StaticNoise2 2 points ago +2 / -0

It wasnt necessarily about the freshness, which is true for certain things, but more about if the seasonings are seperated into individual ones throughout the cooking process, then they percieve it as not seasoning because they werent all combined.

Salt is salt, parika is paprika but the point is this talking point comes from the perception that not shaking a spicy shaker onto your food means you dont season your food.

India is probably the top of the chain in terms of seasoned, spicy food and yet you dont see them shaking tobasco sauce and laurys onto their curry.

StaticNoise2 20 points ago +20 / -0

Yeah, as this woman who got attacked as being racist on Tiktok or instagram or whatever pointed out, those spice mixtures that have a bunch of spices together...shaking that onto your food isn't the only (and this doesn't even need to be said because it's obvious) or even the best way to season your food.

They'll look at a white person who makes a meal who uses all the fresh ingredients like garlic, onion, salt, parsely, paprika, seperately, but because they're not shaking it out from a plastic shaker, we're not seasoning food.

No, that cooking with all those fresh ingredients is the better form of the shaking the dried ingredients onto dishes.

The girl who's a cook pointing this out that when you cook with fresh herbs and spices, that's the seasoning step, so you don't need to shake seasonings on to the food, and when she made that video pointing it out, she got called racist. She never mentioned any race by the way. She just plainly stated that using fresh ingredients is seasoning.

StaticNoise2 7 points ago +7 / -0

Yeah, I hate that crap.

Anyone who says unalive, I stop watching their video. If you care about monetization that badly then you might as well just make toy reviews for children like Irate gamer did with Puppet steve.

Clearly talking about current day events is not your calling if you're self-censoring and saying "unalive" or "deletion" or whatever else.

Look, there's one thing with FCC rules that keep things from getting too profane. Most radio jocks abide by that. But the thing is you don't really notice the censorship because it just keeps the most extreme things in check. If you listen to old Opie and Anthony clips, you can't believe that this was on public radio for anyone to hear with advertisers. Totally different type of guidelines. They had censorship they had to abide by, but it was such a politically incorrect time that you didn't even notice the censorship.

If like on Youtube you can actually notice in real time the kindergarten replacement words that they're abiding by that get stricter each and every month, you know you're in Soviet territory.

You shouldn't be able to spot guidelines.

Like Futurama. The seasons before they moved to Adult Swim and could be more TV-MA were the best and funniest seasons. You never got the sense that the creators were ham-strung on Fox.

That's how limits should work. Enough to limit degeneracy, but not so overbearing that it's noticeable and limits creativity, freedom, expression art and creates an environment of fear.

StaticNoise2 1 point ago +1 / -0

If you type the exact title of the video in Youtube, it will not show up, or at least wasn't yesterday. Many of the comments confirm this. I haven't checked today. You had to type the channel name and then find it that way.

I found it because it was shared on Twitter. That's how most people are finding it. It's being shared widely on Twitter, Reddit, etc.

The views are because it's going viral on other platforms where people are linking it. Those views are in spite of the fact that Youtube hides it from the search, not because of it.

StaticNoise2 5 points ago +5 / -0

I haven't and will not watch the Fallout show. What did they do to the Brotherhood of Steel? I'm almost afraid to ask

StaticNoise2 4 points ago +4 / -0

Better Call Saul, as well as the Breaking Bad sequel movie El Camino. Better Call Saul put in some irritating things in the last season, but relatively speaking managed to be what I imagine will go down in history as the last non-woke show unless this country changes drastically in the future.

Bloodshot from 2020 starring Vin Diesel has some stuff I don't like, like some clear diversity casting, but it is not about anything except being fun and entertaining, and there is really no "message" being pushed. It shocked me and my mom when we watched it that it was as entertaining as it was and was just a fun movie that wasn't pushing anything. It really is worth watching. It feels more like a movie you'd see in a theater in like 2008 rather than 2020 in terms of just being pure Blockbuster, popcorn entertainment.

