the same way gamer gaters threatened to rape him and tear out his womb
also filled with rapists who would rape trannies
like who cares though, they're fan fictions
"you" as in whites and white culture/beauty standards
They picked an ugly foreign nigger to humiliate you
They all go for that gaunt look now, I guess it's better than being puffy and saggy with wrinkles when you hit middle age
they're obsessed origin stories of characters somebody else created so they can subvert it for their agendas
just ignore the retcon nonsense and don't even acknowledge those movies exist
We were cheese makers!
200 years of colonial rule, still poo on the streets
At least they aren't speaking German
Of course not, who do they think they are? They're not nigger rappers or Jewish spies/fraudsters
And it's not even refuting claims against us government, shabos goys get mad on someone else's behalf
But enough about the jews
Being a jew aside, they always have that permanent half smirk even when they speak, for example Rachel madcow
But it didn't happen more than 80 years ago
30/year isn't that much different than patreon or subscriptions
metabarons, metal hurlant
cool it with antisemitic remarks
heh this guy thinks orthodox Judaism isn't civilization destroying type
ah ok, when I first clicked the link it was linked by glitch? to one of the replies to the op with very little likes and replies and seemly saying something about the Monty hall problem
what's the context? this random guy ranting about disagreeing about the problem?
and the dragon's cartoon big eyes aesthetic doesn't match rest of the the live action parts and ironically just makes the actor look like uncanny valley cgi
have you tried the dual analog (no rumble concave sticks), it has longer grips so they don't just dig into your palms