MattTheBlack 1 point ago +1 / -0

That's definitely me trying to tell people about things about "recent' scandals for years. Yes Dan Schneider is a pedophile with a foot fetish. Remember when I showed you half the evidence in the documentary 4 or more years ago

MattTheBlack 1 point ago +1 / -0

White isn't an ethnicity. "White" people in america are literally erasing their ethnic roots with this nonsense

MattTheBlack 1 point ago +1 / -0

Liberal white women enable and encourage this shit. Seeing as how white people are a majority how do you think this gets promulgated through the generations

MattTheBlack -10 points ago +6 / -16

Lol dipshit can you just not read? Yall act like he's trying to burn people at the stake or make the shit illegal rather than saying it's a waste of time. The fact that he has in fact played video games doesn't make him a hypocrite it means he made an informed decision because he experienced it before making said decision. Walsh is one of the only consistently conservative large media personalities and yall faggots get mad because you worship pop culture

MattTheBlack 0 points ago +1 / -1

Lol sucking Islamic dick is new low for this place

MattTheBlack -13 points ago +6 / -19

He's very obviously sarcastic about the anime statement. He has literally played video games on his channel but thinks they're a meaningless distraction for adults. He also regularly discussed pop culture since the beginning but again thinks that adults shouldn't be invested in it. Yall just stay making up alternate history

MattTheBlack -9 points ago +4 / -13

Video mocks Matt Walsh because you're too retarded to pick up obvious sarcasm. People on this website get more retarded by the day

MattTheBlack 3 points ago +3 / -0

When are yall white people going to stand up. I'd rather not have any violence but I know I'd be foaming at the mouth if I was receiving unwarranted mass racial attacks

MattTheBlack 5 points ago +5 / -0

Yeah even the shit hole towns down here tend to have libraries

MattTheBlack 2 points ago +2 / -0

He was always a faggot. Fuentes is an effeminate midget

MattTheBlack 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah yeah I guess you won't be freaking out until you're paying jizya and they're trafficking your children

MattTheBlack 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah nothing about this is surprising at all lmao. It was super obvious when he first appeared on YouTube

MattTheBlack 1 point ago +1 / -0

Like I said in another comment Im friends with someone that knows the dude. That's his actual personality according to what I heard. I'd also say his whole shtick is clearly making massive profit off of relatively inexpensive philanthropy just like a ngo

Plus promoting gambling to kids

MattTheBlack 5 points ago +5 / -0

See I knew fucking intel couldn't be trusted despite the hype that they'd changed and were producing better products

MattTheBlack 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you. For alot of how people here act like they're in the know I've noticed they'll assume stuff and then tell others the same thing as if it's facts. Walsh certainly self censors but he's nowhere close to a neocon or rino. He in fact consistently manages to piss them off because he doesnt compromise on social conservatism. That's why he's the only person at DW I even bother watching anymore.

MattTheBlack 3 points ago +4 / -1

Meanwhile this is the exact thing that I've only seen one conservative influencer speak out and warn against beforehand and yall keep insisting he's controlled opposition

MattTheBlack 1 point ago +1 / -0

He consistently calls out the anti white agenda of the left by name

MattTheBlack 1 point ago +1 / -0

He's literally said the opposite repeatedly and constantly advocates against Israel being involved in our government and receiving our money. The only time he's denounced anti semitism was when there was actual violence involved and he opposed all those attempts to legislate against anti semantism. Yall really just make shit up to get mad at.

MattTheBlack -3 points ago +1 / -4

So you feel like he's going to do the same thing he constantly complains about Republicans doing, the thing he was ranting about yesterday. Explain the logic

MattTheBlack -5 points ago +1 / -6

Why is he controlled opposition? Articulate it in 4 sentences or more

MattTheBlack 1 point ago +2 / -1

Too much escapism is bad and consoomers definitely fall into that

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