Kill me now
Holy shit were you born yesterday
Jesus Christ I hate these people
They are and it's all thanks to the tranny's I watched some video the other day of some lesbian talking about how tranny's are getting them all shut down by crying that lesbo only bars aren't inclusive to them or some bullshit
What tits? My dog has bigger boobs then her
The Kung flu is like smartphone releases now with all these variants of the same shit and I wonder if will ever get a delta+ pro version
So bisexual and if this can be a new sexuality why can't super straight be one to
I wonder when the release date is lul
They both have balls literally
Dude looks like a lady
Who are these people were they sumo wrestlers in the Olympics?
Run that shit into the ground
What a fucking loser my family is pretty lefty but wouldn't wear pussy masks and stand far apart during family gatherings
Makes sense and blizzard can be added to the list cause the fake accusations made what's his face step down and now a woman is going to be running blizzard
Are they gonna blame the cakewalk that happened ages ago for these weak people offing themselves
Fat dude couldn't out lift a bunch of woman lul what a loser
It's more racist that they were thinking that monkeys look like black people and decided to take it down
Holy shit does this guy even know what a con is
I have never heard of that or had to leave after my wife shit out our kid
Lul that will never happen unless they plan on forcing people to get that shit which I wouldn't be surprised if they did
What a shit hole
What the fuck was the point of the vaccine if it doesn't do shit to stop the Kung flu
We don't have one where I work cause nobody gives a shit