"oh my gosh, this is like the most wholesome thing ever"

"Wow, this is literally so wholesome"

It is such a feminine, faggy word, particularly in how it's used.

Don't have much more to say than that....It's a word that over the past 4 or so years has gotten more and more frequent and I feel like I've become 1% gayer every time I see it....which means I'm up to 672% gay now I think.


I've seen Meat Canyon and every once in a while I'll give in to morbid curiosity and hate watch some of his videos.

His videos are disturbing and intentionally disgusting, but on top of that, and this is the thing I don't see anyone ever talking about with him, is you can tell he is about as far left as possible. You can always tell how he'll portray a person or situation based on his leftism. When it's the Johnny Depp trial vs Amber Heard, Amber Heard is portrayed as a victim and all the people wanting Amber Heard to be brought to justice as a raging celebrity obsessed mob that just wants to attack a woman because they love pirates of the carribean.

In one video about that fat streamer who would rage at peoples insults, the video is about how the fat streamer is so fat that he creates a black hole that sucks the entire world into it. On it's own, no problem, but the problem comes when you look at his video about Nikado Avocado. Now that guy is 10X cringier than that aforementioned streamer, so you'd expect that he'd really mock his fatness right?

No, it's the rare "sympathetic" video, where the cartoon makes a point to show him caressing the picture of his "boyfriend" and how he's trapped in this mukbang prison where there's no escape and he wants to get out, but everything turns to a grey mushy food paste. Again, because Nickado is gay, he portrays him as a more sympathetic character.

He has the usual targets; "Karen's", people who are pro patriotism, pro masculinity, etc.

There's also some severely blasphemous stuff, like where a guy goes to Pawn stars with a live Jesus suffering on the cross and the Pawn stars people proceed to "test if it's the real Jesus by putting a spear in his side while He's still alive" for example.

Basically if you look at Meat Canyons videos with that eye in terms of who the subject is and how they're portrayed, you will notice pretty quickly that he is totally against all that is good and decent. Yes he makes horror that's meant to gross out and that is in every video, but you can see his agenda at full display in the way that he does it.

Same with the TikTok banning video where the TikTok founder is just a confused innocent Chinese man where all the congressional Americans are gross witch-hunters who are jealous that their own weird videos aren't viral.


Get a good comedian who's conservative like Nick Dipaolo to write a parody of their interview and keep him on for all future things Kamala and Walz does. Make it an actually funny version of modern SNL.

For those who don't know, Nick Dipaolo is the guy who writes a good chunk of Greg Guttfield's jokes. He's what Bill Burr would be if Bill Burr wasn't a self hating white guilt liberal.


I don't watch the Olympics or sports in general, just from the memes of me learning stuff like the breakdancing girl, the guy shooting with no protection, which was cool, don't get me wrong, the guy beating up the woman in boxing, the Dutch pedophile, the drag queen mockery of the Last Supper. It's almost like a culmination point of so many woke religion ideologies manifesting in their absurd clown world ways.

As a Christian who believes there's the Spiritual warfare that's always happening as it says in Ephesians, I'm inclined to believe this was intentional, whether many of the participants know it or not.

As an example, the High priest Caiaphas unknowingly prophecised something spiritual when he said better for one man to die for the sake of the nation than for the people to perish, when in his mind he thought he was saying something pragmatic.

Likewise I feel like the Olympics with how absurd they are in so many ways, is like a demonic ritual where many of those participating are believing they're just being "progressive" and "woke" unaware of the spiritual (evil spiritual in this case) role that they're playing.


If you're like me, you lack the self control to not occasionally click on a Youtube short despite them always being just lowest denominator junk. Or if it's twitter sometimes they'll be TikToks. One thing I noticed is all or almost all of them have text saying what the person said, but also that they will have a blatant error of the text not matching what the person said. Not just a minor spelling error, but a completely different word.

For instance this one https://www.youtube.com/shorts/g4tVsh1auDY

where the guy says "they should be under the jail" and the text says "out of the jail". I noticed they all do this. I first chocked it up to an illiterate and uneducated generation, but then I realized the tactic.

If the Youtube short has 2000 comments, I bet you like 300 of those comments are correcting that word "mistake". So that's 300 free comments to boost engagement.

These are the types of tactics that I don't know how these "content creators" sleep at night. It's so dishonest. Dishonest money can't be satisfying. I'm far on the personality type where doing anything dishonest or snake-oily is like a thing that makes me feel sick. I have plenty of faults, but lack of integrity or dishonesty isn't really one of them. I'm probably more rigid than even the average person in this area, so it's something that especially gets under my skin.


I don't know if you remember that famous story that went around when Hugh Laurie supposedly auditioned for House and the director or casting director goes "we need a good all-American actor" and Hugh Laurie did the voice he did on House and the director was like "finally, an all American actor".

I'm calling it that that story is bullcrap.

  1. He does what all British actors do when they try to do an American accent....they sort of mumble talk. See Idris Elba in the Wire for example.

That's all Hugh Laurie did throughout that show, is talk in this voice that doesn't project or speak boldly, but do this low sort of grumble voice. It's like a person who can't hit certain notes in singing so sort of half does it at those parts of the song.

  1. No one talks like the director or casting director in that story. "Finally, an all American midwestern type actor"

  2. No one was aware of Hugh Laurie? I know he wasn't a star or well known over here, but these were Hollywood people and not one person on the set goes "hey, that's a guy who was co-star in a fairly popular British TV show and someone who appeared in other popular British TV shows.

You're telling me no one at all knew who he was or was a watcher of British TV...in Hollywood?!? I could understand if this was some random small town, but this was a Hollywood production. I've worked at regular jobs where Americans are really into British TV shows and culture, much less Hollywood.

