NataliePortmanteau 2 points ago +2 / -0

I, for one, welcome an attempt by leftists to appease their many minority vectors while simultaneously restructuring the entirety of industry, society, and civilization.

Big talk is free and they own the airwaves. Creating propaganda is very different from enacting that propaganda.

Considering the people they have tapped to fight this battle for them, and the weak moral and ethical fiber of their champions, I am confident that it will all fail spectacularly before it even starts. It will be enjoyable to watch leftists writhe in the twisted wreckage of their great utopian experiment--it'll be easier to pick them off that way.

NataliePortmanteau 17 points ago +17 / -0

The leftist argument that takes this tack is already disingenuous.

Who promotes globalism? Which companies outsourced to China 20 years ago? If the answer is the same giant multinational conglomerate who talk out of both sides of their mouth, congrats!

Since they are solely responsible for this situation, and these giant corporations are the same ones blaming whitey and the western world for all ills, while promoting green initiatives and making billions off the backs of slave labor, you would think they would either shut up about climate change since they're the ones apparently driving it or do something to fix it.

Nope! The dog and pony show dictates it's you evil whites in the Western world. Not the evil totalitarian regime we hand trillions over to, or us, the giant corporation that's doing this. Unplug your lights and stop driving! It's your fault, you bad person in the US. Now excuse me while I pay China to rip a mountain in half for lithium and dump the waste into the Yangtze River.

NataliePortmanteau 2 points ago +2 / -0

They will happily turn a blind eye to abusive fuckery when it suits them

You mean like when that trans boy anally raped and then forcibly sodomized that girl afterwards in a woman's bathroom last spring in a high school, and her dad got arrested when he showed up at a school board meeting to complain, and the school board did everything to deny anything happened and covered it up and called anyone who commented on it transphobic, and then that same student raped another girl in a different bathroom this fall and then was found guilty of raping the first girl, and now all of the news outlets refer to him as "a boy wearing a skirt" instead of trans?

Yeah, like that.

NataliePortmanteau 3 points ago +3 / -0

The leftist is naturally neurotic. Oversocialization and internalizing abstract concepts like collective guilt and historical racism and sexism leaves them perpetual, ultimate victims that require dozens of social apparatus to keep them alive.

If they are a good leftist, they will have absorbed leftist theory and adopted the leftist perspective, which only works in a binary black-and-white world where there is only good and bad to decide between, and thanks to the giant great filter leftists have built, any idea can be input into their system of thought and if it comes out the other side "clean" (i.e. not attached directly to any institutional or historic "wrongs" and only promotes the "right" ideas), they will adapt it.

Because that machine has been built over the decades, perhaps an entire lifetime, inside each leftists' head. Their natural system of thought has been so thoroughly artificially manipulated and coerced--and how couldn't it be, since we have all been immersed in leftist thought since we were born?--that the natural world seems artificial and they reject it, only finding solace in the artifice of a society that's been forced against natural law.

Leftists are anti-nature and their entire thought process--and system--falls apart if you take away the artificial. Turn off the electricity for a few weeks, blockade a major city's food supply, and you'll see how long the leftist perspective survives. This is ultimately why The Great Reset or whatever insane leftist fantasy they're trying to enact will ultimately fail: it can only work if everything in our advanced society continues to function without fail. Take away a few elements of that complicated machine and it breaks down. And if it breaks down, god help the people that allowed themselves to depend on that system. God help us, those that didn't and now have to fight these retarded apes. God help us all.

NataliePortmanteau -1 points ago +1 / -2

You're right. I'm not some retarded paid ape monkeying it up for my masters because they said the lead Ooga Booga died. I don't want a nation of mud people and retards.

Celebrate the day, faggot leftist! Since you own the media you suppress reality, CREATE your own version of reality, and promote your bullshit lie and the illusion of winning. Put on all your leftist TV shows, throw all the gay parades, and churn out your globohomo propaganda you want.

It's a fucking illusion.

