critic ratings
Aren’t they the corrupt ratings not worth looking at?
Compare these sentences:
The invader vs the invaded
Bibi clearly failed / ignored the oct 7th planning. When is he going to be held responsible?
atheist jew faggot sister
Right now open ai is worth many many billions- satya nadal (microsoft ceo) talks about nothing else
If jews upset you - you’re going to have a bad time following any side of this story!
Apparently Satya Nadella was pissed at Sam being fired.
Also the entire staff threatened to quit unless sam was reinstated at 5pm.
Seems Mira will go down as another woke woman who almost destroyed a tech company.
Sexual assault centers minimizing rape because they prefer muslim terrorists over rape victims?
Why not blame it on women instigating 80% of all divorces?
Why should men suffer 95% of all workplace injuries and deaths only to be abandoned when he can’t support the leach?
Sorry to repeat my other comment.
But this is literally why we have the sherman antitrust laws.
To stop google using its monopoly in search to capture an industry like the browser market.
What is lacking is republican desire to prosecute this goliath.
Wait - are you suggesting his dad connects through a raspberry pi to filter out ads?
Google abusing their search monopoly to canibalize other industries?
It’s literally why we have the sherman antitrust monopoly laws.
Republicans need to start fighting back.
Daily Wire remake of Snow White with Candace Owens just got canceled
Here is the uncensored archived history in case you were interested:
I guess the daily wire movie where candace owens plays snow white just got canceled?
Now the media is trying to attack Elon because he pointed out the “blood libel”obvious in the commercial:
edit: elon’s tweets were obviously benign and honest :
She can’t pull the race card so she repeats what they did to bernie
Do the DOJ community service get involved when a black person dies? Or only for the MANY whites who are murdered?
Why is it racist to want Israel’s restrictions on immigration?
Isn’t it “Semiphilia” (opposite of antisemitism)
The beatings will continue until moral improves.
Weak Western society thought there was no harm in pretending to be a masochist. But discovering it is no joke when the enemy are true sadists.
Nimarata Randhawa says everyone should be using their real names?
Probably arrested the white guy who recorded the video.
This is the guy we all need.
He has the balls to call the pope out as an evil communist. Lets hope he’s able to get stuff done and the deep state doesn’t stop him.