There's several ways.
3D Anaglyph glasses. Those retro red/blue 3D glasses. Dirt cheap on Amazon.
VR natively through quests youtube app.
VR in non quest headsets by downloading the video with something like 4K Downloader.
There's some 3D TV's out there that this would work on
There's 3D tablets that don't require glasses, think how the 3DS does it but much better.
Well, I exaggerated, but I have always disliked Disney even before they were woke.
There's just some quality to their movies that have always made me not a fan.
Yeah, their adaption was probably mostly decent. The quibble I mentioned was probably the most egregious as that's the one that stuck out to me and I remembered, but I've got a thing of disliking Disney movies, even pre-woke era anyways so I'm not a reliable assessor on its objective quality.
Had no idea about it til now. If I was ever in any danger of watching it, I'd be more angry. It's gonna be garbage, and I'll probably see Critical Drinker or someone rip it up, but modern movies, it might as well be like Bollywood or something to me. Pretty much 50s-90s is my sweet spot.
A few early 2000s movies, but I just pretty much stick with discovering movies I haven't seen from the past nowadays.
Haha for sure, and appreciate it!
BBC doesn't block this, so I could upload the entirety to Youtube, as well as anyone else can it seems as many people have this movie uploaded on their channels.
No forced "diversity", there's no woke values, it's a faithful adaption of C.S Lewis' book with the gospel message in tact. Is it any wonder why the BBC doesn't care to claim this movie?
Regarding the Disney abomination, after I read the Chronicles of Narnia about 5 or so years ago, and having grown up with this version and swearing I'd never watch the Disney version, I caved and just wanted to see how they adapted it.
They pretty much secularized it.
The instance I remember is in the BBC adaption, it faithfully has the line from the book when the curse of winter is going away something like "Aslan's presence is bringing hope back to the world" or something like that.
Well in the Disney movie the line goes "The children have brought hope back to the land".
Aslan of course being an allegory for Jesus, they turned a story that is Christ-centric to humanist-centric.
That was the one that I remember, but I remember just being left with a bad taste in my mouth after having read the book recently.
Yes, that's what's amazing about the gospel, but the redemption from damnation could not happen without several things
An unblemished lamb that is sacrficed and is sinless
Someone who could fit the role of kinsman redeemer and would substitute for man
Someone who is holy because His sacrifice covers sins against an eternal, infinite God
From the very beginning of sin, there was a blood sacrifice. After Adam and Eve sinned, God killed either one or two animals and covered their nakedness with the clothing/fur.
So from the beginning we have sin, and covering with sacrifice.
The Bible says that without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins. The reason is that life is in the blood and sin is death.
All throughout the old testament they were waiting on a savior, and a savior who was prophecised all the way back in Genesis after the fall, that a descendant of the woman would come to defeat the serpant and the curse that is on this world (death entered the world because of man's rebellion and worse still, spiritual death ie; hell)
So all throughout the old testament, they were sacrificing animals, throughout the year, but the most important sacrificial day was the day of atonement which covered all the sins you did that year, including ones you didn't know about, where the high priest would sacrifice an unblemished lamb for the sake of the whole people of Israel.
Now Hebrews tells us that the blood of bulls and goats is impossible to take away sins....If it could, Jesus wouldn't have had to come and the sacrifices would have continued. But these sacrifices were the Jews actually, without realizing it, putting their faith in the once and for all sacrifice that was to come, that was Jesus.
Jesus fulfilled all the prophecies, all the requirements to take away sins, and lived a sinless life, where as fully God and fully man, His death acted as the one sacrifice to take away the sin of the world.
Now the Jews expected the savior to come and rule in an earthly sense, and the things Jesus was saying were about the kingdom of God and went against the self-righteous religious order of the pharisees and they unknowningly fulfilled the prophecy by killing Him. The first believers were Jews, but most Jews didn't believe. The gospel was more widely accepted by the Gentiles.
As it says, the gospel is foolisheness to the Gentiles, and a stumbling block to the Jews.
It's a stumbling block to the Jews because they had become so conditioned to thinking they were justified by following the law well enough, when the reality is the law was meant to show you how sinful you are and unable to meet God's holy standard and seek mercy. That's why putting your faith in Jesus was a stumbling block to the Jews who had wildly different expectations of the savior and are still looking for the savior to come, only He came 2000 years ago, and when He comes back it will be as a warrior to judge the world.
Why Jesus is the greatest gift is, He didn't have to do what He did.
It would be like you or I dying for the sake of saving Kamala Harris' life, or Joe Biden's life, only times a billion.
