I know. I caught that too
Umm. No. That is you saying it was retarded to say these games failed. Which means you believe those games were the opposite, which would be successful.
There is only one retard in this thread. And it's the person claiming Concord was a super popular and successful game.
Wait. You actually believe Concord was a smashing success? Suicide Squad went free to play and announced end of life in less than a year total. Dustborn never even whimpered before it died. All of these are the direct result of the same boycotts.
Because Dustborn, Da: Vielguard, Suicide Squad, and that Overwatch killer that was so insignificant I've forgotten it's name already didn't suffer AT ALL over these boycotts.
The whole truth and the only truth
8 or 9 in top level play and that's with the best in the world trying to kill you. These weren't against the top level assassin's in the world. It was against five random dudes whose best communication is emojis
Magic, Wizards of the Coast, the entire table top sphere outside of 40k.
And that doesn't change the fact he said "accept the results and do nothing. Do not protest. Do not resist. Do not do J6 things."
Shhh. The adults with cognitive awareness are talking. Go be fed by the Sponsored YouTube algorithm like a good consoomer
Naw. Youre Johnny come lately. He very actively denounced the steal, and more importantly, told everyone to sit and follow the processes and take no actions. Called for everyone to accept the results and do nothing.
Then two years later his life and channel and everything else fell apart and he had nothing to lose and swung back the other way not out of being a believer in the cause, but out of desperation to regain his wealth, popularity, and relevancy.
He fought the good fight. Then quit. Then to his credit came back and fought it again. And did indeed fight like hell in the run up for this cycle. And good on him and he got my clicks back for doing so.
Im an OG mug clubber. There are three of them in my house. I know when and where and why my support came and went.
Calling for us to accept the election and do nothing happened.
And then the real issue. He's called out the Ukraine business well enough. Is he calling out the Israel business?
Left Ben behind (and Crowder) when in 2020 they refused to acknowledge the steal. They all were up in arms election night then the next day folded like Church chairs and said "accept the election. We lost and aren't going to talk about it anymore"
Alex Jones and Gavin Mcguniess were the only ones in it for the real fight. And they know it. And we know what happened to them because of it.
Both Double Dragon and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles have came out with a bunch of really good couch coop games lately.
3 sucked real bad. Cause woke. But Borderlands is still peak coop.
Of course Nintendo will still put out bangers for this from now until infinitum. Mario Wonder.
Wizard of Legend is sooo good but it's hard. So it'll depend on your couch and their flavor for that.
Except he engineered the experiment to give the exact results he wanted it to. It wasn't a true experiment to test his thesis. It was engineered show to validate his thesis. Bad science is bad science.
He intentionally selected power hungry bullies to be the guards and incentivized them to be aggressive and bad actors. He intentionally selected particularly passive students to be inmates. It wasn't random, it wasn't from a pool of random citizens, and it isn't the representative of society he wants to pretend it is. 12 Christian men act very differently than 12 insecure communists in training.
Yes. People calling out the problems are the problem to you.
Don't believe anyone or anything except the government approved message. Bleat on sheep.
You're the problem. You not only wouldn't lift a finger to fix the problem, you won't even acknowledge the problem, and even deny the problem.
You see, you're horrified of someone not complying. The very thought of someone out there trying to make a difference, fighting the fight you are too afraid of just instantly triggers your defense mechanism because you are so ashamed of what it looks like. Because of what you know you should be doing but are too terrified to do.
I was born homeless, months premature, addicted to drugs, to parents who would have aborted me if I were a decade or two later. Dad in and out of prison and mom couldn't even be found with drugs and alcohol and violence at every corner and I'm every room. I came out of the absolute worst of it and know exactly what's going on in a world you're so sheltered you couldn't even imagine existing, nay, even just now denied existing.
And I did my part. I put my boots on to go into that very battlefield to drag any single soul I could out of that darkness, that condemnation that is an all but inescapable fate, kicking and screaming if I have to.
