I think there's one actually important paragraph (well...two sentences...) in here that shows how retarded this person (and those who agree with her) are.
Why did it seem these boys were so unperturbed? I worried that my guy friends might only care about women until it conflicts with other, more pressing, priorities.
Yes, that's correct. Men are correctly able to prioritize things that matter instead of putting baby murder ahead of everything else, including functioning economies, etc, and that's a bad thing because reasons. This one thing makes this cunt sound completely fucking retarded. Yeah, she's 16, so she get some slack cut because she hasn't experienced the real world or had to actually deal with things like consequences for her actions, but even so, this is insane and saying it without self reflection at all shows how irrational these people are.
Correct. Women are a man’s priority until they aren’t. They are leaders and have to prioritize things that matter. So eventually the women has to play a support role.
Men are always a women’s priority. Forever. Women can pretend they’re not, but it eventually hits them when they’re working in their mid 40s that they can’t do it alone. It’s amazing how many times I’ve heard “I don’t want to work anymore, I wish I had married so & so…” at work of all places.
Women are complex. They will bitch at you for not spending time with them because you are constantly working (for money, to make the town safer, making sure entire civilization doesnt collapse). But at same time call you a broke ass loser if you dont work or have a crappy job lol.
I used to think this when I was young. As I grew older, I saw that they are ruled by their emotions, and as such their reality is defined by their emotional state. They spend all of their time and energy trying to attract a mate and keep their competition down. They crave a man's domination and control, so they act out in increasing methods in order to get a man to put his foot down. Their lives revolve entirely around what their reproductive system demands of them.
For all their pretense and posturing that they are some kind of being more evolved than man, they really act on their base instincts like animals.
I think there's one actually important paragraph (well...two sentences...) in here that shows how retarded this person (and those who agree with her) are.
Yes, that's correct. Men are correctly able to prioritize things that matter instead of putting baby murder ahead of everything else, including functioning economies, etc, and that's a bad thing because reasons. This one thing makes this cunt sound completely fucking retarded. Yeah, she's 16, so she get some slack cut because she hasn't experienced the real world or had to actually deal with things like consequences for her actions, but even so, this is insane and saying it without self reflection at all shows how irrational these people are.
Correct. Women are a man’s priority until they aren’t. They are leaders and have to prioritize things that matter. So eventually the women has to play a support role.
Men are always a women’s priority. Forever. Women can pretend they’re not, but it eventually hits them when they’re working in their mid 40s that they can’t do it alone. It’s amazing how many times I’ve heard “I don’t want to work anymore, I wish I had married so & so…” at work of all places.
Women are complex. They will bitch at you for not spending time with them because you are constantly working (for money, to make the town safer, making sure entire civilization doesnt collapse). But at same time call you a broke ass loser if you dont work or have a crappy job lol.
I used to think this when I was young. As I grew older, I saw that they are ruled by their emotions, and as such their reality is defined by their emotional state. They spend all of their time and energy trying to attract a mate and keep their competition down. They crave a man's domination and control, so they act out in increasing methods in order to get a man to put his foot down. Their lives revolve entirely around what their reproductive system demands of them.
For all their pretense and posturing that they are some kind of being more evolved than man, they really act on their base instincts like animals.