RipleywasRightLV426 7 points ago +7 / -0

What's interesting is that science agrees with you especially in regards to the idea of consensus and individual reality. I'm not sure if you were just using it as a metaphor, but everything I've looked into regarding quantum mechanics actually follows that as a basis. We all have our own "individual realities" or at least our own "individual observations of realities. Like the example of a car crash where two seperate people can say the car was "red" or "blue" we're finding out that both people are actually right, in addition they're finding out people can actually have a physical effect on reality just by observing it.

So like you said, when there is no higher power or agreement between people of that degree, shit starts becoming wonky because there is no more consensus on reality and it starts to diverge as people start dwelling down on their own "instance". It's ironic how so many scientists flock to leftism when it's breaking reality to a degree.

RipleywasRightLV426 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's absolutely extends beyond the Bidens. I did a deep dive a while back with some of the 4chan autists and the Ukraine grift has been going for a long time. There's pictures with Obama when he was just a senator, pictures with McCain, etc. You name someone from either party and they had their hand in that cookie jar.

RipleywasRightLV426 3 points ago +3 / -0

The "counter offensive" is over, the mud and rainy season is only in a few weeks and then still haven't reached the first of the three heavily defended defense lines.

Even more interesting to add to your note, some of the OSINT autists have been following the Russian casualty numbers (By the Russians and the Ukies) and they've been dropping steadily to a small number while the mobilization forces is only increasing. TLDR of it is the Russia is gonna have a lot of bodies to set loose in a counter of their own. It's funny how these western advisors REALLY didn't pay attention in history classes.

RipleywasRightLV426 3 points ago +3 / -0

They also lost one of the wunderwaffen Challenger tanks just yesterday. Funnily enough those were only in the reserve forces, so they're using them now and they still haven't reached the first defense line.

RipleywasRightLV426 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is where I disagree with you though. How is it a shitshow to install any mods nowadays and how would be making a game easier? There's nothing stopping you from installing mods for anything nowadays.

Anything from Bethesda, you literally just drop the files into the game's directory and activate through the dozen mod managers there are. You could do it yourself too if don't like mod managers, it's a single line of the filename in a text file to activate any esp or esm for a gamebryo/creation engine. You don't even have to do that for texture/mesh replacement either, it's just drag and drop. Same with engine fixes and script extenders, drag and drop or just run a bat file.

The other big modding scenes for Bioware games or CDProject are exactly the same. Download, drop into directory and activate through a manager.

Want to hack or translate a rom? Load a patch and just point to the rom and select a out directory. Want to install CFW or console hacks? Load a website with the exploit on the console and it'll do all the work for you. Even server emulators are easy, I can have my wow server up in four mouse clicks and I didn't have to write a single line of code or do any database work.

I'm in a lot of modding and emulation communities and I honestly don't see where your argument is coming from.

RipleywasRightLV426 9 points ago +9 / -0

I mean he's not going be able to eat his daily ice cream cone with a mask on

RipleywasRightLV426 3 points ago +3 / -0

Glad to see you got your thread up from our debate. Again I have nothing against game design and I think if you want to design something it's worth supporting. For me it's just not efficient use of my time and holds no interest for me, but I'm strictly speaking for myself.

It is an interesting pararell to what I see in the wargaming community. There's alot of people who will say "Why are you giving your money to Games Workshop, they hate you? just 3d print your models". But that ignores how 3d printing is a hobby in itself and there's both a learning curve and time devoted to properly printing. I have a 3d printer and do use it frequently, but I still buy models because after 3 failed prints of a specific model it's just more time and cost effective just to buy the model outright. The time saved is just more valuable in that case to just use the finished product someone else manufactures.

RipleywasRightLV426 17 points ago +17 / -0

Or they'll contract out since this is just a US union. It's kind of hilarious that they don't realize how easily replaceable they are, and once they find out how cheaply their jobs can be done they'll be out of work for good.

RipleywasRightLV426 3 points ago +4 / -1

I disagree. Show me another game like Skyrim (which is 12 years old) where you can physically move every item around the environment, have a massive world with npcs living with schedules and who you can murder, steal, interact with every single one. Where there's seasons, weather, and the freedom to go and do anything. (And where the mod community have literally modded in every single facet of life)

Yes Unreal and Unity are powerful, but nobody has used those tools in the intervening 12 years to make a game like Skyrim. It is interesting to think why they haven't been able to.

RipleywasRightLV426 6 points ago +6 / -0

The paid modding completely crashed and burned and it while it was an incredible move of not reading the room it did lead to the creation club, and while not all of it was great, did provide some fantastic assets and systems for modders to use. The "tiny patches" I think is a nonstarter because literally every other game has similar patches and other than the special edition and anniversary edition (which were years apart) mods truck along just find and don't break as much as you'd think. Other than that their mod support has been pretty incredible and like I said as long as they keep using Creation Engine they physically can't stop modding even if they flipped around tomorrow.

I'm not suggesting that, my point has been that hobby can just be a hobby. It is very cool that the tools and resources are there to make your own projects, but again I don't want to. Whether for money or fun is irrelevant to me, modding is simply a hobby for me to support the hobby of playing videogames. Learning Unreal and creating resources takes away my finite time, and to be frank I'd rather just be killing dragons or fighting off raiders in a Bethesda game.

RipleywasRightLV426 7 points ago +7 / -0

How is the modding support trash and how have Bethesda fucked over modders in the past? I'm honestly curious because I've been modding since Oblivion and Bethesda provides the easiest and open set of tools to mod their games. Hell even things that are engine bound eventually get cracked open and are fixed or modded. They physically couldn't stop Starfield modding if they wanted to because it's still running gamebryo all the way down in the hood and that's been broken open for over a decade now.

