RoulerBleu 14 points ago +14 / -0

Her handlers have been fully in charge for nearly 4 years and this is the result. An invasion, high inflation, high energy prices, involvement in foreing wars, pissing-away hundreds of billions on said wars.

RoulerBleu 8 points ago +8 / -0

Look at that face in the middle.

The "skirt" is there to hide something else they added.

RoulerBleu 5 points ago +5 / -0

All people who lose that much weight ( 100+lb ) have permanent flops of stretched skin unless they get it surgically cut away.

Under 50lb loss, you might get away with almost no wrinkly/saging on the gut after a year for the skin to adjust.

At 75-100lb, you'll have a permanently wrinkly sagging gut and ass. Tits / moobs might look like deflated pankakes.

Over 100lb you'll have skin flaps in many places. Gut, ass, back, tits, upper arms.

The only solution is sugery. Your ''belly button'' will be fake. The real one will be cut away, or end-up way down with the skin flap that was dangling got cut and the rest sewed. The surgeon may have to reconstruct your chest if you had flaps where your moobs were before deflation.

Need I say such surgery carries high costs, risks, pain, recovery away from work and activities, and several weeks of wound maintenance.

You can hide most of it by wearing clothes that hold the skin in place. Surgery will leave scars.

Don't. Get. Fat.

RoulerBleu 16 points ago +17 / -1

Yes. This is why lifestyle changes should be the first option to see if levels improve, before taking exogenous T.

RoulerBleu 9 points ago +9 / -0

Worry-not, they will do what they already done recently and lower the criteria for abnormally low testosterone, and pretend the levels aren't in free-fall.

RoulerBleu 29 points ago +29 / -0

So taking money from Israeli nationals will be as publicly harshly condemned and prosecuted right? /s

RoulerBleu 9 points ago +9 / -0

Skyrocketing energy prices and bans against ''excessively warm homes in Winter'' for Europe sure showed Putin who's the boss.

RoulerBleu 23 points ago +26 / -3

Russia basically came-out stronger from the ''sanctions''.

Trump warned European countries they should not make themselves so energy-dependant from Russia, and the EU leaders laughed at him.

Reminds me of the sweet syrup sold as ''honey'' by China. Well hurr durr we'll ban imports from China and that fixes it, right?

But if you want to ban fake Chinese ''honey'', you have to ban ''honey'' from every single country that dosen't have strict ban on Chinese ''honey'', or it just ships through there.

And you still might get fraudulent shipping documents circumventing that.

Best option is to ban all imports of honey and produce the damn thing locally. Each country needs to be as self-sufficient as possible so that when something, somewhere goes to shit, it's not a world crisis.

RoulerBleu 22 points ago +22 / -0

Child rape and canibalism. Haiti's cultural production.

RoulerBleu 3 points ago +3 / -0

There are plenty of small studios that do good games and make good money. Let the woke big studios die.

RoulerBleu 1 point ago +1 / -0

If you drop water on Brian Stelter, another Brian Stelter will grow out of it.

And don't feed him past midnight.

RoulerBleu 4 points ago +4 / -0

We pay the consequences, not them.

RoulerBleu 2 points ago +2 / -0

Who is going to beat the shit out of the brother for violating islamic law himself? ( Not supposed to hit the face. Most feminist religion!)

RoulerBleu 2 points ago +2 / -0

The DBZ anime is unwatchable. It could be made watchable by salvaging 3 to 5 minutes of content per episode and do an abridged version.

The manga was fun as a kid / young teen.

RoulerBleu 5 points ago +5 / -0

I can only assume it's because they planned to pay several full-time employees to keep working on the game, censor in-game speech, and ''community managers'', and there was no significant income so the higher-ups panicked and pulled the plug.

RoulerBleu 3 points ago +3 / -0

Go to bank to get a card specifically because at some point you can't avoid using a credit card and that moment has come.

The lady at the counter seems competent, you explain your need for the financial service, and everything goes smoothly.

Go home and try to make your payment. The card is blocked.

It's automatically blocked, because frauds. So why give the fucking card. Why give the fucking card assuring the costumer he can now make his payment when he asked to confirm everything is set, because it's semi-urgent.

The lady who seemed competent didn't bother making sure the costumer can actually make the payment she was helping setting up a card for.

Part and parcel of living in a diverse low-trust country where criminals aren't kept in jail.

RoulerBleu 1 point ago +1 / -0

Test the free demo on the Seven Seas first.

RoulerBleu 1 point ago +1 / -0

Rule number 1 : Don't pre-order.

Rule number 2 : If you're buying an Early Access game, it's because you're already getting your money's worth even it they would stop development now. Don't buy ''because it will be good... later''.

And don't give money to people who hate you. Ignore or sail the High Seas.

RoulerBleu 19 points ago +19 / -0

They expect to spend all the money and then not be held accountable for the fraud. And woke judge might enable them.

RoulerBleu 17 points ago +17 / -0

In a high-trust society, it's the sort of technical error that would remain there for years and year because nobody tried to comit fraud abusing it for that long.

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