MasksAreChildAbuse 1 point ago +1 / -0

It’s a whole thing and I really don’t care to spend the time typing a detailed reply right now. But basically relationships are fucked. I’m not just talking about the birth rate, that’s just one result of the terrible things, but the government is basically putting everything that could make everything worse on mega steroids through programs and subsidization. Which is having a cascading effect.

MasksAreChildAbuse 18 points ago +18 / -0

He delayed it. Japan is commie as fuck now and it’s perception as a current based country is a myth

MasksAreChildAbuse 1 point ago +1 / -0

A bit of both. I did eventually find the full season 1 sold in two parts (although still can’t actually find them both available for sale in many places) but also found one explicitly labeled “Complete Season 1” and people in the reviews were complaining it is missing episodes.

I haven’t delved into the censorship differences yet but have noticed that in many reviews.

Season 3 seems to be the easiest to find as a complete season with Japanese, subtitles, and available.

MasksAreChildAbuse 6 points ago +6 / -0

Let’s pretend what they said is true. That women are at the brink of functioning because they they think so much it takes up so much energy they are about to kill over....

How the hell did traditional house wives exist when they also were the primary home caretaker without modern conveniences such as appliances (ovens, microwaves, washing machines) tools (vacuums, cleaning products), vehicles, refrigeration, and schooling (if you go back far enough)

According to this article women are going to die for mental exhaustion in 2021, the women doing all that and physical labor in 1821 were invincible gods by comparison.

MasksAreChildAbuse 11 points ago +11 / -0

I was still expecting to check this out for free on the pirate site I stream on, but saw a spoiler review, and holy shit not even interested in watching it for free anymore lol

Hollywood wants to kill entertainment so we have no escapism? I’m cool with that, just ensures I waste less of my time consuming bullshit that doesn’t matter in life.

MasksAreChildAbuse 13 points ago +14 / -1

Wtf? how can a federal circuit court just over rule another one, and then be the gatekeeper for proceedings?

They should be equal and if there is any disagreement between them it should immediately and automatically go to SCOTUS.

MasksAreChildAbuse 11 points ago +11 / -0

Jordan Peterson is the most stupid smart person in world history.

MasksAreChildAbuse 7 points ago +7 / -0

They don’t want to have the deaths be considered vaccine related is all. Fuck these evil people.

MasksAreChildAbuse 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don’t care if Hanukkah was only December 2nd, and only during the moment they lit the candle, and even if it was the biggest holiday ever in the world.

It’s a Christmas event. Not a Hanukkah event.

But western society has been hijacked and neutered.

You don’t see Hanukkah events celebrating Jesus...

MasksAreChildAbuse 4 points ago +4 / -0

Don’t forget the random Jewish candle lighting...wtf does that have to do with CHRISTMAS.

An entire event inspired by, about, and for CHRISTMAS, doesn’t mention it once, but somehow managed to mention like 9000 other religions and cultures.

MasksAreChildAbuse 8 points ago +8 / -0

I only know Vaush from a video of him talking to Charlie Kirk and remember vaush being so insufferable. Why he is anyone to ever care exists is beyond me. Like if we ever saw him in the road trying to flag us down for help, just keep driving...even if he’s in the middle of the road.

MasksAreChildAbuse 15 points ago +15 / -0

A 10+ year execution is all this ever was.

Fuck everyone involved in his persecution. They all deserve the worse possible death.

MasksAreChildAbuse 5 points ago +5 / -0

Honestly they are profiling, and I’m okay with that. Homogeneous societies work, it’s the outsiders who—on a balance of probabilities—do not fully assimilate and are a higher risk of disrupting that society.

If a higher precentage of foreigners in Japan are committing crimes and disrupting social harmony, the cops should be cautious and suspect them.

MasksAreChildAbuse 9 points ago +9 / -0

“I’m an independent* boss babe and I don’t need no man!”

*My entire existence is literally dependent on men going out in the world and creating, generating wealth, and giving me money for doing no work (because being a slut whore is not work)

MasksAreChildAbuse 10 points ago +10 / -0

Seriously. Commies gonna commie. Stay vigilant.

MasksAreChildAbuse 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yup. And it’s spread so far. I think the biggest city I never really saw it was Bend. But I never lived there, so it could be a problem there too for all I know.

MasksAreChildAbuse 8 points ago +8 / -0

I’m so glad I moved outta that hell hole. I used to work downtown Portland and they would have riots every fucking weekend even before the year 2020. I remember in 2017 and 2018 getting imprisoned at work many several times because I’d go to work, park in the parking garage, then when I was getting off of work all the roads surrounding the garage would be closed down for traffic by cops because faggots took over the streets. So id have to spend several hours just hanging out at work or at a local coffee shop until I was free to drive home. I remember it happening multiple Saturday’s in a row many times.

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