But muh White Supremacists Insurrectionists are the problem and deserve the FBI's full attention.
Depends on whether or not theyre dancing because theyre on fire.
Anyone else tired of "Muh both sides"?
If the Right were half as violent and assertive as the Left, we would have a functioning society.
anyone who doesnt bend to the whims of deranged leftists, no matter how milqutoats they are, is a target for them.
You misunderstand.
The guards are there to protect the groomers, not the kids.
Funny because the Catholic Church, even during its sex abuse crises, had levels of sex abuse far below the rest of society at the time.
Seriously, why wasnt Stonewall completely crushed and homo-open season declared?
They were the ones doing the rioting, after all.
Imagine rewarding violent felons with more freedoms.
Turns out that the evil industry that the planet needed saving from was the MSM all along.
We got to see why we shouldnt have let them vote?
Or just let only men who own property(actual property) vote.
What do you expect, when you have a society that does everything in its power to coddle them while also putting them in positions of power and the workforce.
Satan definitely exists, and you cited the exact reasons as to why he's involved with these degenerates (though they dont know it).
Or that he doesnt exist.
Demons are most free to act when no one remembers theyre there.
That just means theyre legitimately Satanic.
They deny God, as Satan wants.
They worship themselves, as Satan wants.
They oppose Christ's Message, as Satan wants.
They spread wickedness, as Satan wants.
But perhaps most importantly, they deny Satan himself exists, which is precisely what he wants in a society he doesnt completely control yet.
A majority of "Republican" Politicians support sodomite marriage. If you forcibly polled Republican voters (Even the newer ones who left the DNC because it got too crazy), you would likely find out that support for LGBTQWERTY is rapidly dropping, just as it is among Gen Z.
"Family Friendly" public fetish displays.
Wasnt there a literal troon summer camp in that state too?
Only EA could say two contradictory things in the same advert and think it was good marketing.
Because a baby shouldnt be punished for the crimes of either of its parents.
And the fact that abortion in the case of rape and all the other exceptions they used to normalize abortion are so rare as to be nearly non-existent.
Maybe the USA was the Great Satan all along.
At this rate, black Hitler wont be a meme anymore.
Which seems to be at least 75% of them if not higher.
"do what you want in the bedroom" has always been a lolbertarian cope. It will never stay there.
Vlad the Impaler in charge of Catholic Theocracy.
That or a system where citizens get to determine where their taxes are allocated on tax day instead of voting. This way there be no need for voting and all the political division that comes with it. If you want the government to do something , pay more taxes. If you find something the government does reprehensible, simply allocate your money to other things instead. No one would have to pay for anything they didnt want (though a baseline of taxes would go to whoever ensures the money goes to where it needs to as well as a skeleton military solely for the purpose of defense.)
They lose when people realize being a homophobe is always the correct choice.
Nietzsche was right on many things, which is why its a shame why everyone gets his philosophy so terribly wrong.
Its pretty telling that the people you find citing him most are edgy atheists and nihilists when he despised both atheism and nihilism.