Yes, that.
You set up a bank, a proper bank, FDIC insured, everything, and then you direct market it as a free speech harbor.
At that point it's MUCH harder for other companies to say they won't work with you. If the customer with the money says to transfer the money, they have to transfer it as a legitimate, authorized transaction.
Refusing at that point means going to federal court and convicting the BFS to say you're not a legitimate bank. That's a much, MUCH higher hurdle, one these leftists won't be able to clear.
it looks like
Yeah. It's down to "who is the most high profile voice of the opposition". Probably 90's Oprah. You flip Oprah hard redpill during the Clinton era and... well probably nothing would change because the church of feminism would flip to Ellen.
Indoctrination in kids cartoons
It's always drawn hate.
Heinlein of the late 50's definitely lived down to the stereotype of a sneering STEM nerd telling an english major to get a real job. Which didn't sit too well since at that point he hadn't touched engineering for decades, had flopped at politics, and had been writing professionally for years.
It's just an invasion marking.
During the invasion of Europe, allied planes were painted with alternating black and white stripes.
During the first Gulf War, allied armor was painted with chevrons in infrared reflective paint.
Stillwater was a better map and the radio stations were better.
I don't think you understand the motivation of the Baltics.
Their entire foreign policy can basically be summed up as "Fuck the Russians". Not "Fuck Russia", "the Russians". They hate the country, but because they hate the people in it. If there was a Team Yankee war, the Estonians and Finns would encircle St Petersberg and put on a reenactment of Nanking.
NACHA is an industry group, they don't make the rules.
The Bureau of Fiscal Service makes the rules. That's the Treasury Department.
Means that to shut you down, they have to get the FEDS to shut you down, they can't just blacklist you out of spite.