The Bible says, few people would die for a friend and a good man, but none would die for an enemy, yet that's what Jesus did. We are and were enemies of God without His grace and mercy. So He stepped out of heaven, endured humiliation, mockery, physical, mental and spiritual pain, and was seperated from God for a time, when He had not been seperated for all of eternity past....can you imagine the darkness He experienced on the cross when He had been in perfect unity with the Trinity for all eternity past, and was now bearing the weight of the sins of all mankind, and taking on the wrath of God?
That's why He called out "Father, why have You forsaken me?".
He did this all for enemies.
So you cannot separate Christ from the redemption from damnation and actually Jesus Christ is so much more profound to behold than merely not going to Hell.
He today in the form He is in right now, sitting at the right hand of the Father, with eyes like fire, voice like a raging river, a sword will protrude from His mouth when He returns.
This isn't "hippy Jesus". This is the almighty Lord, who humbled Himself because He loved us, truly loved us despite literally not deserving an ounce of love, instead deserving wrath.
That's why Jesus is the gift.
If we merely didn't go to hell, and died, that would be better than going to hell, and if that's what Jesus saved us for, it would still be worthy of praise for not having to spend eternity in hell, but actually, He went further and saved us so that we could be heirs, and be called sons of God and inherit the riches of eternal connection with the Father and all other believers.
Do you see why Jesus is the greatest gift and not merely the avoidance of hell?
The best Stone Temple Pilots song in my opinion is Big Empty. Before the chorus it sounds like the song is going to be slow and mopey, but stick around for the chorus.
Some other great STP songs are Wicked Garden, Plush, Dead and Bloated, and Creep.
Dead and Bloated is the most AIC sounding song, where it's got more of a heaviness to it.
Some other good grunge type bands are Kyuss, check out the song Demon Cleaner by Kyuss, and another one you'll love is the band Silverchair. The two songs you have to listen to are Tomorrow and Israel's Son. What's crazy is those two songs were performed when they were like 15 I think, and the guy wrote the songs when he was 14. Yet when you hear his voice he sounds like a 30 year old. Shows how much soy-ness there is today.
Now our 30 year old men sing and write like 14 year olds.
If you like Dirt for the heaviness, I highly recommend listening to the entirety of their first album; Facelift.
I'm in the minority, but it's my favorite album by them. It's very heavy and more on the rock side compared to their other albums. Basically no non-rock songs on the album, save for maybe one.
But sea of sorrow, Sunshine, Bleed the Freak, are some highlights, but the whole album is excellent.
I like the first album, Bleach I think it's called.
I love Alice in Chains and Stone Temple Pilots.
Heck I even like Pearl Jam and Creed, and you get mocked endlessly for liking Creed on the interent, but I believe they make amazing music and had the misfortune of coming out when the genre was seen as lame the way hair metal was seen in the early 90s. Had Creed had their big songs come out in 1995, instead of the late 90s and early 2000s, I don't think there'd be this "Creed is the worst band ever" thing.
NIckelback deserves their hate. They're garbage, but Creed writes incredible songs.
But yeah when Grunge gets too mopey, I'm not into it, as a lot of Nirvana is hard to listen to, especially because I associate it with my cringe middle school years, but Grunge at it's best is just a very unique and pretty awesome style of rock. A lot of grunge is more metal than metal in ways.
Like I get way more pumped up listening to Outshined by Soundgarden than most actual "metal bands". Same with dozens of Alice in Chains songs, and even their "mopey" songs are often works of art like Nutshell and Down in a Hole. When Grunge goes hard, it's got such a heavier, cooler feel than traditional metal in my opinion.
I like Judas Priest, Black Sabbath, most of the traditional metal bands as much as the next guy...not as much as metalheads, but as much as the next guy who's into rock, but if I had a wrestler song intro, I'd pick Man in the Box or something like that by Alice in Chains over those bands any day of the week.
Grunge comes in two flavors, mopey which can be beautiful music in it's own right, but when it sucks, it really sucks
and rock your face off, out metalling metal. So point is, I'd put myself in the category of grunge fan.
Thanks, I'll look into that complete theme thing. Looks pretty sweet
I have a 2K monitor and I wanted to make the wallpaper sort of nostalgic and I assumed somebody would have taken something like the above image and created a wallpaper fit for modern screens, but google searching has yielded me no good results.
Any of you guys' have a link to a picture like this in good resolution?
