Watching her get BTFO'd was satisfying.
If they're that mentally and emotionally unhinged, then sterilization is the best possible outcome. This isn't going to hurt anyone that matters.
I know. I was referring to the article itself, wherein the author decided to play along with the mutant's charade. Playing pretend is for children and actors. Mentally ill predators do not deserve that luxury.
"woman" "she"
They don't call these vaccines "clot shots" for nothing.
Pay for someone to mutilate themselves and become a liability to your company. I can't see any way that could go wrong.
Anyone who puts forth even the mildest efforts, because most of them have daddy issues and just want positive attention from men.
Step one: You can't, on account of it being a physical impossibility. Detain anyone who believes it possible and deliver them to a mental health facility.
I'm sure it's popular among the alphabet people. Despite the considerable corporate pandering, however, the percentage is not very high. I think the first game is the only one that did any relevant numbers.
an announcement from Square Enix indicates that its Western operations "will continue to publish franchises such as Just Cause, Outriders, and Life Is Strange."
At least they got one out of three right, but I'm sure this is largely due to contractual obligations. Just Cause is the only IP out of the three that is worth a damn.
Proud of what? It's not like you've coined either phrase, and no rational people on this site take you seriously. You occasionally get something right through the sheer volume of delusional takes you have. Most of it could be interpreted as "This is what no pussy does to a MF."
"We want access to your children so we can molest and groom them, but only to protect them from being molested and groomed."
Gold medalist in mental gymnastics. You know when school shootings happen, and people become hyperfocused about what could have been done to protect the children? Why can't we do that with mutants committing sexual assault on children? Victims suffer long-term consequences from that. One of those consequences is continuing the cycle of abuse.
"I am a false prophet, and racism is a superstition."
No. I saw an ad Taco Bell put out about some sort of drag event, and I don't differentiate between that and pushing the grooming and mutilation of children. They often go hand in hand.
I can't find any reason to give CDPR money at this point. They've destroyed any good faith I had in them with their mutant propaganda, the disastrous development and release of Cyberpunk 2077, their rambling about the situation in Eastern Europe, and now this.
Even Taco Bell is pushing this garbage now. What the fuck.
Not just based, but foundationed.
I can't say with any certainty what the future will hold, but right now it's fun to watch the mutants rage about their control being taken away from them.
This is a list of words I need to be using more often.
Is there any source for this being information being released by the FSB? To me, it just looks like something a random idiot on Twitter made up.
I highly recommend watching The Lighthouse. I'm still not exactly sure what the message or theme was, but it is a good movie.
If your job can be done from home, it doesn't need to be done.
A 16 year old boy from Tennessee decided to be petty and not go to school because he wasn't allowed into the girl's restroom, which likely would have resulted in sexual assault (remember Loudon County, Virginia?) The state aptly classified him as truant. Because the parent(s) failed at their responsibility, the police delivered the boy into the custody of someone who will hopefully do better.