Everything in their world is falling apart. We only need a determined small minority to flip this shit. I figure it will take about a month before all of you leftists faggots are dead from suicide or mass extermination after the power goes out. Where will your lot be without their illusions? Back in fucking reality.

See you in the future. The cameras won't be rolling next time.

NataliePortmanteau 3 points ago +3 / -0

You're right. I'm not some retarded paid ape monkeying it up for my master's because they said the lead Ooga Booga died. I don't want a nation of mud people and retards.

Celebrate the day, faggot leftists! Since you own the media you suppress reality and promote your bullshit lie and the illusion of winning. Put on all the TV shows, throw all the parades, and churn out your globohomo propaganda.

It's a fucking illusion.

Everything in their world is falling apart. We only need a determined small minority to flip this shit. I figure it will take about a month before all of you leftists faggots are dead from suicide or mass extermination after the power goes out. Where will your lot be without their illusions? Back in fucking reality.

See you in the future.

NataliePortmanteau 0 points ago +2 / -2

You're ending up winning a pile of shit. Great, crown yourself King Retard in Shit Land. What a simple fucking joke of a human being you are. See you on the streets! Be sure to show that cockiness in person! I'm sure you'll be waving your faggot flag high. Wear something bright to show your pride.

NataliePortmanteau 2 points ago +2 / -0

They were always a dark horse, but their image has been valiant until now.

NataliePortmanteau 8 points ago +8 / -0

They can't even use the word "morality" because they know what they do is evil.

So they use words like "equity" "fairness" "equality" and "justice."

All of these things, including "fairness" (itself, like all of their replacements for actual moral framework) are purely subjective and relative.

It's immoral to abandon your children, cheat on your wife, and commit crime. But through their subjective prism, they can claim it was due to inequality (not immorality, mind you) that compelled that person to act that way.

This is how they slipped through with gay culture and codifying it into laws: it may be immoral, but they argue that it's UNEQUAL that straights get their own customs that have been hard-wired to every society ever.

First step on that slippery slope and now we're tearing down statues, seriously discussing reparations, and have reconfigured society to cater to the most mentally deranged outsider weirdos within it. Because to do otherwise would be inequality and we need to give them equity in fairness for justice.

NataliePortmanteau 3 points ago +3 / -0

Of course, nobody ever said a teleological reading of history is a correct one, or the assumptions of a future that actually follows logical progress to a conclusion is correct. In fact, it seems that we're more imposing teleology onto a reading of history more than anything.

NataliePortmanteau 7 points ago +7 / -0

"This comic book shifted so gradually to gay hardcore pornography I barely noticed!"

NataliePortmanteau 5 points ago +5 / -0


Fucking sure, man. That's an incredibly common occurrence in Fantasy Trans Land.

I personally have never, ever mistaken a tranny for a woman. I don't care how drunk and fucked up I was, there was never a moment in any interaction or being around any trans where I mistook them for or thought of them as women.

Outside of straight guys maybe being nice and humoring a tranny conversationally while drunk, and the sheer statistical invisibility of trannies, this cannot ever be a common occurrence. In fact, I think you would have to be in a gay bar for this to occur.

I cannot stress how completely out of the realm of reality your statement is.

NataliePortmanteau 32 points ago +32 / -0

I started dropping people out of my life once they unironically used the phrase, "the right side of history."

That's some Orwellian Newspeak shit that creates a simplistic black and white thinking that will allow for some monstrous shit to occur....because people in the present now have the magic ability to determine what will be deemed "right" in the future.

No wonder leftists are fucking retards. You would have to be retarded as an adult to swallow any tripe someone tells them because they said they were on the right side of history. Fucking morons.

NataliePortmanteau 13 points ago +14 / -1

Why does it look so cheap and shitty?

Why would you take one of the most realized and perfect shows ever made--that had already in every single way represented itself perfectly and still holds up 25 years later?

And if you absolutely HAD to do it, why do this?

It's Ghost in the Shell all over again. If the anime is perfect as is, a live adaptation will never equal, much less top, it. Largely because it's already a visual moving representation of itself. If it was meant to be live action it would have been live action.

