Something happened, and I think it was the internet where people didn't realize that the stuff that was being promoted as "funny" was probably being made popular by literal 6th graders. Like if you saw them in person, you'd go, what retarded 6th grade humor, but because everyone's anonymous on the internet, humor devolved into whoever spent the most time on it and normies think that that's comedy now because "the crowds can't be wrong".
In the past, even non-funny people never were intentionally cringe like this stuff. Go look at talk shows from the 90s or whatever.
I think the stuff that people think is funny and is "modern culture" if they could look through the monitor screens and see the type of person who actually finds this stuff legitimately funny/is creating this stuff and isn't just going along with the 99% of the population, they'd just about die from second-hand embarrassment.
Can I get a higher quality version of that video somewhere? I don't know which one this is on his youtube channel.
I can't share this version because it's so pixelated.
Hot ones with sean evans. People don't recogonize first we feast, but they're more recogonizable by the show they produced. I wouldn't expect you to know "first we feast" but I'm sure you've seen or heard of Hot ones where celebrities eat increasingly spicy hot wings while being asked questions.
This is the guy who took jobs away from midgets who would have had a nice payday in Snow White and the 7 dwarves because roles like that are "offensive", which is easy for him to say from where he stands as a multi-millionaire already established.
Potentially life changing or career changing roles, gets bullied into being made CGI because he wants to virtue signal.
Now, that movie is a piece of crap and would have bombed anyways, but that doesn't change the fact that he ripped the paycheck from their tiny little hands for the sake of his ideology.
*Spongebob Narrator voice: ~Two Hours Later~
"Here's why white men not going to this movie is proof that more needs to be done to end systemic racism"
Yeah, it came out really well
Oh well, I'll figure it out eventually. Thanks for checking!
Classic, it was brilliant to use Vincent Price.
Much appreciated!
Thank you, I should have linked it
Update: I just screenshotted this without even watching the video. Hilariously the video is a guy with Trump Derangement Syndrome saying the video went viral because "Trump making America such a tense place and this was a goofy non-judgemental skit".
I wasn't going to watch the video because I couldn't be bothered, but I started scrolling the comments and seeing people say "This is TDS on full display", so I had to check it out myself and fast forwarded to get to his "reasoning" and saw that that's what he said.
So the reason the most cringeworthy, 1st grade level of humor, second hand-embarrassment giving sketch ever performed went viral is because orange man bad.
Not even joking. Managed to stumble onto some gold accidentally.
I know that Jews consider Gentiles sub-human.
Muslims kill Christians for being Infedels, Communists kill Christians for being subversive to the state, black people want whitey to be killed and view them as the devil.
Welcome to the whole world of unbelievers who dont have the Holy Spirit.
Why Jews get singled out is a Spiritual issue that ignores much of the Bible to justify their anti-Israel stance which is a spiritually dangerous stance.
The anti-Christ and his army will be gathered against Israel in Gog and Magog at armageddon.
Paul explains in Romans 9 I believe that Gods covenant promise with Israel is not nullified and there will be a repenting and restoration of the Jews and Israel will be vindicated against its enemies and that gentile believers shouldnt be conceited about our current position lest we be cut off of the branches that we were grafted on to.
The liberal atheistic academic "progressive" Jews are also anti-Zionist and pro Palestine.
The orthodox conservative Jews who are pro-Israel also tend to be pro Trump and pro semi-decency.
What you're seeing with the super woke anti-white American Jews is the same commie mind infection that has its grips on every group who belongs to the "elites".
Yet Jew and Israel haters lump them in as if theyre the same group.
That'd be like disparaging white people because of white effeminate faggy antifa college soyboys.
Since this site has driven away anyone who has the opinion i have, I'll say this for the sake of someone who might also feel discoyraged seeing all the Jew and Israel hatred.
I support Israel and the Jews.
Israel is the only nation on earth where they can be surrounded by enemies on all sides hell bent on their destruction, and if Israel causes their enemy to scratch their knee in retaliation, they get chastised for not accepting their destruction with passive dignity. Im sick of it. None of you would oppose sending funding to Taiwan who is being threatened by China.
Listen to the song the neighborhood bully....this has been the case for a while.
And here's the lyrics
Owl3D using the new "depth anything v2" model.
I then use a fusion node in davinci that makes things pop a bit more and adds to the 3D a bit, by popping texture, sharpening slightly and darkening on half of the image by a small amount giving the eye the ability to discern things better.
I intend to do that. Been really sick last few days, and about to go to sleep again, but will probably do that tomorrow.
Unfortunately it’s because of a copyright claim by UGM.
I can’t do anything about it
Yes, I made it. All ripped from blu rays we have. Took a long time.
Then the 3D conversion once all the clips are put together.
Much appreciated!
You can view it with those old school 3D glasses, a VR device (if you don't have Quest with the native Youtube app, what you can do is download the video using a youtube downloader and load it up in something like Bigscreen or Virtual Desktop and watch it with full color in SBS format.
Also most devices will allow you to toggle the 3D off and just watch it in 2D if you want.
It's sourced from 101 movies and I like to think of it as ASMR for non-soyboys.
Your wish is my command
Rayman 2 is their best game in my opinion. Never played Zombie U.
I did enjoy Far Cry 3, Far Cry 5 and Assassins Creed black Flag even though they are in that same Ubisoft mold.
Far Cry 4 world design where everything was blocked by mountains you had to climb made that one suck in my opinion
Good, seriously good.
If their reaction is the tipping point, the straw that breaks the camel's back for just one leftist man, or woman who decides they're fed up with the lefts negativity....then them screeching like harpies is music to my ears.