fine by me, I ll stop watching and funding
actors, directors, writers fuck em all
even from AIDS?
only on month left to rig the election
some coon who got the job because his skin is color of shit
they mean Trump right?
anybody whose vote is influenced by actors/muscians get the goverment they deserve.
Personally I couldnt give a shit who dwayne johnson endorses, or any othef actor for that matter.
yeah in old days they just threw a rope over the branch if a tree
i thought thd first season of preacher was good especially the scenes with hitler but then it went to shit
i could see it coming in episode 4, thats when I stopped watching. It was the last show on tv i watch.
ever been to africa? I have, all over. They fucking stink no kidding. So yeah showering is the norm of decent society.
judt like muslims in Uk, 99% of our election fraud results is by muslims
yeah pretty much the most horrible person in the books, but an acurate portrayal of some women I know.
actually the books are about a godlike man who doesnt want to rule the world bug is forced jnto that position and gives it all up in the end.
I dying to see how wigs and lighting are going to make a niggers theyve hired look like the iconic caucasian characters of the book.
The first 6 books are some of my favourites books ever, but I wont be watching the amazon tv series which is going to shit all over the books.
Havent they already cast black actors for most of the white characters?
This is going to bea faggot show both figuratively and literally.
USA Today, wow still in business.
and hitler is best known for genocideand starting WW2 which is to overlook his artistic endeavours
five bucks says ts a trannie
needs electric shock treatment
blacks, what do you expect?
well they did clap him, so fair comment
i see bounding into comics is another site now using fraud as a supposed legitimate reason to track snd spy on you