We live in a world filled with smoke and mirrors.
Meh, stasticity the marriage will fail anyway, so it would have been a waste of time and money anyway so... meh. Especially if she's really that self centered and totally oblivious to the fact other people have their own needs and wants too.
They want children and a partner with net positive in assets with which that can support a budding family. The problem is how conditioned they have become to believe that's a bad thing for some God forsaken reason. Companionship is one thing, but that's just a biproduct. The end result is the entire reason for hooking up.
Now all they can do is perform mental gymnastics to say what they want without saying what they mean, which results in a complete breakdown in logic.
Didn't their old Pinocchio movie have a scene DIRECTLY REFFERENCING THE ISLAND? If that wasn't a cry for help...
Note that the comments are always disabled for these clips. Food for thought.
Why in the world would you ever think telling people you are going to use a shortcut is ever going to work in your favor. Fucking insane. Cutting corners is not an act of pride, it's a sign of desperation. And in a world filled with share holders that shit themselves every time a CEO catches a cold... very strange.
You're fucking serious? It's used specifically by dipshits that go out of their way to hate people because they can't get laid. Ignoring the fact they have issues that THEY need to work on. The ratio shift I got there suddenly over night is mighty suspicious Mr. "joined recently."
The only other people that use it besides the military (which is fair, they do do that which is fine) are the sock puppets trying to play up the incel culture to just hate on men.
All fun and games until some asshole plays a smeckledoof in rock paper scissors.