RandomFurryDude 3 points ago +4 / -1

I haven't waited for it at all, although people keep accusing me of being a furry, as if usernames are relevant at all.

RandomFurryDude 1 point ago +3 / -2

FO1-2 has both fat people and 'warrior women' though. There's actually a fair amount of food in the wasteland because farming, so wealthy people can get fatter. And there's also no need for huge levels of reproduction so a lot of women are pressed into male-led roles like guards and such.

RandomFurryDude 15 points ago +15 / -0

Its the same sort of satire as Robocop and Starship troopers, really REALLY heavy handed satire.

RandomFurryDude 17 points ago +17 / -0

Is literally every community manager just a Marxist commissar?

Yes? Look up O'sullivan's law. HR/PR positions are always full of leftists because leftists only ever hire their own.

RandomFurryDude 10 points ago +11 / -1

I don't remember Hamas bombing the West. But it's weird that ISIS does it all the time but never attacks Israel...

RandomFurryDude 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is the fed losing money

Uhhh they just ask their jew masters to print some more?

RandomFurryDude 5 points ago +5 / -0

What the hell are you smoking? Have you actually seen ME and Asian people? They're 5'6 lanklets, and thanks to modern agriculture, if they're not lanklets they're as fat as Americans.

RandomFurryDude 0 points ago +2 / -2

Imagine being so irate over a science fiction book lmao.

RandomFurryDude -1 points ago +1 / -2

Complain to Paul Verhoven, not anonymous internet people. His version of the series was continued for a lot longer than the book, make of that what you will.

RandomFurryDude 1 point ago +2 / -1

The movie has absolutely nothing to do with the book. They're completely different fictions except for their name.

RandomFurryDude -16 points ago +3 / -19

Yes, they had a whole interplanetary empire

No, the humans 'say' they have an empire, what we see is a handful of planets that were already occupied by the bugs god knows how many years ago.

At least two separate asteroids originate in Bug space, on a course for Earth

There's thousands of asteroids in the galaxy heading 'for earth', they just stumbled across one of the endless ones that would've missed earth by a million miles anyways.

The second one was aimed at South Africa before missile batteries blew it up

CGI propaganda, bugs do not have the knowledge or capability to launch FTL asteroids at planets they've never heard of before.

RandomFurryDude -15 points ago +2 / -17

Ahh yes because the bugs who can't even build a damned car, managed to launch a meteorite across the galaxy to nail a specific city on a planet no bug has ever actually seen in person? THAT makes sense.

Protip, the humans are the baddies in the film, the bugs are mostly mindless critters, but they're not pure evil.

RandomFurryDude -16 points ago +2 / -18

Jews totally support real nazis!

Yeah this conversation is over, lmao.

RandomFurryDude -7 points ago +15 / -22

There aren't 'actual nazis' in Ukraine though. Israel approves of them, like come on how obvious do you want it?

They're people LARPing as nazis. Nazis haven't been around for about 80 years.

RandomFurryDude 4 points ago +4 / -0

Metal recycling isn't a scam, but a metric shitload is landfilled because separating plastic and cans is a pain in the ass.

RandomFurryDude 34 points ago +35 / -1

This is going to blow your mind, but plastics actually really suck at being recycled. You know all those endless bottles and plastic containers you throw in the recycling bin? You know where they end up?

In the ground, as landfill. Because that's all it's good for.

Plastic degrades and has to be hyper-sorted before recycling and it costs about 5x as much to recycle plastic as it does to make new plastic.

tl;dr, recycling is a scam and is just a fancier way of saying 'landfill'.

RandomFurryDude 2 points ago +2 / -0

Can you handshakes fucking type English for once in your third worlder/jewish lives!?

RandomFurryDude 8 points ago +8 / -0

If it's superconducting, it generates less heat to begin with. So electronics gets even smaller and more efficient and faster.

RandomFurryDude -2 points ago +1 / -3

You asked if they were logged in.

Why would they be logged in? Nobody with half a brain has an account on twitter for good reason.

RandomFurryDude 2 points ago +2 / -0

...You're asking if someone actually has a twitter account. (Protip, the term 'twitter' indicates it's userbase).

RandomFurryDude 0 points ago +6 / -6

Right, he works for the CCP when every single winning president is visibly controlled by zionists.

Makes sense!

What, are the zionists working for China too? Lmao.

RandomFurryDude 2 points ago +2 / -0

You're operating on consistent logic, these people don't work that way.

There could be a hundred laws saying "Whites have every protection as any other race and you cannot discriminate against them"

They'd find a way anyways, or just ignore it. And if you take them to court you'll just hear 'something something racism, maybe he said kneegrow' etc.

You cannot get ahead of these people from a non-violence standpoint because they'll always end up using violence against you. What option does that leave?

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