OBRIENMUSTSUFFER 6 points ago +6 / -0

Goddamn it for a second I thought I might get to see the At&t girl’s tits.

OBRIENMUSTSUFFER 6 points ago +6 / -0

I wouldn’t play it even if it wasn’t woke dykeslop. It doesn’t interest me in the least, just a series of two player Mario Party minigames.

OBRIENMUSTSUFFER 6 points ago +6 / -0

Idk if she’s only antagonizing 2% of the population I can live with it.

OBRIENMUSTSUFFER 2 points ago +2 / -0

I would kill for Kenny Rogers Jackass: The Game.

OBRIENMUSTSUFFER 8 points ago +8 / -0

He can be great but he’s definitely one of those creators who desperately needs someone to reign his autism in.

OBRIENMUSTSUFFER 18 points ago +18 / -0

Most likely they’ll keep her a redhead and make Harry’s dad black or some kind of dune coon.

OBRIENMUSTSUFFER 3 points ago +3 / -0

As long as they’re putting Mad Tv alumni in everything, why not Will Sasso?

OBRIENMUSTSUFFER 9 points ago +9 / -0

I watched that episode not too long ago and that part has a ton of different religions including a Muslim, Hindu, Atheist, and some kind of Native American shaman.

I thought it was weird how every other Species has a religion that their whole planet practices but Humanity has all these different religions, but I suppose that was the point.

OBRIENMUSTSUFFER 12 points ago +12 / -0

I just started watching it for the first time, and I am really enjoying it so far but there’s definitely a lot of dunking on silly “space racists” , diversity is our strength, being human first or Earth first is seen as a bad thing, we should all buddy up to these violent aliens for some reason, etc. I can see that Mass Effect borrowed a lot from it.

It hasn’t been bad enough to really piss me off yet, Garibaldi and Sheridan actually seem pretty based so I just chalk it up to well meaning 90’s Lolbertarianism rather than any kind of subversive faggotry.

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