It's admirable that your making your own game but I think stubbornly trying to nudge people into game creation is misguided, because again people sometimes just want a hobby and telling them "but you could turn this into a job and make money" is silly. So what if the company hates me, are they magically going to make my 12 year old skyrim install and mod directly unusable? They can't so I don't care.

RipleywasRightLV426 10 points ago +10 / -0

But again I have zero interest in that. I don't want a "workload" period, I just want to slay a couple dragons with some sick custom magic or sword I made. And that's why I brought up translation patches. It is absolutely a lot of work but if that's how they want to spend their free time who are you or anyone in a position to judge.

It really applies to any hobbies. Would you go up to someone who likes watching football and be like "What are you doing? You could be outside practicing with a ball and make money off it!". Why would you? Dude might just want to watch football and that's the same for someone who wants to reverse engineer a game in their free time.

RipleywasRightLV426 15 points ago +15 / -0

I think something you're missing is that modders (myself included) do it for a hobby or to change something we like or dislike. I have zero interest in building a game from scratch and then going through the process of selling it. I just want to add a new weapon to Fallout or a couple spells to Skyrim for myself and anyone that's interested.

"Just build your own game!" sounds like the sams people who when they see someone do a translation patch for a 20+ year old game or build cities in minecraft immediately say that line. If they wanted to make a game they would.

RipleywasRightLV426 2 points ago +2 / -0

Most people would die sadly. Some of the EMP reports commissioned by the US government predicted a 75-80% population reduction once the electricity was out. The survivors probably wouldn't even remember the word "patriarchy" after such a mind numbing event and the struggle to survive day to day.

RipleywasRightLV426 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah but how much sex will they have in three days (or less before they die)? You don't have clean water in three days, you're just a corpse.

A lot of post apocalyptic fiction misses that, most people, especially the degenerates will die in a corner from dehydration once the faucets don't work anymore long before any zombies or anyone clips them.

RipleywasRightLV426 1 point ago +1 / -0

Does Bill say anything on Jackson? I'm referring to Tommy's diverse baby momma who says the line "We're totally communsists". Whether it's a intentional community or not I think is moot since they put in that whole line and interaction for political reasons.

Same with Ant Man 3 and the whole the communist ants save the day bit.

RipleywasRightLV426 10 points ago +10 / -0

I absolutely rolled my eyes at the communism episode but that is probably the one situation it would actually work. Small community size and you can't lazy around because winter/zombies. It'd absolutely fall apart as they expanded past the one town but it was at least tolerable to Ant Man's 3 communist ants save the day.

I agree with your other points and I think alot of it is because it was a videogame to start with. I don't really think you can transfer the mediums when one requires so much hand on interaction.

RipleywasRightLV426 10 points ago +10 / -0

You'd cut down on literally every current woke/lgbt thing. As soon as a survivor started getting "triggered" and having panic attacks they'd get pushed right out to the zombies/bandits because your hair color is not going to feed the community.

RipleywasRightLV426 3 points ago +3 / -0

Hell they imprison people who film successful missiles strikes by the Russkies because it goes against the narrative they push about shooting down 31 out of 28 missiles. Although that seems to have died down a bit especially since the Ukie air command admitted they weren't able to shoot down Russia cruise missiles.

I agree with that this is absolutely an existential war and something we haven't seen before. This isn't ieds and mortars and desert brushfire wars. This is another European land conflict I'm sure enough will be known as WWIII once the Poles and Baltics jump in. It's crazy how we've gotten to this point.

RipleywasRightLV426 7 points ago +7 / -0

Now that you say that, I can't say I have either and I've seen quite a bit of combat footage, especially off telegram. And you're right there's a LOT of videos of them grabbing men of the street, young and old and then you'll see them getting buttfucked in minefields or just wrecked by drones. I admit I don't watch all the footage because there's only so many videos you can watch of conscripts just getting fucked and I don't even support the Ukies.

RipleywasRightLV426 15 points ago +15 / -0

This is my go to response. The games in English alone would last you a life time. If you wanted horni and picked up the Jap/Kor/Chi language you'd have 1000s of more games just from that. Not to mention all the non horni games that were never localized, there has to be thousands upon thousands.

You are spoiled for choice nowadays.

RipleywasRightLV426 2 points ago +2 / -0

Interesting, I never knew that considering I always saved Ashley in ME1 and they didn't make her gay. I don't think they'd even be able to write her character today.

RipleywasRightLV426 2 points ago +2 / -0

As far as I can tell this is also a response to Belarus. Ever since Wagner got there, they've been freaking out that Wagner might sneak in with the illegal immigrants. They've reinforced the border with 1000s of troops and have been threatening to close it entirely.

Kinda funny considering western media said Wagner were all weak suicidal prisoners who fight with shovels.

RipleywasRightLV426 8 points ago +8 / -0

At least in Mass Effect it was optional, you could tell all the romantic options to fuck off, because hey we have a galaxy to save from Cthulhu monsters. And iirc it never effected the gameplay.

RipleywasRightLV426 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah I admit I don't know that much of Scientology besides the memes but if I was entering Hollywood and had a choice between Xenu and the child sacrificing moloch worshippers I'm choosing Scientology any day of the week.

They're also big on hating psychiatry and therapy, which seems to be all for worshiping mental illness nowadays.

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