SoctaticMethod1 14 points ago +17 / -3

Hitler and the Nazis were bad, but the commies would have purged MORE and been far worse of they took over instead of them.

The problem is how WW1 ended set up WW2 to happen, there were a lot of conditions during the war that would have prevented a WW2 at it's conclusion but this is the timeline we are on.

SoctaticMethod1 10 points ago +10 / -0

They REALLY couldn't hire anyone better could they?

Makes sense, all other leftist NOT already in the mainstream that would do the job are mental asylum escapees if we look at the independent leftist media scene..

SoctaticMethod1 29 points ago +30 / -1

Modern audience is dead, they don't NEED to be your audience anymore..

SoctaticMethod1 9 points ago +9 / -0

Did hear they'll still have shows like Clarkson's farm is getting another season and James will get another travelling or cooking show, but age comes for us all so been a good ride all the same.

SoctaticMethod1 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'd actually add Joseph D. Kucan as Kane to that mix, he was such a good villian, even in the god awful 4 he was the best thing there.

SoctaticMethod1 2 points ago +2 / -0

I mean that's a no brainer, do it so if at any point he's halted from doing so, he can pin it all on the agencies hampering his efforts to save children.

SoctaticMethod1 42 points ago +42 / -0

Deleted my post as just released it a second after you lol, but barely 3 weeks and dead already, this is a BIBLICALLY bad flop that Sony has to explain to shareholders.

10/10 schadenfreude, so much enjoyment watching this train wreck with popcorn, I demand an encore with ALL woke games still to come!

SoctaticMethod1 23 points ago +24 / -1

It's REALLY telling that EVERY other race saw this and thought 'the bank will drill my kneecaps to get their money back!' so didn't bother.

While the niggers only saw 'FREE MONEY' and didn't care about the consequences, at least those that did it not the fakers for social media clout.

SoctaticMethod1 13 points ago +14 / -1

It's keeping it more in the news cycle than just releasing it fully, by comparison most shooter manifestos are usually forgotten by a week or two.

SoctaticMethod1 9 points ago +9 / -0

As someone who as a kid avoided a crippling WoW addiction and played C&C instead, I sort of get it.

The first set the foundation of a great franchise, there was improvement from the first update as it showed it wasn't a one and done.

Then the original creators tries something new in the same setting and gets pushback because it's different even if later it's shown to have merits, this creates a rift between the fans, creator and franchise.

In swoops the leeches/skinsuits who use the rift to gain control of the franchise usurping the creator, thinking the fans despite complaining still stayed so they can change it without consequence and turn it into their mouthpiece loosing ALL the fans.

SoctaticMethod1 13 points ago +14 / -1

To be honest, most sites are WAY behind in terms of UI, features and updating rules to deal with current issues.

Pirate and subscription only sites for content creators are more advanced than most large scale ones.

It could be deference because of shared ideology between the mass flaggers and site enforcers or could be the motivation to stop it isn't seen as a priority over other things (given Twitter got banned from Brazil and having to fight governments that can easily be understood) but this won't change soon.

SoctaticMethod1 1 point ago +1 / -0

Due to living through the Soviet Union and that they had a generation turned into psychopaths thanks to a scheme to increase birthrates and extremely poor orphanages, I wouldn't be surprised if the reason they STAY like this is any undesirables coming to ruin it are rotting in an abandoned building, reported as 'missing'.

SoctaticMethod1 26 points ago +26 / -0

Was this internal or a result of a mass flagging campaign?

It's one of the issues we have going against the left's hive mind mentality, they'll use numbers to trip the system till a human looks at it, sees it's bullshit and removes the report/suspension.

SoctaticMethod1 3 points ago +3 / -0

There was a reason many natives in the Americas sided with the Europeans over the then native rulers, plus few of them went full.... 'Portuguese'

A lot saw them as trading partners and would rather employ them as hunters for the very lucrative fur trade. It was one of the reasons native Americans sided with the British against the colonial Americans and that was where the bad blood REALLY started as they used the barbaric war tactics they used against each other against Americans and, well you get an Andrew Jackson as president because of that..

SoctaticMethod1 25 points ago +25 / -0

Is it the actress they chose on look alone, the fact the actress was acting like a bitch during promotion, that it's Disney live action, that it's had an 'awkward' production or a mix of all the above.

Got no idea the reason, I'm just eating popcorn watching the approaching train wreck.

SoctaticMethod1 12 points ago +12 / -0

Unlike your characters, this gets me hard! /s

I still pray for the day the big quake happens and takes California, so much woke shit would be destroyed overnight including Sony's HQ and YouTube's HQ.

SoctaticMethod1 5 points ago +5 / -0

Compared to the modern day stoning and public flogging of people of Islam, the repression of scientific advancement and I think the others just come part of the package.

You used the exception to make a point, the difference is Islam writes it into the constitution of a theistic society.

SoctaticMethod1 13 points ago +13 / -0

We already had that, it WAS Christianity and that was the best version as had all the morality required but enough freedom of thought that we had a renaissance and scientific advancement.

That's why it was the first target to weaken by the degenerates and bad actors.

SoctaticMethod1 14 points ago +14 / -0

Pretty much, I just hope they learn before we lose any good architecture as European historical buildings way better than sand tribe stuff.

SoctaticMethod1 -1 points ago +4 / -5

Then why not ignore them? If they're attention seeking sluts like you imply, just ignore them or punish them before they apparently go full whore?

I love how by that logic alone you accept women must be repressed otherwise they'll go whore for ego not the fact that women will naturally latch onto strong men, more psychologically than physically would suggest, and it is the weakening of the male role model intentionally by feminism that led to this decline.

SoctaticMethod1 7 points ago +9 / -2

Sure but not that way, screw the whole "cover them up so I can control myself" thinking as that implies you lack self control and they have power over you because of it.

Women should KNOW they are property and only belong to one man /s

SoctaticMethod1 13 points ago +13 / -0

Hmm, are we sure it's not because Biden is dead?

I mean I doubt they'd give a shit from promoting their faggotry to defend free speech anyway but are we SURE he's not already dead?

SoctaticMethod1 27 points ago +29 / -2

And remember, Western feminism and women voted in leaders that LET this ideology and enforcers in to THEIR country to do the same to them in the name of 'empathy'...

SoctaticMethod1 38 points ago +38 / -0

This entire video felt like passive aggressive venting/ranting

Meanwhile everyone went 'it's shit' and enjoyed their day.

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