Skywise 9 points ago +9 / -0

It’s not quite equal because good Fast food branches will increase the number of employees during those “surge” times as well (lunch time, dinner, etc).

Now the cost has to be averaged over the whole day but if you can surge the price by 50 cents during lunch they can offer 25 cents less during lower times.

In a pre-COVID world where people still went to offices and ate out for lunch this would work. Not so much today.

Frankly they don’t even need ai for this, let alone computers. Places used to do this by hand with separate lunch and dinner prices.

Skywise 2 points ago +2 / -0

I doubt it was intended at all. It was probably a matter of stage framing. Linus gives the prayer so sits at one end of the table. Snoopy serves the food and should be at the other head of the table but for framing had to be next to peppermint patty to show her disgust as he serves. So they both sit together. Charlie Brown has to be next to peppermint patty so she can argue with him in camera frame about what blockhead served the food. That leaves Franklin, Marcy and Sally to seat. Sally sits next to Charlie Brown, she’s his sister after all and… Marcy gets the other head of the table (technically alone) and Franklin gets the other side to balance out the scene.

It’s a complete non-event and they only screamed racism because they needed something else for the daily outrage session!

Skywise 2 points ago +2 / -0

He didn't have a gimmick, like Schroder or Pig-Pen.

Umm… he was black. That was his gimmick. Don’t overthink this - Schulz didn’t put Franklin in like a “everyday kid” to see that black people were just like white people. Schulz put him in as a response to MLKs assassination in 1968 and leftists prodding him that his strip was all white and needed diversity and then didn’t do ANYTHING with the character like a typical leftist. Snoops cousin Spike has more personality!

Skywise 1 point ago +1 / -0

Really tho - so long as they released the normal version and then made a DIE version to sell alongside it… I’d have no problem with that. They’d lose a ton of money but I’d have no problem with that.

Skywise 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's perfect controlled content. I've already seen the "bots" start to proliferate in this election season (accounts less than a year old suddenly achieving 10,000 plus upvotes and posting 100+ messages a day) all with identical messaging and always on the narrative (GOP bad, capitalism bad, socialism gud, and always daily posts for the morning hate fest.

So you feed the machine there, google "AI" consumes it and just regurgitates what these paid for bots want the message to be and google gets to claim its all organic. Which is BS anyway because they've already shown that they would block non-narrative answers ANYWAY. "I'm sorry Dave, but this is hate speech and I cannot give the answer at this time. It's a conundrum."

Skywise 3 points ago +3 / -0

Reading through the quotes of the paper… and reading between the lines… I suspect this “lesbian” is into BBC.

Skywise 3 points ago +3 / -0

Right - that’s why I said Stewart’s take is stupid.

But there’s a deeper point here. While it’s true that fear of punishment is one reason people obey laws, the reality is that people honor the laws as part of being in a civil society along with shared experiences and a sense of community.

That’s why, for the longest time, we could have large stores filled with goods out in the open and shoplifting was unheard of.

Nowadays the left has trashed the culture so much that stores are not only locking things up but abandoning whole cities, partially because of lack of law enforcement but because we have an entire culture of sloth and entitlement.

Skywise 1 point ago +1 / -0

I wasn’t talking about Tuckers shopping trip - I got what he was saying there in reference to how the people have food and it’s plentiful so our sanctions and war aren’t doing squat.

I was talking about his Moscow subway video and his “why can’t we have nice things?” take.

Skywise 2 points ago +2 / -0

You think people dressed nice merely because air travel was expensive or that only rich people dressed nice? Yeah, no. It’s a break down in civility and what’s expected of the people.

One reason they can have ornate subways in Russia is because anyone who dissents gets disappeared and that’s what Jon Stewart is saying here - you have to allow vandalism for freedom. But both those points are extreme takes. Ultimately the reason is that you have a proud people who care about their united history and any attack on public property is an attack on themselves and this goes back to my point about how people dress in public.

Skywise 11 points ago +11 / -0

For those of you, like me, thinking that maybe they were teens charged as adults… well…

Authorities did not release ages for either man, but court records show Mays is in his early 20s and Miller is 18 or 19.