Anyways, I have just wanted to get that off my chest. That's one of those things that makes for a good story, but seems like such bullcrap on any analysis. It's like those "and then everyone clapped" stories.


If you're like me, it's depressing to wake up and realize the greatest of months, pride month is now over. I feel a wave of depression coming over me that even banning people in my subreddits/Discord servers doesn't seem to fix.

At least pride month can forever live in our hearts


Someone in the gaming section the other day mentioned how Youtube was over once normies realized they could make money on it.

I agreed and elaborated. But I want to know something. That fake, overly enthusiastic, faggy way of talking they all do...how and why did they arrive there? How and why did the normies go "that....being a retarded faggot and talking like one...that's the gold rush boys!!!"

I want to know the progression.

When I was watching early youtube, the popular people had edge, were raw, and were usually ranty and negative, like most talking heads usually are, because that's far more entertaining to watch. A funny bitter guy like Anthony Cumia is 1000x more interesting than an Ellen Degeneras with her insincerity.

So what the heck made the faggy youtube voice/personality the golden ticket in the minds of normies? What was that pipeline that led there?


Woke was and is a good word, but I find that the left too easily dismiss you if you use the word woke. They just immediately erect a mental strawman image of you and go "oh you're one of those who still cries about wokeness".

Now I'm not saying stop using the word woke. If you abandoned every word that the left tried to recontexualize, you'd have no words left.

But I do think using the word political correctness needs to start being used again more. It's been largely abandoned in favor of woke, but saying someone is being politically correct has an advantage over woke. It's pointed and all people know that being politically correct is stuffy and lame.

I hear them go "woke is just a code word for someone who actually has empathy".

I've yet to hear them justify the term politically correct. It makes the person being called politically correct feel prudish in a way that calling them woke doesn't. If you call them woke, they sometimes wear that as a badge feeling like it makes them a champion of "justice".

When you call someone out for being politically correct, it's still got that lame quality that even the perpetually lame left hasn't been able to spin into a positive because unlike woke, you're not just saying they have upside down values. You're saying they have upside down values and they're a tiptoeing, pussyfooting, coward who adheres to strict lanes out of obedience. With being called woke they can still justify that that's who they authentically are. But if you say they're being politically correct, you're taking it a step further and pointing to them that if it weren't for society encouraging them to say exactly what they said in the exact way you're supposed to say it; they wouldn't be saying it; ie they're a drone.


Hollywood has always been primarily been made up in the powerful positions of Jews.

And yet in prior decades, there was plenty of good white role models in films and even politically incorrect jokes aimed at minorities.

Now everyone, whether they be white, Jewish, black, Indian, middle eastern, if they're in a powerful position, they attack white people.

So did Jews who produced movies like Rocky, it's a wonderful life, and other good uplifting movies with non-Jewish actors suddenly become insanely evil enacting an anti-white agenda recently.

People blame the Jews because they are a small group occupying powerful positions. So what? Jews are good with money, work hard, have a higher average IQ and hire based according to their own interests. That's how it should be. I wish white people were like that. We hire against our interests. And many Jews like all the powerful people are anti-white.

But I think that has more to do with the power and less to do with the Jewishness.

In China they persecute Christians and there's very few Jews there.

In Mexico the police will extort you if you're white especially and there's not a ton of Jews there. In the middle east they'll kill you if you're Christian and depending on the country there's not a lot of Jews there.

I think instead, it's a modern spiritual demonic attack aimed at destroying Christian values. Jews happen to be in a lot of powerful positions in America, but it's not like the non-Jews aren't heartily and happily applauding the destruction of white demographics.

Again, why would Jews in the 80s or earlier have good white role models in TV and movies? Why would the Andy Griffith show exist in a world where Jews are by default against white people? Has something changed with them in particular that hasn't changed with society at large since then?


I'm, for the first time, reading the 1970s - 1980s Marvel Star Wars comics. You know the ones with that infamous green rabbit.

I love that type of sci fi, in that buck rogers in the 25th century or Flash Gordon vein. The 70s and early 80s nailed that vibe and it's a hard one to describe exactly.

Most sci fi especially comics it seems when you search for it is dreary or is trying to make a statement. That's not what I want. I want space opera/pulpy/fun. And if it came out in the 70s and 80s that would be ideal. I find that modern people who try to replicate old mindsets aren't usually very successful and you can detect the modernity even in subtle ways.

I thought about asking "Askscored" but since KotakuinAction is more involved in the geek/nerd sphere I figured some of you would be knowledgeable about comics.


Based was a thing those on the right would say.

Now I see leftists and normies calling anything they like based.

And it's actually caught on and it's been thoroughly co-opted. Here's the thing though, it's not because they ran a successful campaign to get it to catch on. The left has been trying to co-opt snowflake and red-pilled for years and can never make headway. We all just laugh when we see the left trying to call someone with righteous indignation a snowflake.

There are two reasons based caught on.

  1. It wasn't that good to begin with. Unlike snowflake which is targeted and specific, and you pretty much get the picture immediately, based never made any sense. Even looking it up didn't provide much clarity. It would be something about some rapper or something called basedgod or something? I don't know. The point is, it was lame to begin with.

  2. Because it was so vague, the right barely knew what it meant, and the leftists and normies definitely don't know what it means, especially nowadays. It's not like snowflake where they know exactly what it means and they hate it. No one really knows what based means, nor ever did. It was inevitable that a retarded ebonics lexicon would find itself diluted into the sea of retarded ebonics lexicon'.

The right has had some great and pointed terms through the years. Red-pilled, NPC, Snowflake, etc. Based was not one of our better efforts. It was always lame.

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