Obviously there is a need for a catalyst. You want one dude to randomly do some solo op that will just be called a false flag? Go fuck yourself you little bitch.
I mean, if Trump doesn't win its just more proof human rights were a mistake.
Womens rights were a mistake
The rap music lmao
Hope the lawyer has an unfortunate accident.
So France wants more rape and stabbings.
People are overworked and lonely. There are already quite some unhinged individuals among otakus. Now imagine if everything they love gets pozzed. Definitely won't be good for their mental health to get their copes ruined.
I wish I could say this will be a good thing and cause them to enact change, but I doubt it.
No way hahahaha
Lol the retard doesn't understand per capita. Of course straight people commit more crime than gays jfc. As long as you are lgbbq you will always have them defend everything you do.
So? Just go to Europe then.
Yeah you can dislike someone even if they otherwise had good takes that's just how it is. Personally, unless he knowingly sexted or tried to meet up with someone under 16 I don't really care. 15+ is legal here and teenage girls are not innocent flowers (sadly) so American moralfagging also doesn't apply to me.
Nah, absolutely not a creep of the highest order. That's hyperbole again.
Dude I thought my misogyny couldn't get any worse but here I am
Sounds based as fuck.
I mean 17 and even a couple years below that are legal almost everywhere.
Yeah I seem to have forgotten about it all. It was pathetic from the start I guess.
So she's a whore, got it.
They are twitch whores with an anime skin. Both just want to extract as much value as possible from lonely men
Edit: of course you faggots have no rebuttal
Womens rights at it again
If gamers really were all right wing incels, they should make games for right wing incels. That's how capitalism works. But we know these retards are just activists first and game devs second.
The game director is a tranny and its main purpose as stated in an interview was to make the game for queer people. Nobody will buy this slop even resetera hates it.
They aren't coded. Elves simply are elves, not niggers.
Okay nigger