There was a short period in the 2020s where Family Guy might have still been edgy and not politically correct. I haven't watched in like 2 years or so as I saw the direction it was going; but around 2014 or 2015 or so Family Guy got way better and the writers were semi based and they had a good run up until recently that I'd consider their best and funniest episodes they ever made.

Edit: Just confirmed, it is 2014 with the season 13. I think there was a changeup in the writers room after the show started getting negative backlash like replacing Brian with that mafiosa dog, and the new writers went back to edgy jokes and even poking fun of woke culture. I can't say exactly when this golden age ended, but like I said, I started seeing it gradually get woker, and my concept of time is totally screwed up anymore, but it's possible there were a few good seasons in the early 2020s and 2019.

StaticNoise2 4 points ago +4 / -0

I agree. I saw a comment on Geeks and Gamers postive review pointing out a similar thing you're saying about how "nerd culture" people have no will power and will buy and praise something for being 5% less woke than normal, so I decided not to give Disney a dime. I ain't seeing it even if people were saying it was the greatest movie ever.

People are retards when it comes to judging movie quality anymore anyways. Everyone praised "Spiderman: No Way Home" up and down, saying it was a return to Marvel's glory days. I thought it was one of the most retarded, worst movie experiences I've ever had.

StaticNoise2 16 points ago +16 / -0

This is not actually about that man who pretends he's a woman by being a transvestite. That topic is it's own thing.

Everyone already knows and weighs in on that. The point is people always go "MrBeast is a good person though who doesn't do anything wrong". I've always gotten the sense from him like I did about Ellen.

When someone tries to run on "I'm such a nice, inoffensive person" it sets off alarm bells for me.

I also always noticed the people who get prizes are so very "millenial". They're never some blue collar construction worker drinking a six pack of beer on his break. It's all very pod person, the same type of people winning.

This video confirms what I always suspected about Mr Beasts videos.

StaticNoise2 31 points ago +31 / -0

He was making this video before all that stuff came up. He addresses that he has another part coming out about that specifically.

But this is significant because MrBeast is seen by people as mother Theresa, just perfectly selfless, when the reality is, the money he gives away are to his already rich friends; he promotes gambling to children making promises that they could be the one winning, when reality is the people chosen aren't random, the outcomes aren't random, he claims his videos aren't faked and this guy systematically dismantles that and shows many examples of fakery. He runs illegal sweepstakes, etc.

StaticNoise2 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah, I abandoned the MRA's as soon as I realized they were not traditionalists and on one of their podcasts they were saying brony hate was sexist against men, and how they would never recogonize men and women are different and as such there should be different roles and expectations. They still as you say were liberals and bought into that.

But many of what someone like Karen Straughn says in her youtube channel is useful to show people the true nature of feminism.

Unfortunately culture critics are so preoccupied with all the current modern bullcrap that they are woefully inadequate and uneducated on the topic of feminism. (See Matt Walsh for example).

Understanding feminism is like your basic arethmatic and people today are trying to figure out calculus (modern wokeness) while skipping basic arithmatic. This is why those channels focused on the evils if feminism are a must in that without that proper understanding, its like skipping boot camp and heading straight into war.

StaticNoise2 3 points ago +3 / -0

Ah, gotcha, yeah I didn't know that. To be fair, hindsight is 20/20 as well. There's things my parents did that they thought were in the best interest that they say, we wish we didn't do that.

And they're Christians.

Elon was until recently basically a typical pretty liberal guy, and still isn't a Christian. Events like these are what helped him wake up and regret can be a powerful motivator to not repeat mistakes.

StaticNoise2 10 points ago +11 / -1

How do we know he didn't?

My grandma and grandpa were faithful believers in Jesus. Only one of their 3 children are Christian. One is a far left "unitarian", the other goes to methodist church that doesn't teach the Bible and there doesn't seem to be evidence of faith, and my dad is a strong Christian believer.

You can be the best parent in the world and that's no guarantee that your children will turn out well.

