LukeLukens 2 points ago +2 / -0

I have been doing Poll working for 3-ish years now. I never seen any Shenanigans inside the poll-booth.

Outside though is a shit show. So many electioneers. Gosh I hate electioneers.

LukeLukens 10 points ago +10 / -0

Its a cacophony of a performance. A bunch of acts just going all at once, no order, no cooperation, and shitty pop music.

Everyone else here may say its gay or satanic. I hate it cause its poor taste and doesn't deserve a stage.

LukeLukens 19 points ago +19 / -0

Good Luck to those fuckers that took the vaccine and tried to force me to take it.

Cause you won't get jack shit from me.

LukeLukens 8 points ago +8 / -0

Damn, that overbite on African Males.

LukeLukens 2 points ago +2 / -0

That does help actually. Still a bit ficky but I can make the jumps now. I noticed the Ai also ends up in these endless loops of trying to jump the platform and missing.

But now its significantly easier to grab a hat in under 8 secs. The Ai lasts alot longer too that it feels like a brawl now.

LukeLukens 2 points ago +2 / -0

I am using an Acer Aspire Laptop with an AMD Ryzen 3 Graphics card (Integrated) and I played it on Firefox.

I wish you good luck with development.

LukeLukens 5 points ago +5 / -0

"Guys don't worry it won't happen!"

Actual evidence of it happening.

Its such an apparent denial of reality that I kinda think you are lying.

LukeLukens 2 points ago +2 / -0

I enjoy the idea of the "reverse march" that you guys came up with that I only really visit here to see its progress. That being said, I am gonna lay some heavy criticism so this project can be successful.


There is alot of "bugs" (or maybe glitches or design choices, hard to tell with something this early in development) that take away from the experience. My main gripe being the platforming. It seems to being impossible to jump from the lowest platform to any of the higher ones. You just barely not make it. I am also assuming this isn't a design choice of forcing you to use the portals because the ai is coded to attempt to make these jumps too. In fact, 90% of my wins result of the ai repeatedly attempting to jump up a platform and just running out of time.

If it is a design choice to use portals then the random placement of spikes can cuck you. You can't make it passed the spikes on the ground level without dashing (sometimes this just breaks your dash) making the portals unusable. The ai also end up in an eternal loop of jumping into spikes trying to get over. Speaking about Ai.


The ai itself could be heading the right direction if its path-finding was fixed (or even just the path). As I mentioned before, alot of the level layout breaks the Ai through impossible feats of navigation. The ai never uses the dash ability and it is a shame. In general some players learn by watching their opponent and I honestly forgot I had that ability before I went through the game a second to make this criticism.

The Ai itself is a bit too developed in some aspects. I had one game where one bot using the robin hood hat Insta-sniped me when I was walking out of a portal. In another game the ai somehow used a bomb and clipped the explosion through a platform to hit me. I would say this isn't a big issue to fix (and quite a funny one actually) but compounded with the poor path finding makes it feel primitive in a way.


The speed of the game feels quite slow imo. You have 10ish seconds before you die without a hat and I usually end up using 8 of those secs finding one. This usually meant everyone is given a death sentence when your hat is knocked off. And if this is just a case of "Get gud" I seen this issue with the ai too resulting in easy wins for me.

If you upped the speed of each character (Preferable to match their animation cycle) then it would really feel like a brawler with the timer more representing a health bar.


I dislike it. But I also realize that you can change alot of things this early in a game's development. Ultimately I am not gonna tell you how to paint your game but I do hope this current visual style gets a rework. Also the music is a bit too happy imo.


I am just including this here so you don't forget to put an options menu. Don't forget.

In conclusion:

I am an autist for reviewing a beginner's indie game this in-depth. I am now gonna do something useful with my life now.

LukeLukens 14 points ago +14 / -0

Glad I found a board talking about this. I like to watch the show with my dad as its one of the few things we do together. But hot damn am I starting to dislike the show.

The last episode literally had a scene where the main characters watch cuckold porn.

I am starting to cheer for Stormfront and Homelander now. I just want to see this whole world get blasted by Laser eyed Nazi Super soldiers.

LukeLukens 10 points ago +10 / -0

Notch should have never left the company.

LukeLukens 7 points ago +7 / -0

They won't stop gaslighting us until we tell them to fuck off.

LukeLukens 9 points ago +9 / -0

How hard would it be to make a new urban dictionary without these marxist mods? It might be a good beginning programming project since its literally just text posts.

LukeLukens 21 points ago +21 / -0

That was a racoon not a squirrel.

LukeLukens 3 points ago +3 / -0

Wait, source on that special needs guy? I never heard about this

LukeLukens 6 points ago +6 / -0

I am not aware who this person is. Can someone give me an essay long bibliography?

LukeLukens 24 points ago +24 / -0

Can't be summoned quicker.

LukeLukens 5 points ago +5 / -0

Wish I got one of those Vivian Sweaters. I would have totally worn it out by now.

LukeLukens 5 points ago +5 / -0

Yeah I have been experiencing the same issue as well. I am hoping Google didn't find a way to prevent ddg from "borrowing" its search results.

LukeLukens 9 points ago +9 / -0

I am thinking about going accelerationist on this issue because without math future college degrees are gonna become worthless to employers and anyone who honestly thinks like this is gonna have a hard time retaining power. What do you bros think?

LukeLukens 9 points ago +10 / -1

A damn shame, but I think most of us lurkers from reddit understand. Hopefully we can reorganize the community here. Love you bros.