ProfessorCrackPipe 6 points ago +6 / -0

Yep. I assume Obama is really the one in control, and we know how much he loves using race as a shield and a weapon.

Harris has both gender and race to hide behind, so she’s like New Game+ version of Obama. Now they’ve got racism and misogyny to choose from when they want to shut up critics.

ProfessorCrackPipe 8 points ago +8 / -0

Yeah, that whole thing didn’t pass the smell test. Did they ever produce any recovered evidence, such as bullets at the scene?

ProfessorCrackPipe 7 points ago +7 / -0

Mostly Democrats, and Sheldon Adelson died a few months ago. He was a huge Trump donor. Presumably his widow will continue to donate to Republicans, but who knows if it will be as much. That could be yet another significant area that Democrats gain ground in. We’re really screwed...

ProfessorCrackPipe 9 points ago +9 / -0

Political elements aside for a moment- I didn’t know this had finally come out. I remember Devolver having a promo for it in their E3 video like 4 or 5 years ago. I just checked the wikipedia article for it, which claimed it was in development since 2012. I thought this was a AA level series? What the hell took so long? Is the game any good?

ProfessorCrackPipe 15 points ago +16 / -1

I think this is all according to plan. After they could not gain any traction with Harris in the primaries, they shifted to Biden, with the plan to discard him and install Harris afterwards.

I figured they’d try to get 2 years out of Biden, so they could get 10 years out of Harris. Maybe Joe’s in worse shape than they thought, and they are so emboldened by getting away with blatantly cheating the election, that they are ready to do it sooner.

I am curious what cocktail of drugs and supplements they gave Biden before the debates, because he was pretty sharp during those, other than some stammering. Or, as many suspected, maybe he was being coached with an earpiece.

by xleb2
ProfessorCrackPipe 4 points ago +4 / -0

What is their aim with all the black transgendered stuff? They’ve been pushing it for a few years now. Is it because it isn’t taking with black people, so they keep on trying?

ProfessorCrackPipe 11 points ago +11 / -0

Yeah, I’ve been thinking about that, too. They’ll probably just ruin him, rather than make him go away altogether.

ProfessorCrackPipe 8 points ago +8 / -0

Sounds like it’s an anthology series where everyday people wield the shield and “become” Captain America. In other words, this is the hollowest of virtue signaling from Marvel.

If you like Captain America, and have never read Simon and Kirby’s original Fighting American, check it out. The character isn’t as popular, so it hasn’t been ruined, in spite of Rob Liefeld taking a crack at it in the late 90s.

I hated the Titan series, too, since it was so predictably ‘modern.’ Oh, here’s two guys from the 50s that get flung into current day, haha, they’re so backwards, lets pair them up with a lesbian FBI agent! Can’t just tell a good story about Fighting American smashing Commies, oh my, no.

ProfessorCrackPipe 16 points ago +16 / -0

racial relations have only grown worse since they've been pushing the whites are evil thing.

Liberals like to act as though they are smarter than everyone. In reality they are so unsophisticated that they can’t recognize the oldest tactic in the book: divide and conquer.

ProfessorCrackPipe 15 points ago +15 / -0

but has no problem with Sonya Blade.

From a looks standpoint, the casting of Sonya is better than I expected. Still, you can tell they were holding back. Can’t have too attractive of a woman, and certainly not one with big breasts!

ProfessorCrackPipe 2 points ago +2 / -0

While there are many factors, I think the problem with Sci-Fi is that none of their other shows were ever able to attain the success of Stargate SG-1.

The network was way too hands-off with Farscape, I really think that if they had reigned them in a little bit, and forced them to be a little more episodic, or just edit the show in a way that made it more attractive to new viewers, it would have had a much better chance of lasting longer than it did.

Fans of the channel laid it all at Bonnie Hammer’s feet, but it’s not like she did anything at Sci-Fi that wasn’t being done on every other network.

ProfessorCrackPipe 5 points ago +5 / -0

Gay guy tells straight men it’s cool to have sex with men. I’m shocked. Imagine what kind of advice this guy (he’s a psychotherapist) gives his clients.

ProfessorCrackPipe 4 points ago +4 / -0

Also, I'll just say it, Superman Returns (2006) was the last good movie with Superman in it.