Skywise 3 points ago +3 / -0

I think Disney is the linchpin of the whole thing…their corporate media reach has to be close to 60% of the entire entertainment (non gaming) market.

Skywise 3 points ago +9 / -6

lol - that’s just as stupid a take as Tuckers. Public decency and clean and safe subways are not “the price of freedom” but the lack of common decency by our supposed populace plus unenforced and/or blocked laws prohibiting uncivilized behavior.

Its why you have people on the Vegas strip setting up booths or screeching like a banshee thinking they’re singing and huckstering pennys because “muh public sidewalk freedums!” According to the ACLU and Jon nimby Stewart here.

I’ve got photos of my grandparents dressing up in suits and a dress to go fly in an airport not 50 years ago and now you’ve got homeless and illegal immigrants camping out. Is that “the price of liberty” Jon? Or is that because Democrats have let government and society fester for “progressive” causes. Does this look “progressive” to you?

Skywise 1 point ago +1 / -0

I purchased a blu-ray copy for just this reason and ripped it to my plex server. I watch it when I want and without all the stupid “warning texts”

Skywise 11 points ago +11 / -0

AFAIK YouTube demonitized them for "not blurring out the faces" of the soldiers in the video! Pro was on MEAD and said they know for a fact that one of the Disney marketers was following the channel for about 3 hours before unfollowing and then BAM, they got the demonitization axe from YouTube.

While contesting the demonetization, Pro will continue streaming on his partner channel, That Park Place - https://www.youtube.com/@ThatParkPlace

Skywise 6 points ago +6 / -0

Why were the black people voting for the political party that wanted to keep them enslaved not 100 years earlier? Was this because of outright pandering by the DNC? (who were founders of the KKK?)

Skywise 5 points ago +5 / -0

I suspect they’re trying to obfuscate the story.

Yessss - she was trans but she was also schizophrenic and just plain crazy evil so that was the REAL problem!

Skywise 2 points ago +2 / -0

NoT a DrAg QuEeN

Skywise 5 points ago +5 / -0

Dude.. I'm literally shaking!

Shut up, Wesley.

Skywise 2 points ago +2 / -0

There's money to be had there for sure - I've got a cousin who emcee's some of the games and makes good money at it. But they're other ones like Fortnite and PUBG. Overwatch and CallofDuty just haven't made the cut there. Although they threw billions at Overwatch.

Skywise 4 points ago +4 / -0

Sorry - trans is BS.

Hermaphrodites are real but that's not trans. Guys wanting to be a woman (and vice versa) has happened forever but that's not trans either and mainly it's a mental illness anyway if you're in a perfectly healthy body but feel you have the wrong sex!

Trans is only possible because of hormone therapy and destructive plastic surgery. Once civilization collapses and you lose access to your precious hormones, your body will reassert authority.

Everything else is all BS.

Skywise 3 points ago +3 / -0

Oh yeah - because that's been such a whopping success for Blizzard.

Skywise 11 points ago +11 / -0

What a completely BS article.

The wypipo didn't leave the magic dirt because the bad ol' colored people came in.

The wypipo left because there were no jobs there and as the wypipo left, lowering housing costs which allowed poorer people in to the areas that were nicer than where they were. But with the poorer people there the stores couldn't sustain their previous incomes and closed and this multiplies the impact on town tax revenues which lowers infrastructure support. So more wypipo move out (along with the affluent POCs I might add) devaluing housing more and eventually bringing in criminal elements who can get housing cheap while running their scams.

And that's how suburbia collapses Charlie Brown. I've seen it happen to two areas in my lifetime so far. It's not that rich people magically make a community grow. It's that successful people are rich - and they're the same ones that can grow and sustain a community.

Ideas and logic are not equitable.

Skywise 0 points ago +2 / -2

EVS originally joined forces with VoxDay pre clown world with Vox' rabid puppies effort and then began attacking Vox for not being as moderate as EVS is. Not unlike his behavior here.

Vox isn't everyone's cup o' tea and that's understandable but EVS' behavior and reactions and outright betrayal to Vox follows the same pattern. Be weary.

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