And by all reports, and every measure, am not just good at it, am excellent at it. Parents who drive out of district to take their kids to my school specifically and for no other reason than I am at it, admitted out of their own mouths. I am exactly who you wanted to try to act like the good guy was. But I dared question the status quo, I dared call out the truth, and thus, you had to do the only thing you knew how to, lash out in ignorance and rage.
Go back to reddit with your cucked ass attitude if that's all you have to offer. Go back to your echo chamber where George Floyd was an innocent doctor in waiting and not a career scum bag. Worship at his alter and never dare to try to be awake again.
Coward. It is the only word for you.
You really out here trying to say the chronic delinquent already on his 5th assault, 2nd sexual assault, and dealing and doing drugs in high school student is not going to go to jail. He's just a misunderstood boy and a victim of society and totally not culturally raised to do these things. It's not one in ten that fall into it. It's one in one hundred that escape it. Watch a hip hop music video and tell me these people are being encouraged to escape instead of getting into this lifestyle.
Yes you do.
I teach 6th grade and I can with 90% accuracy tell you who will and won't graduate high school, who will and won't be arrested, who will and won't be addicted to street drugs.
Him being it makes me want to watch it even less.
For fucks sake. There are a million actors out there and they couldn't find one? Not one?
Just like Trump and Kavenaugh and every other #MeToo victim should be instantly put to death?
Just because someone said so. Not a victim. Just someone who said it for whatever abstract reason? This guy was entrapped for clicks, not busted talking to minors. Not caught in the act of being a pedophile.
Shoot your local pedophile. But that isn't what is happening here. This is glorified #metoo for clicks.
Even saying these things. I'm a subscriber and support several of these creators. Especially this one because of his focus on drawing out confessions of actual crimes. Getting them to admit to the CP is key for Alex and that's a plus.
The chat itself proves and means almost nothing, however. Talking to an adult pretending to be something else isn't and shouldn't ever be considered a crime.
Morally. Would we rob a victimless Fed sponsored bank if we had the opportunity? Of course. We are morally obligated to do so even.
This does, in fact. Make us robbers, just pulled from the opportunity. So. We should all be held as if we are the average jogger breaking into houses and beating people in their sleep for 34.00 and cheap jewelry?
What we would do if given the opportunity is far separated from what we do do. A long list of enemies to us would have a long list of very bad things happening to them if we had the opportunity. Should we be treated as if we have executed those actions?
It's still of primary law "habeas corpus"
Even if you thought you were selling Marijuana but were selling oregano the entire time, you can't be arrested for attempting to distribute narcotics.
How one can even be arrested for talking to an adult, no matter what they were pretending to be, is still far beyond me. For one to be guilty of the crime there has to be am actual victim somewhere and dateline way back in the Chris Hansen days learned this the hard way as they failed to convict and found their convictions overturned in nearly every single case.
"You thought you were talking to a 12 year old" "Okay. But am I guilty of talking to any 12 year Olds? Or am I guilty of talking to a 40 year old? Did I ever speak to a 12 year old?" May not morally be just. But lawfully, is just.
It really doesn't matter what the person in question thought they were doing. It matters what they were doing.
Am a subscriber to this guy, support the work because he tends to move these moments into busting CP, which is a provable offense. But the entrapment at best and (pun unintended) role-playing at worst isn't a crime and really shouldn't be treated as such.
They don't. This is after at least 150% removal of bad and 200% copying of good reviews and it's still this low. It's proper score is probably about 4
Never forget the switch is the ps5 generation equivalent.
Psx=64 ps2=GameCube ps3=wii ps4=wiiU ps5=switch
As always. And deservedly so. Nintendo reigns.
Two teachers on my hall and my own wife all three said those words. Unironically.
So said lots of people just this weekend.
Half of all reddit traffic is also curated bots.
Meaning only 25% of reddit is actually people.
Then half of that 25% is just porn posting and advertisers.
So really only about 12% of reddit is people.