Who gives a shit, Hamill? Stick to reading scripts.
Why is this evil shitbag still alive and why is anyone airing his opinions?
This is why the sick obsession with keeping bags of skin alive despite having no life (never mind "quality" of life) is another well-intentioned evil.
It would get pretty crowded without it.
That fucking zombie says what his handlers tell him to.
I doubt that doddering asshat has had a coherent thought in years.
"The first casualty of war is the truth." Same shit from here to eternity.
Best thing for me is to ignore wise guy comments on the war and the shameless cheerleading for one side or the other.
As with the Ukrainian insanity, the truth has a way of slipping out once the initial hard-ons for death and destruction subside and the usual suspects say what we expect them to say.
Minnesota is indeed a hive of leftists, even in farm country, or at least old Olaf is keeping his mouth shut while the assholes in Minneapolis and elsewhere run the state into the ground.
I used to visit friends in Le Sueur County who had a cabin on a small lake. Lovely farm country, as is much of MN. I'd like to live in MN and would settle there if it weren't run by the DP.
Boys will be boys. Seeing "Nigger" written on the side of your car when you walk out into the HS parking lot would be embarrassing, but it makes the car owner a martyr to all the square students--that is, the girls--and the entire faculty.
Taunting autistic kids is just what HS boys do, and everything they think is stupid they call "gay." I find it pretty funny. Shane Gillis comes to mind.
Youth culture is weird and savage and always has been.
This anti-racism shit is a fetish, a gigantic hammer looking for a minuscule nail.
Most sequels suck, for good reasons.
Hollywood assholes cannot shake their formula, though--movies that do well must be re-made to capitalize on the hits.
It's beyond me, for example, why so many people turn out for the endless sequels to crap like "Halloween." How many of those were made? Ten?
The first two Exorcist sequels sucked ass, too, and didn't even have the burden of this idiotic diversity nonsense.
At last, some good news. Maybe they'll be forced to fold once Bezos gets tired of shoveling cash into it.
Just a hermit-in-training, so . . . sure, why not? Raus!
Spread bullshit . . . it has a more tangible effect, like fertilizing vegetables.
Especially the US. The last formal declaration of war was by Roosevelt in 1941.
it wont be too long before Zelenskyy is hauled out into the streets by his own people and flayed, or he sees it coming and flees to Switzerland to one of his new mountain homes.
That would be nice.
How do you suppose the US and others making bank on the war would react to that? A revolving door of puppet dictators?
Once somebody concludes that most if not all social strife and injustice has been caused by the Evil Jews there's no way to convince him that there is no vast conspiracy of them bent on fucking up his life. The Rothschilds cooked up more than just chocolates.
It gets to the point where people claim, "The Nazis weren't so bad, Hitler was a misunderstood genius and Mein Kampf is mere autobiography with no propaganda purpose," etc.
That said, Israel can fuck right off and fight its own wars.
I can recall in the not-so-distant past that "harmful misinformation" was called a "lie."
"Actively harmful misinformation"? Here's an illustrative scenario:
Man points to a pile of dogshit on the street and tells a passerby, "Look, some free gourmet soft-serve ice cream!"
Passerby eats shit and blames the man.
This is pabulum for the gullible, mentally lazy, and illiterate.
If some dumbshit acts on some anonymous opinion and encounters problems because of it, it is not the fault of the entity posting the opinion.
This fucking slave mentality is ripe for abuse and most lamebrained normies buy into it.
Is this some sort of State propaganda shilling for a ministry of information?
I think the Israelis will have the last laugh.
This is fine as long as the message carrying the moral lesson is short and accurate and does not involve moral blackmail or coercion ("tough love").
Leave me alone and we'll get along fine. Start morally chastising me or abusing my quietude and we have a major problem.
I suppose intelligence or professional expertise does not confer moral courage, to speak with restraint.
What is the purpose of putting out 2 contradictory messages? Delibrately stoking conflict?
Why in the living hell would any professional group accept the conditions imposed by this so-called "Human Rights Campaign"?
Do shills for this group visit CEOs and blackmail them? Or is simple moral grandstanding and public chastisement enough to get them to play ball?
This should not be our problem. The idiots fighting in the streets (Ft. Lauderdale???) over this war are fighting ghosts, phantoms, some imaginary moral struggle they've heard about secondhand from the monolith of lies and illusion that we call "journalism" or "the press" or "the media."
Fuck these people. Leave them to their own hell. We've got bigger fish to fry at home, and they ain't gefilte fish.