Or you can invert this. "Hurt yourself to succeed"
Kerri's final vault was deemed necessary, although the the Russians score had yet to be tabulated. Had she not taken the vault, they would have won regardless.
Actually there are 14,000 hours of footage Nanci Pelosi is refusing to release.
As with the forensic audits. There is no reason not to investigate this evidence.
Let us know if you agree that this evidence should be viewed.
From that definition, one can be a "Demisexual Super Straight". Or as I like to call it, "normal".
Wow. I was totally unaware that George Floyd enjoyed wearing womens underwear.
It is their second amendment right.
I believe those words could mean anything either of us wish for them to mean. And for me to agree to said concept would be meaningless on a text based forum.
There is no nuance in text, and your words are meant to embrace greater concepts steeped in contextual teachings.
With that in mind, I can not in good conscious agree or disagree, to such broad ill defined Questions.
I don't believe in anything you just said.
"Why is this important? If you believe in the perfectability of man, then you will go down the rabbit-hole of utopianism that has wrought"
I especially don't rely on other peoples thoughts to dictate my own.
Jump down a rabbit hole. Why don't you jump down my rabbit hole.
Oh, I think I understand now. So, they're all just gay then right?
Doesn't it just mean she's bisexual? And doesn't that just mean she will fuck anyone that has a pulse?
Wait... Hold up.
How about we get on a life raft, and move to the rescue ship?
Jesus man. Put the fiddle down.
All American wealth is siphoned off by the world banks. It's not that you aren't a victim, it's just that your perpetrator isn't even on the same continent as yourself, let alone the same city block. The very fiat banking system is designed to deprive you of your rights and wealth.
Racism is just a distraction from this fact, giving you someone close at hand to blame. It also helps to create division, as those in control do not actually want the citizens collectively bargaining, or creating anything resembling the socialism they claim to crave. These are all just tools used to control the masses.
White, Black, Asian, we are all just slaves in their eyes.
Gosh, I sure hope her team of all black brain surgeons are able to save her life.
Who is to prevent a child from taking too much of this gene therapy and dying, in order to get more free ice cream?
You know, I heard a rumor that one can be an effeminate man, or a tomboy, without proclaiming yourself to be the opposite gender. I also heard that you can be a person, without needing to define yourself by other peoples standards or labels.
Big if true. Game changers in fact.
They are attempting to exit the woke agenda. It worked for Redbull. Maybe it will work for them.
Doesn't matter. You can't unspeak words. He's already said it.
Watch a couple videos, and then build your own PC.
Perfect. I am so glad we can agree on this.