Man made an ugly ass of himself on Friday Night Tights long while back. They tried to come to him talking about what they need to do to fix popular culture and he was just an asshole about everything and just plied his dirt sniffing circle jerking garbage.
She rigged it all top to bottom just so she could get a trip to Paris. And now she's hiding out in France while Australia foots the bill. She's taken all the focus from their wins and it's all focused on her trash antics.
Ciri won't be Ciri. She'll shit all over Garret as a father figure and all that shit these trash DEI "Writers" do.
Fuck it there is no Witcher 4 and there is no Cyberpunk 2. Shame CDProjeckt is gone. Guess they all went on Period Leave and never returned.
Yea his behavior when dealing with Popular Culture is utter garbage. It's the same mentality that Compassionate Conservatives used to give up Pop Culture while claiming "The Moral High Ground" utter dumb dumpster of a man.
The repetitive thing is just the standard "I'm shit at it and can't get good can I play on baby mode."