs personal mechanic. And the black guy is outranked by the white guy who dislikes Mav. And part of the point is that Mav has done tons of shit that he would have gotten him either thrown out of the Navy or even arrested. Its explicitly stated that the only reason he even still has his wings is because Iceman is using his Admiral rank to protect him.
And of course, the dinner scene is nothing like you describe. He is getting gwacked at because he is out of place and covered in scorching. The only one who calls him a "space man" is a little kid who wouldnt know better. I also wouldnt describe the crowd as "backward rednecks." They looked like totally average working class people, nothing more, nothing less.
Dont get me wrong. I think Hollywood will burn before it changes its ways. I just dont think Top Gun is an example of being woke unless you want to make the bar for "woke" be so low as to be useless.
Not really super surprised. While I dont watch all of his streams, I know that he was extremely blackpilled on the future of Canada after their last election and after his run failed to gain even the mildest of traction. So like probably like many a people, he probably said "Fuck it" and fled to a place that at least has a chance to turn around.
The United Kingdom actually has the hardest fight of all with the fact that within their borders is the center of Fabian Socialism and it's political and monetary structures of power.
It really is pretty bad. I was listening the the Lotus Eaters break down the potential new PM's, and they were massively blackpilled over the entire situation. Mostly because their options were either obvious WEF/Fabian stooges, people who talked a big game but buckled under pressure, or various other flavors of Uniparty. And unlike in the US, they dont really have anywhere for the Dissident Right to go. So they believe they are stuck there with no cavalry riding to the rescue.
Scotland may be easier to liberate than Ireland. Scotland isn't advocating for it's own demographic replacement of the Scots,
They arent? I could have sworn that the [still ironically named] Scottish Nationalist Party were some of the most hardcore in that regard in the entire Isles?
Poland, Hungary, and Austria
Did I miss something? Granted, it was from a few years ago, but I thought I remembered Austria being even more cucked to the Globalist order than Germany was. But if they arent, great.
The Fabians and Europhiles might have an iron grip on institutions, but their real power over their populations is genuinely diminishing.
Probably doubly so because there is growing resentment for those institutions. People are becoming increasingly angered by the idea of "rule by expert" like this institutions are trying to cram down on everyone, and everyone is demanding they either be reigned in or failing that razed to the ground. And no one is really willing to listen to the old "But they are traditional!" arguments about these institutions when they went from respected places that everyone loved to the direct cause of making their lives hell. And it doesnt help that the Fabians have literally nothing to rely on except appealing to said institutions that more and more people are starting to ignore.
You're not far off. Its "Spec Ops Man revenges people who killed his team with experimental drugs and then covered it up by offing them" movie. So very generic action movie plotline. But look at that quick blurb again. Can you guess which part they say is the "unhinged right-wing" part?