NataliePortmanteau 5 points ago +5 / -0

(puts on tinfoil hat)

I have read some things that talk about how the military (Naval Dept) has either developed advanced AI it utilizes to predict and control events, and that there is technology available to the elites that allow them to see into the future.

The Naval AI story is that the reason things have gone so sideways is they're trying to fulfill and prevent various predictions over the past several years and this sort of constant radical manipulation has destabilized a lot of core underpinnings that keep our socities, cultures, and civilizations together.

The future machine timeline is similat but they can't avoid certain outcomes, which is why we've seen a rapid acceleration of events lately--something is coming they can't change the outcome of, and it's going to be devastating. World War III near-ELE event, and the richest in the know are positioning themselves for it.

(takes off tinfoil hat)

NataliePortmanteau 8 points ago +8 / -0

I, too, am not an "enemy of my enemy" person, because duh they're still your enemy, stupid.

China is also enacting a sort of very real, violent, and direct form of control, only it's vaguely conservative in nature so a lot of right-leaning people see that as positive.

It's not. Our enemy is not our temporary friend or Ally just because they don't behave like the other enemy.

NataliePortmanteau 1 point ago +1 / -0


Always treat the gun as loaded.

Always keep the gun pointed in a safe direction.

Always keep your finger straight and off the trigger until you are ready to shoot.

Always keep the gun unloaded until you are ready to use it.

Never point the gun at anything you don't intend to destroy.

Be sure of your target and what is beyond it.

Learn the mechanical and handling characteristics of the gun you are using.

Always use proper Ammunition.

Be sure the barrel is clear of obstructions before loading and shooting.

If your gun fails to fire when the trigger is pulled, hold your shooting position for several seconds; then with the muzzle pointed in a safe direction, carefully unload the gun.

Don't rely on the gun's safety to keep it from firing. Be aware of your surroundings when handling guns so you don't trip or lose your balance and accidentally point and/or fire the gun at anyone or anything.

NataliePortmanteau 1 point ago +1 / -0


Yes, he was absolutely negligent. He wasn't following gun safety rules, which would have avoided most of this. At the very least if he followed proper procedure there would have been some.sort of.protection for the direction he was firing in.

Why why was he firing the gun? Were they shooting at the time, or rehearsing? Did he check the gun? Was he handling correctly at all times? Trigger discipline?

Not to mention that he's a producer on the film, which will make him part of the eventual wrongful death suit anyway.

Stop talking out of your ass about things you know nothing about.

NataliePortmanteau 17 points ago +17 / -0

If dad was around, that person probably wouldn't be dead. Because he would have plugged the blanks correctly.

NataliePortmanteau 32 points ago +32 / -0

EXEC 1: The movie armory business is too male dominated! We need more women!!

EXEC 2: Uhh...there are almost no women in this industry. There's one woman whose father was a well-known movie armorer..."


EXEC 2: Well... she's only 23 and has only done one movie before this that didn't have nearly as many intense firearms scenes...and she seems kind of nervous around guns despite being raised around them..

EXEC 1: (checking her Instagram) She's perfect.

NataliePortmanteau 24 points ago +24 / -0

What wonderful irony. Where's you gun control now, you selfish little piggy? If that bloated fuck had any principles, he would have refused using guns in movies. Well, now Alec Baldwin has killed and wounded more people with a gun than most legal gun owners.

NataliePortmanteau 7 points ago +8 / -1

To add to this: film sets are busy, complicated places. There is heavy equipment everywhere, hundreds of people working in various capacities, and the shooting set has as much attention on it as a shuttle launch.

With about 100+ people standing around working and a live action scene being shot with three different cameras running and lighting and equipment everywhere, a quick 5-second burst of fire could result in several nearly instantaneous injuries during a live filming. The actor would continue the scene, not knowing what occurred, and most of the crew would similarly be clueless as to what occurred until enough of a commotion was made that shut down filming.

That said, I have no idea why they're still using blanks at all in modern film during shooting. Couldn't they just put the muzzle flash in post?

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