Lurkmoar347 6 points ago +6 / -0

If people first language was actually important they’d implement it for everybody. Person of Asian decent, person of whiteness, person who’s ancestors lived in America before people of whiteness arrived, etc... You never see this kind of language because it doesn’t matter.

Lurkmoar347 6 points ago +6 / -0

Exactly, earlier this year I switched to using colored and when anybody bitches I always point tot he naacp. If they change their name I’ll think about changing my language.

Lurkmoar347 28 points ago +29 / -1

Let’s use Fauchi’s “gold standard” I’ve never seen a placebo controlled double blind study proving the efficacy of a simple cloth mask in preventing or even reducing the transmission of any respiratory virus, much less COVID-1984.

If you know of any such study please share the link and I’ll edit my original statement.

Lurkmoar347 7 points ago +7 / -0

The National Association for the Advancement of Swamp Monsters has entered the chat.

Lurkmoar347 1 point ago +1 / -0

That’s actually better constructed than their real argument.

Lurkmoar347 2 points ago +2 / -0

I hate this new trend of “if the government uses private contractors to trample all over your rights it totally doesn’t violate the constitution” bullshit.

Lurkmoar347 9 points ago +9 / -0

Teachers unions don’t actually care about the kids. They only care about getting more money.


Lurkmoar347 2 points ago +2 / -0

Exactly, it allows them to operate with an appearance of tolerance so they can pat themselves on the back and feel self righteous, but anything they don’t like they just label as being ‘intolerant’

Lurkmoar347 2 points ago +2 / -0

While wealth inequality is just as bad if not worse than he shows in the video you linked, it is just a symptom of a much larger evil called Central Banking. The Federal Reserve is the central bank in the US and despite the name it’s not actually part of the government, instead it is a private bank owned by shareholders. This video goes in depth on the Federal Reserve for anybody interested in learning more. Tl:dw the Fed effectively steals wealth from actual workers and gives it to bankers and the government.

Once properly understood I’m sure anybody would agree the current system is inherently unfair. To be honest I don’t have a perfect solution, but a great start would be to abolish the Federal Reserve and establish a new form of currency, unfortunately doing so would throw the entire world economy into chaos. As for what a new currency looks like precious metals and cryptocurrencies both have major potential as a stable currency upon which we can build a free market. Each comes with their own problems though, for gold and silver the primary issue is the fact that very few people currently hold most of the available supply which would leave the system open to manipulation if not dealt with. As for cryptocurrencies I haven’t done enough study into the underlying technology to comment on making a new one, but I can say existing ones like bitcoin have fatal long term flaws that make them bad choices.

As for your other bullet points I’ll number my responses 1-5 to make it easier on myself.

  1. There’s lots of different reasons individuals can find themselves in poverty despite trying their hardest to raise themselves out of that situation, after all each person has a story. Some are due to poor financial decision making, while sometimes it’s factors beyond control of the individual (industry they trained for fails or becomes flooded with too many workers) the solution will be different for each individual. A wide ranging solution would again be to abolish the Fed and establish free markets on sound currency.

  2. A lot of this comes down to 2 factors, first is unnecessary government regulation interfering with the free market. Big examples being things like minimum wage and regulatory compliance creating massive barriers to entry in certain industries which in turn gives the existing companies leverage when hiring workers. The other is immigration, using the tech sector as an example companies are able to list entry level jobs with bare minimum wage and 2+ years experience in the field then when no Americans apply for the insult of a “job” the company is allowed to hire H-1B visa workers from India who is already used to far lower salaries. This of course harms the negotiating power of all the American workers with fresh tech certifications/degrees trying to get started in the industry. The solution to both factors is less government interference.

  3. “Everyone can be rich if they work hard enough" is indeed a fallacy as you have correctly identified. A correct statement in a free market economy would be “Anybody can be rich if they work hard enough at offering a valuable service or good.”

  4. That’s just absolute nonsense, not every job deserves a ‘livable wage’. How exactly do you define a livable wage anyway? Is it the bare minimum to live in a shack and eat ramen 3 times a day? Enough to support a whole family with modern amenities? Let’s use the example of teenagers flipping burgers after school, why in the hell should an employer be expected to provide them with a livable wage? Is a burger flipper in NYC really worth more than a burger flipper in a rural town simply because where they live?

  5. I’m actually in favor of social safety nets with one large caveat, they should be run privately and not by the government. Many churches and NGOs already provide services that help people when they fall on hard times. Anybody else who is also in favor of social safety nets is free to do their research and contribute to causes they believe in with direct donations or volunteering.

Lurkmoar347 2 points ago +2 / -0

This kind of thing is ridiculous. So many times when black people are being “profiled” it’s because they are acting sketchy as fuck. If they cooperated with police every now and then and made an attempt at being polite maybe they wouldn’t have such a dangerous reputation.

Lurkmoar347 1 point ago +1 / -0

It really is hard to learn the whole system and run a game if you don’t have anybody to GM for you or at least show you the ropes so to speak. I recommend trying to join a group as a player first, that shouldn’t be too hard to learn.

Lurkmoar347 2 points ago +2 / -0

I couldn’t agree more. I’ve always used a world that was heavily inspired by forgotten realms, I just keep the lore ideas I like and change everything that I don’t. It’s perfectly easy to ignore all the woke bullshit, at my table orcs still are and always will be bloodthirsty savages.

Lurkmoar347 2 points ago +2 / -0

You can tell her NPC code hit an error and had to start throwing random buzzwords after the host fails to accept her ridiculous premise that we live in a white supremicist caste system. That was her only real piece of “evidence” Because if you accept that premise everything becomes racist, without being able to rely on a faulty premise she has no argument.

Lurkmoar347 8 points ago +8 / -0

This is my guess as well. I hope I’m proved wrong.

Nice name btw.

Lurkmoar347 1 point ago +3 / -2

This guy gets it, they are intentionally trying to promote white identity so it can be weaponized. After all what does economics teach us is the likely outcome when demand for racism exceeds available supply?

Lurkmoar347 3 points ago +3 / -0

Do it, things of worth in reddit are quickly being drown in a sea of piss. Some subs quicker than others, but make no mistake it’s a site wide problem.

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