Worse. He's saying "trans women are biological women" and he doesn't care about actual biological definitions
Hey, at least he nailed that BDP thousand cock stare
Are you talking about refugees and asylum seekers or?
So, are you ok with muslim immigrants in Europe as long as they're legal?
According to Wikipedia the PS5 has sold less units that the fucking 3DS
You can't exclude something that doesn't exist
Plot twist: the hate speech is black Twitter calling eachother the n-word
With throngs of people leaving, “Black Twitter” may become a thing of the past as more users move to alternative text-based social media apps.
Where's the downside?...
It has played a key role in movements such as #SayHerName, #BlackLivesMatter and #OscarsSoWhite.
Where's the downside?
Troons existence is self-contradictory. If they were actual women they wouldn't need to make the "trans" dinstinction
Another four years of hatred
Good thing troons, feminists and the like weren't hateable under Biden
leaning us
NPC update: Glumpf isn't turbo Hitler, but he's bringing us closer to one!
It's so tiresome
a world that will force her to have a baby she doesn't want
Tell your daughter to stop hoeing around, it won't be so funny when the world "forces" her to carry an STD
to wax poetic
I hate theater kids
this loss
This isn't a movie and you are not a hero
May Trump supporters and Trump voters and Trump himself never know peace
Trump suffered two assassinations attempts. You will never have to experience something like that. Being hysteric because your life is so mundane you have to ascribe some faux morality to it will be your punishment
They’ll vote for and align themselves with anything for a taste of power and control that makes them feel a little less helpless.
Written by a troon, btw
This is just the ugly consequence of the already present reality in this country that we all just despise each other. There is no solidarity and there is no love. Trump being in office or not doesn’t change the fact that America is a breeding ground for violent hatred.
but then
We can’t count on the government for literally even a shred of progress or hope so just keep up the good fight in your own personal lives. That’s literally the only thing to be done at this point. Stay safe out there. Maybe buy a gun.
I hate them so much
I meant it as the nuclear thing is secondary to the fertility crisis plot point, most likely because without it, it reads as weird smut
Yes, nuclear unrest was big during the cold war, I still don't get how they supposed that would lead to a religious uprising where women are cattle, even Fallout (the game) is more plausible
And funnily enough it seems only to affect caucasians
who need heirs to keep the wealth and power in the family
Which is dumb because the book implies fertily issues are actually on men's part and they are too dumb to trust the science(TM)
First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win and then they buy you
Or Trump for that matter.
Remember how histrionic some wahmen got, making slogans like "this pussy grabs back?" When the grab them by the pussy comment was ironically about how dumb women are towards someone with money and fame they let you do anything. Not about putting them in breeding camps, kinda weird how they assumed that's what he meant
I can't get over how dumb that book is as distopic novel. Read 1984 or a Brave New World, research the context of when they were made and you can see why their authors could see things like that happening, or worse, it's their way to tell us those things are already here.
Handmaid's tale is just women hysterics because 80s christanity and Reagan bad, but also something about nuclear fallout because why not. It has no basis to conclude something like a theonomic totalitarian state would exist. It's just so disconected from human nature and societal realities.
The distopic novels I mentioned before show how disposable humans are to these totalitarian societies, but even in one of them women can't avoid making themselves the center and telling us how important they are because muh fertility. I'll take one of those BNW artificial wombs, please
I think the term is canadian health care
Commies the very instant the working class support something they don't like be like:
It's not even hyperbole. Leftists portray progressive politics as some sort of logical end point, so they get really angry when someone gets between them and their imaginary utopia.
The problem is every single time they've been given absolute power they fuck things up. But since their ideology operates from an inherent moral absolute™ they are unable to see how disconected they are from the real world.
Getting to watch an amoral country be serially embarrassed by the consequences of its immoral choices is the greatest consolation of all.
They can't be clearer here. They are the religious zealots they acuse right wingers of. They are the totalitarians that turn everything into propaganda. They can justify any failing of them or even inmoral acts since they are working towards a greater good, an utopia, and by the same token they can demonize any oposition by saying they aren't good enough. Better (wish) to burn everything down than accept they may not be the best around
All that irrational fear and hatred towards Orange man seems like plain and simple projection to me, the reality is that Glumpf isn't a fascist dictator, nor an incompetent clown, neither those people are working towards an utopia and they'll have to carry on with their mundane everyday lives as they'd always have
I was thinking the same. No need for them to shave their head. They could achieve the same results dyeing their hair and getting a septum piercing
Do... Do they know the 4B movement in worst Korea resulted in a tradcon resurgence?... Do they know the Megalia movement tried to be an edgy feminist version of 4chan and not only failed but radicalized a lot of men?
Do they know 4B is inherently trans-exclusionary because they have to gatekeep the womyn identity?
Do they know they can't even replicate the 4B movement because worst Korea culture is just different?
Lol. I've been seeing things like that floting around: 'Our democracy is in danger, so Kamala must refuse ro certify the election and crown herself the goddess empress"
I think the true believers will be more heavy handed with the propaganda, but wokeness overall will be less spread. They lost the coof momentum, trying to reach muh wider audience is futile when people can actually go outside and chose to not watch your shit, so media have to actually offer something that appeals to normies.
Execs have realized wokeness is brand poison, the plan was to make themselves look like socially responsible™ corpos and steamroll detractors by labeling as chudcels, but they can't anymore, they have realized not only chudcels are way larger of a group than they expected but in many cases chudcels are their actual costumers.
I don't know, part of why Orange the man won is because normies are burnt out of woke, but more importantly, they are tired of political discourse and fear mongering forced unto every discussion
Replace white with jewish and you'll get a visit from the ADL