Indeed - the wildest conspiracy theories were that the political class were getting saline shots.
There’s ZERO reason for a mass inoculation campaign to include placebo lots. At best it means they were beta testing with human lives and at worst it’s a planned mass poisoning.
Except they weren't "Tribal Savages". But it's what people take away from their conditioned appearance (Black people in African garb who don't espouse leftist platitudes = savages = racial stereotypes) But that's NOT what the writing said, it's not how the characters acted. Replace them with Vulcans and you almost had a variation of Amok Time. Replace them with Romulans and you almost had a variation of Balance of Power. Or just replace them with pointy headed Klingons and you'd have any one of a dozen episodes. Replace them with wypipo and you have a viking allegory.
I claim it's the casting itself that makes Frakes (and many leftists) ashamed and virtue signaling and I think that exposes their own racism.
He wants "Code of Honor" pulled because it somehow shows racial stereotypes... (that because black people were cast as the aliens and that the aliens follow an almost Klingon like respect for battle and shows of force = black people be like all violent and stuff! and thus the smart wypipo must protec them!)
Except that the women actually have all the real power in society and fight their own battles which was (and is) a progressive attitude. (Unless you're a transwoman, which currently trumps all other progressive levels on the marxist ladder of influence.)
Except that the black men are shown as very smart and cunning.
Except that the entire concept was based on Chinese culture pre-communist China. (heh - communism is colonization...)
It's a lousy episode regardless - but it shouldn't be censored.
Not just that - Before the purchase there was a "fusion" of Star Wars to Disney characters - Mickey Mouse in Jedi Knight outfit, Minnie as Princess Leia, Donald Duck as a Clone Trooper, etc; Sold those toys and posters and t-shirts everywhere around Star Tours.
DisneyWorld also held a celebration every June called Star Wars Weekends where they held Star Wars parades and shows, had guests from the movies give speeches, had special Star Wars Fireworks shows and, of course, sold a crap ton of merchandise.
After they purchased Lucasfilm, and supposedly this came down on high from KK, that was completely halted - they were not allowed to "cross contaminate" the IP and Star Wars weekends was axed because, well, galaxy's edge was being built so it'f be Star Wars everyday!
Except it wasn't.
El Conquistador.
Because he doesn’t know - because he’s just another puppet and not the puppeteer and, frankly, he’s just as confused as everyone else because he thought a lot of this was resolved.
But because he’s the beneficiary of the scam - he’s all for it.
Tale as old as time in human history.
Is Little Amal going to stop by Minneapolis?
Harmful political content
We do not allow political content that encourages harm to others or that supports, celebrates, or furthers the cause of violent actors and hate organizations. We may, in some places, allow pointed or harsh criticism of political figures, their policies, and governments (including satirical statements) as long as they do not otherwise violate this Code of Conduct. Read more in our Harmful Political Content policy.
EG - We'll allow whatever hate speech or political content that promotes our causes and that's perfectly ok because our cause is just and righteous and, besides, it's spelled out right here in our code of conduct!
Misleading information
We do not allow any content that promotes false, harmful, or misleading information that carries the risk of harm to a person or group of people. We also do not allow content that promotes false or misleading information for the purpose of promoting the interests of a political party, government, or ideology. Read more in our Misleading information policy.
And this is the ban on any non-political speech - like how mRNA vaccines aren't real vaxxes or sudden death syndrome.
Note this also opens the doors for them to be just like all other social media ratings systems these days and take money from corps to block speech the corps find... troubling...
No - it doesn’t.
That’s like saying it’s perfectly fine to give 10% of nornal flu-vaccine patients saline to make sure the flu-vaccine “works” this year.
It’s either a life saving medicine or it’s not. It’d be one thing if it was voluntary and still marked as “experimental” - but that’s not what they did. They mandated it for everybody under threat of loss of livelihood to “stop the pandemic” and knew the vaccine didn’t work by giving out placebos to judge the reactions or did so because they knew it was harmful and routed the placebos to the political elite.
It doesn’t matter for which - in all cases it’s an outright violation of medical ethics, let alone a criminal act.
Also it’s NOT SCIENCE if they don’t know which people got the placebo!