TentElephant 35 points ago +36 / -1

Considering that the Nazis rightly repressed the predecessors of these people in Weimar, that's a complement.

TentElephant 9 points ago +9 / -0

Bill Gates and George Soros do the same thing. Charities have more power and influence, and it's tax free. The National Defense Industrial Association is, hilariously, a 501c3.

TentElephant 19 points ago +19 / -0

FTX literally popped up 13 days after Biden announced for the presidency. SBF was rubbing shoulders with Tony Blair and other such powerful scum. Ukrainian organizations were directing US funding into FTX, which in turn got sent back to dems and friends. At no point was it ever not a combination ponzi scheme and money laundering operation. It couldn't not collapse eventually.

TentElephant 31 points ago +31 / -0

It was just a ponzi scheme with the backing of globalists because it was designed to funnel money into the right pockets from the start, and it wasn't allowed to collapse until after the midterms for obvious reasons. There isn't much more to it.

TentElephant 18 points ago +18 / -0

Part of the releases about USG's involvement in social media moderation mentioned using third parties to help obfuscate direct government control.

TentElephant 66 points ago +66 / -0

Women will conform to their provider, so women married to the state conform to state. That is the reason feminism is pushed by the regime.

TentElephant 20 points ago +20 / -0

I was told slippery slopes can't real.

TentElephant 6 points ago +6 / -0

Credit to Ed Dutton

TentElephant 7 points ago +7 / -0

I believe the term is spiteful mutant.

TentElephant 25 points ago +25 / -0

The lie of not judging a book by its cover is a modern phenomenon as part of the war on pattern recognition. Your ancestors would have told you that physiognomy is real, even if they wouldn't have necessarily used that word.

TentElephant 10 points ago +11 / -1

Youngkin is peak containment grifter. He started with radical rhetoric then neatly pivoted back into a basic bitch boomercon.

TentElephant 9 points ago +9 / -0

Gender diversity will cover cognitive diversity. Even excluding troons as inherently crazy and the tendency for leftoids to self-diagnose for extra points in the progressive stack, the comorbidty rate of mental disorders in troons almost guarantees they have expert approved clinically insane retards on the team simply by bringing in trannies.

TentElephant 3 points ago +3 / -0

if it wasn't universities would it naturally be some other institution brainwashing them

Absolutely, that's a basic premise of Deleuzian territorialization. There's nothing inherently preventing them from being indoctrinated into nationalism or tradcath or christnat. It would be easier actually because that doesn't require pretending men can be women or drug addled criminals aren't dangerous.

TentElephant 2 points ago +3 / -1

David Frum, CNN, Ben Shapiro, Meghan McCain, and every other regime operative is out in force pushing DeSantis as the antidote to Trump, which should tell you everything. The good news is that will only rile the street brawler in him and get him broaching taboo topics again, such as immigration.

TentElephant 1 point ago +1 / -0

They are also easily disproven by using one's eyes. Leftist ideas can only be sustained in a large chunk of the population by making observable reality socially unacceptable.

TentElephant 8 points ago +8 / -0

"Better" doesn't inherently mean leftism, in fact it is quite the opposite. Only years of intense indoctrination could convince people that their natural instincts and basic pattern recognition are bad. The young are also desperately vying for social status and have been conditioned that best way to achieve that is by being grotesque. Uncle Ted addresses the co-opting of the impulse to rebel better than I can.

TentElephant 39 points ago +39 / -0

Young people tend to be left precisely because the academy brainwashes them. People drift right as they age because they are unplugged from the unrelenting leftward push of schools, although social media now allows a similar level of indoctrination anywhere in the world at all times.

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