It's your responsibility to raise your children correctly, but the children have responsibility to listen and take the good advice too. And some children have the intent to do evil.

We have many stories in the Bible of moral fathers who had one child that was godly and another who was not. Jacob and Esau for example, sons of Isaac.

With Elon, he's not a Christian so by nature he couldn't give the best guidance compared to if he had them in the word of God, but without knowing way more than we know, there's no reason to assume he encouraged this path.

Some kids would prefer to receive the approval of the woke culture over the approval of their parents and no matter what you say or do, the will of that child to go their own way can't be stopped.

StaticNoise2 13 points ago +13 / -0

Do you understand how the courts and child custody work?

As much as you guys rag on Impossible1, some of you could use some educating from him.

85% of what he says is completely true. It's just he takes things too far and comes to wrong conclusions with that last 15%.

Look up GirlWritesWhat aka Karen Straugn, and 6oodfella and watch their videos and then you'll understand feminism and what rights men actually have in this country particularly when it comes to their children vs their wives.

StaticNoise2 3 points ago +3 / -0

Agreed. I can't believe he's still a thing.

I saw some of that Boogie2298 cancer drama coverage and saw that Destiny was on these streams and people were acting like it was a big deal and I just don't get it.

StaticNoise2 22 points ago +22 / -0

I know it sounds like an SJW thing to say, but you cannot have a competent debate with someone who truly holds leftist values.

I know this paints with a broad brush like reddit's "All cops are bad" or "all white people are implicitly white supremacist", but in the case of leftists it's true, for the same reason Scientologists don't engage in debates, or Mormons.

Because when a belief is completely outside of reality, the person holding that belief falls into 1 of 2 categories.

  1. The ignorant and the blind, who when faced with countering viewpoints, would rather just shut the whole thing down with rhetoric and cognitive dissonance rather than face some uncomfortable truths. Many on the left fall into this category which is why they don't typically engage with conservatives despite us being more than willing to engage with them.

  2. People who are not ignorant, but rather intelligently and with full knowledge embrace the ideology with all of its' radical insanity. Why they do this could be many things. Maybe there's something they think some sort of communist revolution will get them. Maybe they hate America and want to see it fall. Maybe they're anti-Christian and want an "anything goes" pagan morality to be the law of the land. There's many reasons, but everyone who falls into this category has theirs, or maybe a combination of reasons.

Someone "coming across the aisle" to have some sort of debate, does not fall into the first category. If an ideology is cultish enough, which the leftist ideology is at this point, then anyone even giving the impression of reason rather than insulation falls into option 2, and it's just a matter of how well they hide it.

Now are there exceptions that prove the rule? Very possible, but I've yet to see them.

political differences can be discussed and engaged with such as "what's the best way to fix infrastructure problems, how do we decrease the national debt, how do we get unemployment down, etc". But once a political party starts saying that men can get pregnant and that there should be drag queen story hour for children, you've left the arena of intelligence and reason and entered into the realm of a cult, and the engagement with a cult is totally different. There's no reasoning with Jim Jones adherents or the Manson family. The only thing you can do with cultists is try to shake them until they sober up and if that fails, you ban them from polite society. There's no debate or reasoning to be had with genuine cultists.

StaticNoise2 23 points ago +23 / -0

I don't know why the right ever thought Destiny was moderate or a "more rational leftist".

To me he is exactly like that atheist "The cosmic skeptic". If you watch debates with older atheists, there will be times where atheists will concede points because they have actual viewpoints that they're willing to say yes or no to.

With cosmic skeptic, he gets held up as a new more rational atheist because he seems like he listens more by not having a hard and fast opinion, but what he's really doing is just not standing on any point so that no point can ever be conceded while conducting himself like a "reasoned intellectual". This gives the impression of more intelligence, rationality and level-headedness, but it's really just intellectual cowardness so that the goal post can always be moved and all roads lead to "I'm right".

