SarcasticRidley 5 points ago +5 / -0

Women are complex.

I used to think this when I was young. As I grew older, I saw that they are ruled by their emotions, and as such their reality is defined by their emotional state. They spend all of their time and energy trying to attract a mate and keep their competition down. They crave a man's domination and control, so they act out in increasing methods in order to get a man to put his foot down. Their lives revolve entirely around what their reproductive system demands of them.

For all their pretense and posturing that they are some kind of being more evolved than man, they really act on their base instincts like animals.

SarcasticRidley 8 points ago +8 / -0

I mean, it's your gender that's destroying thousands of years of lineage so it can prance around in a dress and invade women's showers

Uterus detected, opinion rejected.

SarcasticRidley 7 points ago +7 / -0

It could be saved if they made good shows and allowed subscriptions to individual channels rather than packages. They won't do this, and instead will try to make streaming services more like cable.

SarcasticRidley 2 points ago +2 / -0

I see a lot of lolbertarians bitching about them because "muh free market" completely forgetting that the free market only works in a level playing field. Other countries have tariffs on our exports, so that's already a moot point.

Tariffs are far more moral than taxes for the simple reason that taxation is extortion and tariffs are essentially taxes on foreign countries.

Tariffs would make things like smartphones more expensive because they rely on slave labor in China to keep costs down, but the jump in price would really serve to highlight how fucked the inflation is in America to the point that the elites couldn't really hide it anymore. The real problem isn't tariffs themselves; after all, we had those instead of taxes for a long time at the start of our country. The problem is that the mismanagement and inflation of our currency by the Fed has crippled the American poor and middle class.

The fact that our industrial strength got shipped off to China means that until we restart our manufacturing here in America, it will be more expensive for the average citizen. However, these are the consequences of our actions, which are long overdue for us to pay for. It might hurt a lot in the short term, but if we can return America to the industrial giant it once was, it will be worth it in the long term.

SarcasticRidley 3 points ago +3 / -0

The funny thing is, that's actually not out of the realm of possibility.

SarcasticRidley 35 points ago +35 / -0

Lefty women claiming they're going to buy guns now. Good. More gun ownership makes it more difficult for the government to ban guns.

Have fun filling out Form 4473 where it asks if you have ever been diagnosed with a mental illness, or filling out the gender option and picking nonbinary only to get rejected.

Then again these people think you can just walk into fucking dicks sporting goods and get a machine gun the same day.in a blue state.

SarcasticRidley 8 points ago +8 / -0

It's never worth it. They always have some crazy obsession with something Trump did or Republicans wanting to force women to be pregnant, or deporting muh innocent illegals, etc. It's literally sacred to them, and questioning or attacking it is the worst heresy you could commit.

There are two of them at my workplace that I talk to regularly, choice or not.

One of them is 50 years old, a habitual drug user, in an open relationship, is a socialist who thinks he is a centrist and that Trump is an extremist (his words). He told me back in 2021 that I and every other pureblood deserved to be lined up against a wall and shot for not getting the jab. Ironically he is anti woke of all things.

The other is an autistic guy who lives with his parents and has a boomer tier obsession with viewing Russia as the bad guy and Trump being Putin's puppet. He came up to me after work yesterday and proudly showed me a video of Nick Fuentes rambling some shit as evidence that all Republicans are trying to make the Handmaids tale a reality.

You cannot have a meaningful discussion on politics with them. It is not simply a facet of life with them. It is their religion, their raison d'etre. Like the skittle squad, there is nothing of substance beyond that. They are NPC to the core.

SarcasticRidley 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ask a random American to name a VP before the year 2000 off the top of their head (excluding Gerald Ford and Al Gore for obvious reasons) and they probably wouldn't be able to do it

Spiro Agnew, Lyndon Johnson, Harry Truman, John Tyler, Aaron Burr, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson.

Those are the ones I can list off the top of my head.

Looking at the list of vice presidents, a surprising number of them later became president, so I wouldn't exactly say people shouldn't care about VP picks.

SarcasticRidley 12 points ago +12 / -0

The last time there was this much sanity on plebbit was when Hillary got tossed into a van like an Amazon package.

