tl;dr: Macaroni's prime minister lost a vote of confidence and now the government is toast.
Macaroni's strategic alliance with the far-left during the last election to defeat the right backfired spectacularly. The left backstabbed him and the right resents him.
I like these guys:
They do classic horror novels, short stories, etc. They're free on youtube (and maybe spotify, dunno never tried them) or you can buy MP3s/FLACs on Bandcamp.
I gave it a try and it turned out pretty well:
Tastes great.
Should be interesting depending on how "ai-based" it's going to be. AI art is pretty good already but games created entirely by AI are ... well ... first year programming assignment level at best from what I've seen.
Merkel said she did everything right even when it comes to mass migration just a few days ago. She also criticized those who want to limit the influx.
They know it's destroying their countries and they do it anyway because that's the point.
Well, not the whole week, just most of it, like 4-5 days. Make sure you put it in the fridge as soon as possible. Some stuff tastes better fresh so I only prepare the things that can be put in the fridge (hamburger patties, sauces, pizza sauce, pizza dough can be frozen, salad dressing, main courses, etc).
Side dishes like fries, frozen vegetables, rice, salad or mashed potatoes are usually something I make fresh every 2 days because it only takes a few minutes. Also makes it easier to switch things up. Even your favorite food gets bland after 4 days ;)
An air fryer is great to heat up stuff that gets soggy in the microwave (pizza, fries, bread, etc.).
Doesn't sound like it was:
make it harder to know which tutorials were the best
You're not supposed to judge for yourself. You're supposed to let the algorithm think for you. Otherwise you might click on a video with "wrong" opinions. Trust the algorithm!
On top of that: France is broke.
The EU's three biggest economies (Germany, France and Italy) are broke. Fun times.