Destiny, I got the same sense from him. He presented like a good faith engage-r, but I noticed he too was just a weasley wormy vaush-lite that takes a position only to the extent where he doesn't have to concede anything.

I never got the sense that he was moderate, and his opinions were never intelligent. I'm not sure why the right thought he was decent.

Again, I've always seen him as Vaush-lite. Basically if Vaush cared about optics, you'd have Destiny.

StaticNoise2 2 points ago +2 / -0

I watched that. Razorfist reacted to it. That's like with the Anthony Cumia thing. If there's someone who can bring some personality to it that takes the edge off, I can sit through it. I am kept up on things by listening to Anthony Cumias show because his takes are hilarious and spot-on most of the time. His filtering of it through his funny personality takes away a lot of that rage I would feel if I just read the headlines and articles myself.

Likewise I saw the Trump Biden debate because Razorfist streamed it.

I'm not completely checked out, but when I was on The Donald going through article after article, headline after headline, I became despondent every time.

And for what? I wasn't fixing the world doing that, I was only harming myself.

StaticNoise2 9 points ago +9 / -0

Yeah, I honestly wouldn't know. I check out from news pretty much anymore. Even here, I'll see only major things cause for the sake of my own mental health, I try not to read too much or I get black-pilled/despairing, or I'll hear about things from Anthony Cumia's show, but that's about it.

Some people can handle more depressing, enraging crap. I've got to limit it. I don't check out or bury my head in the sand; but I'll depress myself into complete despondent non-productivity if I see EVERYTHING that's going on at all times in this craziness.

StaticNoise2 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's been a long time since I've seen it. I'll rewatch it relatively soon since I haven't seen it in forever and I'll tell you what I think.

StaticNoise2 7 points ago +7 / -0

How does that change it? The writers wrote that part too.

They intentionally made the one black character the only one who is not a scumbag and tries to help the hero while all the other chracters, all white are evil except the protagonist.

And something about Ghost Rider is he can see your sins and can sense evil. He wasn't just saying you did a good deed right there so I'm letting you off the hook. He was saying, "you're not guilty or a criminal unlike the rest in here"

StaticNoise2 17 points ago +17 / -0

Yeah, unfortunately, the SJW's succeeding in getting me to view entertainment the way they view it in most cases. "Everything is political". Well no it wasn't....but thanks for being so deranged and persistent with your propaganda that I can't hardly watch anything anymore like a normal person and now watch it like a friggin woke college activist seeing devils behind every bush. It's pretty impressive actually. For as impotent as we've called SJW's they've pretty well succeeded in forcing a biased pair of glasses on our faces. We come from complete opposite directions ideologically, but they have succeeded in ruining even past, good entertainment in a lot of ways just like they were hoping.

StaticNoise2 33 points ago +33 / -0

One thing ive noticed with films of the 1970s is they were big on blasphemy.

1970s was more overtly blasphemous in movies than even today in many cases. Take a simple adventure movie like Poseiden Adventure and the anti-God theme is a heavy element weaved throughout the picture.

Clockwork Orange has some of the most blasphemous stuff Ive ever seen.

It seems because the 70s had some of the least studio interference, the artists tended towards that a lot when given free reign. The 80s and onward after Star Wars got more profit focused and a lot of that overt blasphemy in movies went away.

One other interesting example in the 60s is Planet of the Apes. The average person will tell you that its a racial allegory.

Surprisingly when I watched it, thats not even really a theme. The actual plot and theme is a pro evolution, anti-Christian plot.

The theme all throughout the first planet of the apes is that Charleton Heston saying what humans are challenges the apes religion and supports the few "brave ape scientists" who have been doubting the ape religion and pushing for the theory of evolution. Towards the end of the movie the religious apes even admit they knew that humans evolved from apes but wouldnt let that knowledge be known or else it would have destroyed their position of power.

Bizarrely the Planet of the Apes has little to do with slavery and racial allegories as it's made out, and far more to do with pushing a "Christians are suppressing science and denying evolution" message.

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