I am aware of it but no idea why specifically.
Maybe vtubers feel more real than normal women YouTubers cause if the visual is fictional than the personality being fictional fits making a fictional character so that there isn't a dicotomy between real visuals and fictional personality ?
While men tend to be a bit more genuine so it doesn't quite work if they try to vtube as well since it again mismatches ?
Just spit balling here as I have no specific idea on why.
I'm an atheist and as long as that remains true I won't have any problem with Christianity (as long as it's not one of those "ankle is porn censor everything" or the "burn everyone that disagrees" types)
I do not believe in God but I don't think most people can handle being atheist and so they instead join these cults that worship something else in pursuit of filling the religious hole that was left behind.
But which one is more flammable ? Asking for a friend
This would be hilarious if it passed. No more gay or lesbian sex, no more sex if the clot shot made you infertile, no more tranny or porn stuff.
At least straight couples can kind of lie about it "oh we totally tried to conceive but I just couldn't hold it in". What's the gay excuse ?
PC port of RoTR coming soon and I hope the port is good.
Though their decision to go with appropriate voice actors by nationality does sound a bit strange at first I kind of dig it
Assuming he did in fact leave instructions that would be carried out, nothin there points to the possibility that there aren't other instruction for other places as well.
Maybe if that does come to pass we would have some nice new craters all around
I hadn't considered that. If we import a bunch of American leftists we can then hand them over to the drug dealers so we can extort some capital from them and their families.
Or we could sell them to organ traffickers or simply to the Chinese community.
Alternatively we could just hand them over to the Muslims after we steal their shit.
Might not be a bad idea, America gets rid of them and we get some money, might even start back our trade empire once again, thought we should move to a more marketable term like "intern exchange"
I have looked but haven't tried it just yet, planning to give it a go once I have less stuff going on.
Looks promising from what I've seen, and most of the talk I see is about the experimental stuff (like no dart mode) so I assume the base is mostly done and stable.
Whatever owlcats latest release is (so before was pathfinder and now it's RT),
the legend of dragoon (though not yearly),
Star Citizen (there must always be one space game in my hard drive and switched off elite quite some time ago)
Nioh 2 or another team ninja game.
Heavily modded total war Warhammer.
And then a bunch of stuff that I tend to rotate like darkest dungeon, slay the spire, Troubleshooters, etc.
Got a bunch of games that I keep in my harddrive for when I want a specific genre, some known and some obscure, but too much of a hassle to remember their names atm.
I want one of these "woman's struggles" games to come out and the woman's struggles is that if you play female the game turns piss easy as you get given every resource you need.
I would just find it immensely funny, they can add a "male privilege" toggle in case people want to play properly with a female character
When my disdain of makeup makes a 60 year old look better than the average 20-30 that has a face like a clown
This is something I've never understood about Nintendo, they could always make so much money by bringing in these Indies, making them officially licenced products and taking a cut (no matter how small it would still generate quite a bit) or even go full ham and just integrate them into your team and develop it.
But they always pick the lawsuit with a value that likely amounts to peanuts when compared to their budgets or even the potential gains.
Never quite understood that but I do live in a place where lawsuits are more punishing than prison sentences so maybe Japan has good courtrooms ?
I just started it back up so still too early to judge. They added verbal duals since the last time which is some esoteric wizardry that I still don't get.
But I'm not far enough yet to start interacting with most mechanics. Just joined a sect, built a house while doing the land plot missions.
Beast wave is still bonkers for damage though.
Rogue Trader, Star Citizen and a bit of Matchless KungFu
All fun in different ways
I'm still processing the one were vtubers can't show anything yet vrchat can go almost fully naked
Maybe we should set up a discord (or something like it, I don't know I'm getting old) where we can put away the political stuff and just meme, socialize, whatever normal people do on those servers.
Or do we already have one that I'm not aware of ?
Then again I'm very anti social so probably won't contribute much, would still like to join one though
One of the important things to the FPS of star citizen isn't as much the gunplay but the zero G EVA and ship interiors.
I played Elite for quite a while before I jumped ship (after too many time getting annoyed at engineering) and saw the influx of players when Elite added space legs but it was a land and teleport out of your ship.
Having ship interiors and zero G allows for varied interactions between players, from doing silly things to the military LARPers doing a try hard ship invasion.
Though Star citizen still needs the game part built on top the EVA, interiors and the soft death system are important to the FPS spaceman fantasy.
Though from what I heard of the pirate elements of the game too many people fly ships without any kind of FPS gear, guess there isn't a cure for stupid.
"A racism a day keeps the doctor away"
Doctor's orders: " If you see black, go on the attack"
"A black you shall beat, for your health to treat, and remember to repeat, for cancer's defeat"
It just seems incredibly funny to me that if this was true we would have highly racist saying to keep the population healthy
Forgot about activities and trying to edit on phone is pain so new comment.
Beyond the ones you mention there is racing, salvage, there is technically towing.
Beyond that there are some fancier of the ones you mentioned but content is still the area than needs improving
I have good performance but I have a PC purposely built for it. It keeps getting better but still far from release performance. Servers are still the main issue to performance though they had a test recently which went well so hopefully in the next major patch server stuff if get much needed polish.
Though if you left from when orison got added, performance is much improved (though still mostly CPU bound), and 30ks are rarer (though I play on EU servers and I'm generally lucky)
For gameplay you have more stuff to do but not more gameplay, sure I can go do bunkers or the centers but it's not new gameplay, yet.
Development has picked up now that teams are moving from Squadron and we have got quite a few revamps to old systems (map, mobi, EVA, flight modes, etc) but they were added recently and need a bit of cooking.
Overall I'd say if they deliver this year on the servers the project would be at somewhere around late Alpha and so they can move onto content to play rather than base tech. The 800 people test did work out well with a few hiccups (displacement of bullets while crossing servers in space).
Rogue Trader for the millionth time.
Getting a character ready for the Elder Ring DLC
And some Star Citizen every time I get a desire for some space stuff.
Though I have other stuff installed if I want to change genres those are the current thing.
Though I'm shifting a lot more time to writing background lore for a universe to set stories in.
It has moving parts and people are idiots. It would either be broken or cause some woman to chip a nail and so would the owner would be sued.
No fun allowed in public anymore
I've always wanted to write stories in a universe I've been working on. The recent crap has definitely re-sparked my interest in doing it.
Been doing my world building and set up the overall story and hopefully will at some point have some chapters to share if I find a place to, hopefully that isn't a leftist shit hole since they infect all kinds of art.
I have looked into blender when I was drawing stuff in VR but work put a quick stop to that so might go back to add some visual aids to the story but current focus is on the story.
Hopefully quality stuff starts popping up again, this time clear of the leftist taint of being unable to separate reality from fiction
What's the Japanese onomatopoeia for barfing again ? Preferably loud and long barfing if possible.
I said before that I hope RoTR outsells shadows....but I now want this to also outsell it.
We need more stuff to outsell shadows so we can point at it and laugh