LinkR 7 points ago +7 / -0

I'm surprised he even still feels he needs to make excuses. Him not getting off his ass is his normal.

LinkR 6 points ago +6 / -0

That Brown Love kind of came out of nowhere

LinkR 2 points ago +2 / -0

Supply and demand. If the demand does not exist, your supply has less value than a pile of excrement.

LinkR 2 points ago +2 / -0

Half Life 3 and it's remake a decade later will come out before Winds of Winter makes it to his editor.

LinkR 6 points ago +6 / -0

No, but their Dr. Seuss style of engineering is fucking hilarious to watch.

LinkR 1 point ago +1 / -0

Elephant??? This motherfucker is just stringing words together at random and he thinks he's being coherent.

LinkR 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yakuza is getting really realistic

LinkR 4 points ago +4 / -0

You probably have if this is the kind of game you are interested in that kind of game, but have you ever heard/tried Xenonauts? It's essentially THE spiritual successor to OG Xcom. I have not played the second one (still in early access) but the first one is pretty good at scratching the itch. Very open ended game and often very cheap. On sale right now, actually on GoG

LinkR 6 points ago +6 / -0

The blue coat lady always makes me laugh. Like, the gunt looks bad enough on her, but the big frumpy blue trashbag she insists on wearing is the icing on the cake. It's like she wears it to hid e the gunt, but fails so hard at that task she still lets is breath for all to see. She also has no neck. Her design is borderline modern art.

Second row to the far right is the only one mildly interesting. Those thighs are out there saving lives. Real damn shame about the chest though....

moment of silence for the death of her breasts o7......

That helmet concerns me however. they are deliberately hiding something sinister.

LinkR 2 points ago +2 / -0

I have noticed a good deal come out wanting to transition after their first kid. Specifically M2W. Almost as if to entrap the woman. It could just be a coincidence, but it's worth keeping in mind whenever you see it.

LinkR 1 point ago +1 / -0

"stricter laws"

Yeah! That'll teach those guys that regularly ignore the law! God, they're so smart. You know what they need is a National Knife Association.

LinkR 3 points ago +3 / -0

That's a sound theory. Also a very sad one. Though it's hard to feel too bad. Everyone has that feeling of not fitting in one way or another. They are just too in their own world that they can't see that you don't have to be autistic to feel that way. Insecurity part of the human experience.

LinkR 3 points ago +3 / -0

I have one question. This person trooned out before or after having a kid? because there's been a pattern with this.

I will never understand how anyone can actually swallow the lie that you can alter your gender with a bit of chemical abuse. Just.. how the fuck do you ignore the physical frame you grew into?

LinkR 2 points ago +3 / -1

Which is extra based because that's the whole fucking point the very concept of "marriage." An agreement between two sexually comparable individuals enter in to in order to foster a healthy family with which to thrive in. Money is made to buy the food that is required to feed the next generation that is to be brought into the world. Babies are nurtured throughout adolescent (because it's a lot of fucking work to keep a toddler from killing itself due to its own stupidity. Seriously, what the hell is up with humans natural desire to off itself?). The kids grow up and the cycle begins anew. It's not complicated, but it sure has been bastardized. The plot is lost if you will.

I could not care less if you are gay or if you found yourself a fuck buddy. That's as far as that relationship will ever get. You don't need to be married to do that. It serves no purpose. Marriage is there to rope in the deadbeats knocking up whoever the fuck they felt like and actually care for the kid they forced upon society.

LinkR 2 points ago +4 / -2

I'd like at the very least a fucking archive screenshot of some of the shit you claim him to be saying at the very least. Because what you say is quite damning and incredibly spergish. As you said. However, my brother in Christ. You are asking me to dig though a haystack for rusty needles. If you want to put a hit piece of someone I want some fucking quotes. Show me pictures of Spider-Man!

Also, it's one single section of the website. Among MANY other areas. To blanket the entirety of the userbase for one area of retards is super delusional. Each part of the board has obsessive nutjobs that are specifically tailored for those regions of thing.

LinkR 1 point ago +6 / -5

What the fuck are you talking about? As someone that's been watching Mad At The Internet for years now, I gotta say.. you are either full of shit, or in some sort of delusion. Josh is many things, but how you paint it ain't it. Like even a little. Josh is obsessed, and I mean obsessed with the Internet and how it's core tenants are being trampled on by the main big websites trying to control what happens on it. That is his white whale. He never even comes close to giving a shit about women issues or their politics. That, and watching BossmanJack crumble into dust.

LinkR 8 points ago +8 / -0

Which is ironic as shit, because she could do with some alterations, because you start to notice she's in too many fucking games. You think your safe, then the googley eye monster jumpscares you.

I don't get it. She looks normal enough in real life, but every time she makes a game appearance, she's got golf ball sized eyeballs.

LinkR 2 points ago +2 / -0

"And I would have gotten away with it, if I weren't so fucking fat!"

LinkR 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm honestly not all that educated on the whole aids/hiv thing. I was too young to really remember all the propaganda and when my brain started forming memories the big scare died down, so I was left with the aftermath to analyze. Based on what I have seen so far in my life I certainly will not discount the possibility it was dramatized into "fear porn." It is always a win/win for media buzz and the medical world. Scared people are easier to shake down. Especially considering the world did not end is a testament to that fact. Going back and watching all those aids PSAs are some of the most brain dead sounding messages.

Something else I have come to notice and it's kind of tangential, but also off-topic... Does the flu still even exist anymore? Now it's all about people catching covid for their second or third time, but no one ever seems to be catching the flu anymore. It's as if covid overrode the very concept. It's just... something interesting to mull around the noggin.

LinkR 3 points ago +3 / -0

I do not take joy in this. I have family that took it. I imagine many of you do as well. I understand the catharsis feelings, but don't forget the ones who are legitimately innocent in this and were merely lead down the wrong path. Don't let anger override your humanity. I am not eager for what could be to come...

LinkR -2 points ago +1 / -3

A fraction of a percent of me wants her to win, because it would be so funny to clown on Hillary like that.

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