It's very surreal when the bot farms go silent over there, like a mall with only a few dozen people wandering around.

SarcasticRidley 4 points ago +4 / -0

Trump lost New Jersey by Five.

There are so many Trump flags here it's actually getting kind of concerning.

SarcasticRidley 1 point ago +1 / -0

Living in NJ looking over the Delaware River at PA is like looking into West Berlin from the East.

SarcasticRidley 4 points ago +4 / -0

V for Vendetta is basically the coronavirus scam if it were conservatives using it as a pretext to seize power instead of what actually happened IRL.

Literally the plot is political party A creates a virus, uses it on their own population to instill fear, comes up with the cure (which they had beforehand) to get the populace to vote for them, and then once in power continue to use fear of war/disease/poverty/etc. as a pretext to enact Soviet level control of the populace.

The difference between the movie and IRL is that in the movie it was a right wing party, and the hero of the story is a lefty(?) who was experimented on who goes on a Kill Bill rampage of vengeance against those who wronged him. IRL it was the establishment who did it and no one has been punished.

The only real reference to lgbts is a short segment where V makes up a story about a lesbian who gets persecuted for being a lesbian as a motivation for the secondary protagonist.

Considering it was made by the Wachowskis it is surprisingly based if you ignore some of the very proto woke stuff.

SarcasticRidley 2 points ago +2 / -0

Basically unchecked fuckery that will send us into non recoverable death spiral.

We've been in that since 2020. Even if Trump wins, I don't expect him to be able to fix the economic issues in one term, and all it will do is buy us some more time. The dollar will collapse, it's just a question of when at this point.

SarcasticRidley 2 points ago +2 / -0

I would argue that Wilson is worse due to the 19th Amendment, which basically gave the Democrats a permanent voter stronghold, the creation of the Federal Reserve which has royally fucked us, the IRS and income tax, which steals from the citizens, and of course the league of nations and dragging us into WWI, which was the start of the globalist bullshit we are dealing with today.

FDR was terrible too, and arguably much more authoritarian than Wilson, but he might not have been able to get elected into office, much less do half the shit he did, if Wilson hadn't laid the foundations for it.

SarcasticRidley 24 points ago +24 / -0

Shoot a guy right in front of cops. 99999999 IQ move.

SarcasticRidley 19 points ago +19 / -0

Government: "Your pet could possibly be unwell so we will preemptively kill it so it doesn't get hurt"

Literally the same logic as pulling over an unlicensed driver and shooting their baby in the back seat because they could potentially be killed in a car crash while in the car of an unlicensed driver.

SarcasticRidley 14 points ago +15 / -1

A man without a wife or girlfriend is free from his shackles.

Since women as a gestalt view men who aren't Chad Thundercock as second class citizens, or servants, the existence of one of those men who isn't chained down is utterly intolerable.

You can see examples of this online, when a conversation is steered toward the topic "do men need women". Any man who says he doesn't (not because he hates them or anything), will almost immediately be met with shaming tactics and accusations of homosexuality, lack of male vigor, small genitalia, height shaming, etc. If that doesn't work they will say "oh but you'll die alone, you don't want that do you?" as if we all don't die alone.

This is but one part of the reason why you see so many desperate and angry women today. Not only are they not able to find a partner, but the men that they aren't getting are not nearly as unhappy with being single as they are, which only infuriates them further.

Men want women, but women need men.

SarcasticRidley 30 points ago +31 / -1

I really don't care what anyone did in WW2 at this point,

I care very much about what a certain man in a wheelchair did to drag my country into a conflict it should never have been involved in.

SarcasticRidley 8 points ago +8 / -0

To be fair, anyone who deepthroats that much jew jizz would show up as a jew on the jewdar.

SarcasticRidley 1 point ago +1 / -0

We have to collectively agree that maybe this disease runs centuries old and we need at least 4 or 5 continuous Trumps in order to actually drain the swamp.

This has been going on since at least the late 1800s. We are gonna need like 50 straight years of Andrew Jackson in order to fix this.

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