Maybe someone took it literally.
Because the tv man says?
Yes, and the same fools will claim not to be responsible when proven wrong because they were just going by what the news said. Don't let them. We are responsible for what sources we choose to listen to and believe. Especially when we forward that news to other people.
Definitions of words need to be based on how people have always used them, not on what the current evolving scientific thinking is. The "Science" is run by big pharma.
It didn't work as advertised, but it worked as intended! 😊
And are degens
Jews circumsize themselves though.
It isn't, just a weirdass font.
I'd say it's singled out because it's a damn effective weapon. They don't want us having riot control capabilities.
A cacophony of demons. They are legion.
If your goal is to make it easier to force a resignation, impeachment would work fine if Congress didn't have the weird bureaucratic power structure that it has, where one corrupt extremist representative from California somehow controls everything like a mob boss, and the "opposition" allows that, and everything has to go through committees and party approval before getting a vote on the floor.
But it’s worldwide, though..?
6uild 6ack 6etter!
Math, Geography, and Mohammedian Studies.
Why wouldn't you trust a nationalist? (at least from your own nation)
Maybe it's not too late if you don't repeat their mistakes.
Hitler don't have a monopoly on fascism.
What a joke it is that someone chosen in a popularity contest gets to tell me what I can and can't do.
Mandate of Heaven.
T_D was banhammered on reddit for, among other claims, "Promoting anti-police violence."
There are also those who are more sociopath than socialist. They are anti-human and pro-Earth. They know very well they won't live to see the fruits of their destruction, but it's like a religion to them. They believe that future humans will look back in gratitude at the courageous leaders who reset everything and stopped human population expansion.
Private homes are fair game. The Most High Capitol Church is all they care about protecting.
I'm other words, White Supremacy at work.
Fortunately they don't have quite the national "security" apparatus that America does.
I could guess that without reading the whole thing.
Also people couldn't stand Andy Ngo using the hashtag, because hate against him is acceptable. So it kind of soured twitter activists on the movement. Once they were gone it was just actual Asians using it, and nobody listens to them.