Those two bombs cost about 30 billion USD in 2021 dollars. How many more do you think the war-torn US economy could have come up with on short notice, especially cloaked in total secrecy?
Japan was basically out of well-trained pilots and instructing their noobs to just smash into ships with plain old TNT.
It's a cool story that may have saved the world from communism, but it's time for the rest of us to grow up and reevaluate the facts.
I would have tried harder if there was any substantive refutation. All I see is "nuh-uh. You stupid."
Even many leftists agree that the "bomb scary" story was merely the least embarrassing for both parties. It's a simple Google search away. And even I will concede that it might have been necessary at the time.
I believe there's a rather pessimistic adage regarding invading Russia in the winter that goes back at least a few years before WWII, so I'm uninclined to believe that was what compelled Franky in his heart of hearts to once again violate the Monroe doctrine.
You get an A+. Good boy. Be sure to support the "Green New Deal" in homage to your hero.
Actually, I tricked you into appropriating more AAVE and THAT'S what exposed you. Checkmate KKKraKKKa.
you misspelled nuffin*
Installed - thanks for the heads up.
Just want to thank you for this post OP. I was wishing for more discussion about anime here but wasn't sure how it would be received. (there are many perfectly fine reasons not to like it)
Expect a follow-up post from me within a few days.
Now you've got me hungry for cookies wink wink
Let him stay.
Eventually he's gonna get tired of playing GoyBusters.
There's no way I'm watching even one frame of that shit.
The trailer was garbage enough.
Nothing unusual about sympathy for your own kind.
I love the sheer semantic absurdity of it. Two tabs for special "holidays" that shouldn't be lumped in with those generic "holidays" in the other tab.
It's not hypocrisy to them. They are the masters and we're beholden to their grand vision.
"Why can't you just accept that I'm the force of good in the world???"
man, I sure do miss when Star Trek wasn't total dogshit.
Context: The World Economic Forum is founded and run by a German billionaire who literally looks like a Bond villain.
Edit: checked and the story is from 2016, but he's been especially on about this shit since the plague started up. Coincidence?
Just let us have our copium for one day, bro.
We all understand that this probably isn't going to reverse the fall of our civilization. It's still a fraction of an inch of ground gained.
Worth the read; thanks OP.
Some fair points - upvoted.
No you don't. Learn from my mistake and never speak or think about this travesty again.
IIRC Matt and Trey were mostly riffing off the lavish puff-piece "she" got in the Time issue she was on the cover of shortly before then.
I remember it was only a couple months after the "Love Wins" supreme court decision, so there had to be the next big cause célèbre. Always gotta keep everyone marching left.
Thank you for sharing, good sir.
If we were to ever meet in real life, I would love to treat you to a fat burger or pizza, and a beer as well. I think you'd have plenty of interesting stories to share.
Best of luck to you in all your endeavors and God bless (if you are religiously inclined).
I'm sorry you had to go through that, but I'm glad you made it here.
Please keep speaking up about the truth of things like this for as long as you can tolerate.
People like you give me hope. Thank you for persevering.
Japan's air capability was long since crippled and it took roughly 15 billion US dollars (2021 adjusted) to manufacture an atomic bomb at the time.