Well. Some men
That's untrue. You can do something out of spite that still benefits you. For example, "Jessica tripped on John's garden hose. She didn't like John. She didn't get injured when she tripped, but sued him anyway out of spite." See. Not mutually exclusive. Spite can be boiled down to "because fuck you, that's why". It doesn't mean there can be other benefits.
Can you explain why you think those two things are mutually exclusive?
My thoughts exactly. And the left better lube up because Trump first term was nice. Very nice. Second term Trump with nothing to lose is going to ass fuck them. If for no other reason now, simply out of spite. And it will be glorious to watch. Once they're beaten and demoralized and dirtied, Desantis can have Trump's sloppy seconds in 2028.
It's not a religion. A religion is a belief structure and you obviously think it's true otherwise you wouldn't believe in it, and you encourage people to join. Aka Catholicism, Islam, Mormonism, even Scientology. Jews do the opposite. If you are a non jew and attempt to join a synagogue, they'll dismiss you. There's some thing about you have to ask three times to be a Jew before they admit you. The whole process is to make it deliberately difficult so you don't join. Does that sound like a religion to you? Or more like a members only club? And "you're Jewish" if your mom is. Huh? No one is Catholic by birth. The opposite. They have to get baptized and go to catechism, confirmation, etc. Bud Jewishness is a bloodline. Think, people. Think. Something something, George Carlin, big club, you ain't in it.
Got a link to this interview?
You're hired, professional hole digger! Congrats xe!
Go to amy corporate (US) website and chances are you'll see a black on the main screen without scrolling. Even if there are only three or four people in total on that screen. 13% yet 100% likelihood of appearing. Sometimes you actually have to scroll a few times to see an unambiguously white person (as opposed.to some racially androgenous person that could be white). And if you do it probably depicts a coal burning white woman. It puts the diversity on its skin or else it gets cancelled again.
The fact they haven't done it tells you they don't think it would do well. Black panther only killed it because it was shoehorned into an existing cinematic universe which at the time, if you missed a movie meant you wouldn't get something in another flick. As a standalone movie BP would never have done well commercially and everyone knows it.
Invincible is great (Amazon). How can Amazon make such a great show on one hand and then shit out Lawd dem Rangz on the other hand with a $1BILLION budget? Insane.
They aren't mutually exclusive problems. Jews vote and think out of paranoia and an urge to control. Women vote and think based on a desire to not offend.
Broken clock Read the articles She says she's for civil rights, the constitution, free speech, but feels politically homeless and identifies as a liberal before the left abandoned her. Jews are fucking hopeless in this department. Dude. You're conservative. But "conservatism" and "Republican" are to Jews what garlic is to a vampire. From childhood Jewish kids are basically taught that conservativism is this Boogeyman evil (they're actually taught this about damn near everything which is why Jews are super fucking paranoid) so even if politically Republican policies check 9/10 of their ideological boxes, they'll still hold their nose and vote Democrat because "muh racism" or some shit. Classic example of people who are book smart with zero (and I mean ZERO) common sense. If they knew what was good for them they'd realize white Christian conservatives are the only ones who have ever treated them decently and soi everything they could to guarantee that groups' success in all areas. Instead Jews do the exact opposite and constantly knee cap white societies and feed them to minorities. Fucking schitzo shit.
Definitely. I'll be homeschooling mine. Schools nationwide need an overhaul. Public, charter, private, catholic. Perves have gotten into every crevice.
Why do you need a picture of the kid, period? And expel the kid. Not fishy at all. Message is clear. Challenge us even a tiny bit and we'll remove you.
I was called that once by a black chick when she couldn't use her muh racism card against me like she wanted. So it's like their backup race card.
They've already tried to claim the left wants to build the wall and republicans resisted, while at the same time insisting trump's wall and walls in general don't work. And their side can unironically agree with both things simultaneously. I sincerely think you have to be retarded to be a Democrat.
Neither is Elon Musk, hence the lawsuit.
I can tell you. Admitting what they did turns it from an oopsies or a happenstance into an affront, an attack. Once you've done that, it's okay for someone to counterattack. They want to "accidentally" burn your house down with your family inside. It's cultural arkancide.
Granted elves are pretty OP skillwise but I think Galadriel is at the bottom of list of problems with the Amazon production.
Like the one about women having penises.
Step 1: Drop hard Rs in public.
They said the quiet part out loud by hating the universally hated group that everyone else also hated.
Gay. The left ruins everything.
True. Right now is several storms converging, each amplifying the next.
Yeah no. Trump people don't care. Manufactured beef. Shows you how desperate they are to not have Trump that they're resorting to having Rs beat him in the primaries since there's no chance a Dem could touch him in the general. If they're that desperate it means Trump is a shoo-in and definitely the right man for the job.