SpezLovesDick 15 points ago +15 / -0

You have to commend the actress though. Getting surgery to make her eyes on opposite sides of her face to look more like a fish? Brilliant

SpezLovesDick 5 points ago +5 / -0

For those wondering, he said he had A-Fib and had it shocked back to a normal rhythm

SpezLovesDick 1 point ago +4 / -3

I don't really care if it's a forced female perspective as long as she's written well. But rumors say they're going woke. Hard pass

by folx
SpezLovesDick 5 points ago +5 / -0

It's unfortunate too bc Trey and Matt used to be pretty moderate and satirical of both sides but they've obviously shifted left

SpezLovesDick 8 points ago +8 / -0

My medical records are for the medical personnel assisting me at time of treatment. No one else

SpezLovesDick 6 points ago +6 / -0

That, then the next step is them introducing "programs" only for POCs to get them in the trucking business, then setting even more POC quotas. Next the industry turns to shit and the govt steps in and creates another money laundering front

SpezLovesDick 1 point ago +1 / -0

Have you seen much negativity surrounding them? I personally haven't but just curious

SpezLovesDick 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'd err on the side of caution and assume this is a planted fake to discredit us.

SpezLovesDick 12 points ago +12 / -0

https://mobile.twitter.com/peta/status/1452356473862955017 It looks like they tweeted about it asking Fauci to be replaced but not actually putting Faucis name. Maybe the lack of protein they weren't able to type anymore?

SpezLovesDick 1 point ago +1 / -0

Have fun. It's a quick read but definitely thought provoking. I thought he romanticized Indian culture a bit much but there were some things I did agree with of theirs

SpezLovesDick 3 points ago +3 / -0

There's a good book about stuff similar to this, Tribe by Sam Junger I think? The overall theory is that in difficult times (usually war) people in the community band together and create a tribe like mentality and look after one another with everyone having their own responsibilities. The book was fairly anti government and certainly not pro communist/Marxist or whatever other fagget form of government like this guy wants

SpezLovesDick 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thanks. A nearly 50% increase in two years, wow. Well I'm just happy the bioethics committee of Pfizer, comprising of Faucis wife, did their research and didn't release a dangerous injection paid for by our future generations taxes

SpezLovesDick 25 points ago +25 / -0

Maybe. All I see in the picture is the average redditor. As many bots as they have there's still tons of retards

SpezLovesDick 6 points ago +6 / -0

What did they make Q2 of 2019 for comparison?

SpezLovesDick 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sure. In my experience though if you have flu symptoms and respiratory involvement (not just tired upon exertion) then I'd say it's presumptive Covid. It's all these cases of cold/flu like symptoms where they flag positive for Covid are where the huge inflation is coming from imo.

SpezLovesDick 2 points ago +2 / -0

I agree with a lot of you said but what makes you think these people sick with respiratory illnesses are sick with something other than "the coof"? Especially when so many don't have any respiratory history? We know the PCR is unreliable but most respiratory illnesses are usually in the young, old, and sick. Not the healthy young adults.

SpezLovesDick 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yep, we just got this message through our system. Sharing "misinformation" on social media? Potential lose your job and license. Sadly the majority of providers are msm idiots who just "follow the professionals."