I always liked that movie. I still enjoy the Christopher Reeve ones, so that probably explains it. I never understood the hate people had for it. I reached the same conclusion, that people only wanted dark and gritty at the time. Well, they got it, and it hasn’t aged well, in my opinion.

...people eagerly anticipating it are going to have a 'well...I guess this is cool' moment and it'll quickly get shuffled out of their minds within a week.

Yes, but that’s generally all of pop culture for several years now. The popular stuff may stay popular for 3-6 months, but after that it’s old news, too, and people are on to the next thing. Look at stuff like Tiger King. You couldn’t access any kind of media without hearing about that crap for like three months. Now? Nobody cares.

by Kanyet
ProfessorCrackPipe 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is from 2013, for what it’s worth. I think the funniest part is this:

Vice President Joe Biden spoke at length Tuesday night...

Biden spoke for nearly 20 minutes at the American Institute of Architects building in Washington

“At length” is 20 minutes? Fantastic.

ProfessorCrackPipe 17 points ago +17 / -0

In my tinfoil hat moments (which is pretty much a constant state of being these days), I think this is all according to plan. They let this stuff explode, so it drives their citizens out into the other States. They know damn well the majority of them are still going to vote Democrat wherever they land.

ProfessorCrackPipe 9 points ago +9 / -0

It probably is the majority, but until the media is broken, it’s difficult for it to really achieve the critical mass for real social change. They provide leftists with the cover they need to never change. The left wing base is so accustomed to intellectual dishonesty and cognitive dissonance that they can shrug off facts and logic that don’t suit them. All they need is CNN and The NYT to tell them they are right.

Until something comes along that is so offensive and enraging to the general public that the media can’t hide the facts, and leftist base is scared straight, they’ll never be swayed. You would think blatantly rigging an election would qualify, but apparently not!

ProfessorCrackPipe 6 points ago +6 / -0

Most of us are there, but the leftists will never admit to being wrong. They know it’s all bullshit, but they’re committed to it, and refuse to do anything that would imply Trump was right all along.

ProfessorCrackPipe 10 points ago +10 / -0

I used to really like her, and thought she was going to be a big star. Now, I won’t watch any of her stuff, and just kind of feel bad for her. She seems to be another deeply miserable person who is trying to find her way, but keeps going down the path towards more misery. Maybe she can go hang out with Jim Carey and do some painting...

ProfessorCrackPipe 6 points ago +6 / -0

Just watch the original. One of the best 80s shows, in my opinion. Edward Woodward is great.

ProfessorCrackPipe 4 points ago +4 / -0

Starship Troopers. It may sound odd to some, but that was the one that started my long journey to rejecting leftism/liberalism, and actually trying to think for myself.

ProfessorCrackPipe 3 points ago +3 / -0

Despite being a gamer for many years... im starting to see that as a waste of time.

Bingo. I still enjoy playing games from time to time, but as I close in on 40, I look back and see that it was mostly a massive waste of time. As was watching so much TV, I’m not only picking on gaming.

Time goes fast. Enjoy entertainment, but be careful about making it a lifestyle.

ProfessorCrackPipe 4 points ago +4 / -0

I had a whole rant written up, but in the interest of brevity:

Creatively, the industry was dying long before anyone took notice. We can discuss any number of valid factors, but ultimately I think plain old laziness and greed was the primary culprit. Writers don’t want to write, artists don’t want to draw, editors don’t want to edit.

Less content at the highest prices ever. Not a winning combination.

ProfessorCrackPipe 5 points ago +5 / -0

Even if this was legit, it would be one of those “don’t hate the player, hate the game” kind of scenarios for me. Good on ‘em for exploiting something current, and hopefully they make some money off of it.

Kind of like 50 Shades of Grey. Wasn’t that some Twilight fanfic to begin with? And now the author is probably a millionaire. I love that kind of absurdity.

ProfessorCrackPipe 7 points ago +8 / -1

I think they overhyped this, unless there’s more. In context, he clearly says it’s about preventing violence. He knows that’s not what it’s about, and we know it, but your average dumbass who still thinks the mainstream media is legit will look at it and think he sounds completely rational. Even if he looks like he’s been walking through the woods, eating every mushroom he happens upon.

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