I put Transporter because it was like the Jean-Claude 90s films in a way, and was one of the last times you saw a movie that "simple" get a theatrical release. Action movies had to be like Bourne from then on out as you mentioned. And agreed about Bourne. The first one is the only one I kind of like, but I don't love it. The others are unwatchable to me.
The first one had some of that early 2000s style, complete with Moby in the soundtrack.
The rest were shaky cam, constant quick cuts even in dialogue scenes, and devoid of charm.
I really dislike Hateful Eight. But I like Reservoir Dogs.
Great movie, I agree
It has that, but it's also not politically correct. In the hands of any other director it would have been preachy.
But Tarantino actually goes comedic where no other directors would dare, such as the scene with Don Johnson's character whose a slave owner. That's a scene played for laughs where any other director would have used similar dialogue to show how "evil and bad you should feel".
It's more akin to pulpy grindhouse blaxploitation movie than it is to something like 12 years a slave or any of the other of the hundred white guilt movies out there.
Django Unchained is just a fun movie, that would be completely unwatchable in the hands of any other director.
Yeah, Excalibur is one I intend to watch because I've only seen the trailer for it, but it looks like my sort of thing.
I saw them in theaters. I'm 32. I didn't really like them then and that never changed for me upon rewatches.
I also enjoyed Birdman. Saw it in theaters.
I'd say Django Unchained was the last great and memorable cinema experience for me.
I saw it twice in theaters because I liked it so much.
Tarantinos best movie in my opinion.
Also saw Once Upon a Time in Hollywood in theaters and that was great too, but not as good as Django.
Neverending Story, Dark Crystal, Labyrinth, Conan the Barbarian, Baron Munchausen, Time Bandits, Krull, some of the Harry Potter movies.
LotR, the dialogue and acting just is so off for me. It almost feels like the Star Wars prequels to me. Overly melodramatic, overly serious yet somehow corny performances with dialogue and writing that doesn't grab me.
It just isn't my thing.
While I am biased in terms of preferring weird fantasy over high fantasy, there are high fantasy (orcs, elves, wizards) that I enjoy such as Harry Potter (first two in particular) and others that I've forgotten about. I kind of put Conan the Barbarian in the high fantasy category as it's much more dungeons and dragon-y and more traditional in terms of fantasy and it's one of my favorite movies.
But there's something about LotR where I can't connect with it. There's a stuffiness to it and it presents itself as incredibly epic, but I don't resonate with the "epic grand scale" of it as much as I can tell the movie wants me to.
It's hard to explain. It's like trying to explain an intangible. I like all sorts of movies. I'm pretty wide in terms of my tastes and all that, but as much as I dislike all the Marvel MCU crap, I at least get it and see what the audience sees more than the LotR trilogy.
Sort of like the millennials love for the Star wars prequels. I'll never understand why those movies are still talked about and most video games Star wars mods for games anymore are of the prequel movies and not the originals for some reason.
It's a fundamental difference in taste.
I've tried many times to get into the LOTR movies. I go "surely THIS time I'll see what everyone else sees in them".
I just don't get it.
I like Fantasy movies, same as any genre if it's good, but LOTR's appeal alludes me.
A lot of fan edits use deleted scenes, and if possible even scenes from other movies in some cases.
As Anthony Cumia says....there isn't going to be a race war in this country.
There IS a race war in this country, only one side realizes it.
People might say that 23.976 fps is objectively an imperfection, but those that have seen 60 fps film footage knows it utterly destroys that movie magic feel. It turns movies into gaudy soap opera effect garbage even though 60 fps is closer to what our eyes can see.
Likewise when I see a movie shot on certain film stocks like what Logan's run was shot on, it's beautiful and has an intangible quality to it that I've never experienced with digital movies. I think digital is completely charmless. If I were a movie star in the modern age, I'd never really feel like a movie star because of the way modern movies look. Even modern movies that are shot on film have an almost digital look to them because the film stocks don't have interesting characteristics and the characteristics they do have are probably destroyed in the post process so it looks like every other modern movie.
I don't want a grainy film noise ridden picture, but being shot on film which has film grain doesn't necessarily mean the film is grainy looking. Many movies shot on film are pristine.
Take the difference between Goodfellas and Casino. Both shot on film, but Goodfellas is grainy and Casino is pristine.
But both look far better than modern movies because there's charm and style in how the picture looks that modern movies lack.
Bingo, you explained what I was trying to get across more precisely and eloquently than I did.
If I could throw a recommendation for glasses out there, it's slightly more expensive than the standard cardboard ones, but these are what I use. Much more comfortable and less eye strain than typical 3D glasses