LibertyPrimeWasRight 2 points ago +2 / -0

I’m not inclined to believe Sandy Hook was a hoax, because—as we’ve seen in other cases—“fail to stop some mentally ill person from committing a crime you’ve enabled/prodded him to commit” is a tactic they use, and it seems so much easier and has so much less risk than setting up a bunch of crisis actors to pretend for decades that a fake shooting happened. The only thing that makes me believe it may have been fake is the way they’ve gone after Jones for broadcasting exactly that idea. I suspect that that was more because it’s something they decided they could go after Jones on, rather than because of Sandy Hook specifically. If they could get sympathetic frogs claiming emotional damage, they would have sued him over the “turning the frogs gay” line.

LibertyPrimeWasRight 6 points ago +6 / -0

The problem is that you show “blatant extreme hostility” to basically everyone that says, say, “lolisho is gross and shouldn’t be allowed,” or any number of positions that you could disagree with in far less extreme ways. You also frequently fail to articulate your positions in any way beyond this extreme hostility. Even when you aren’t yelling at someone for daring to question the morality of naked drawings that look like kids, you have a habit of making link posts that jump in to an argument you’re having several comments deep, or halfway through threads about extremely niche internet figures, without explaining anything and just assuming everyone gets it and agrees with you.

In short, the things you’ve accused this guy of are worrying, but I also don’t trust your ability to respond proportionally or to explain things rationally, so why should I not be skeptical of this?

LibertyPrimeWasRight 9 points ago +10 / -1

Bluntly, you express everything with such vitriol, obsession, and general spergery that it makes me reflexively inclined to take positions against you on the matters I don’t already have opinions on, and displeased to find you as my ally on some of the positions I do.

LibertyPrimeWasRight 3 points ago +3 / -0

Some of it is reaction time and ability to read small, quick motions. I’m not sure how trainable that is.

LibertyPrimeWasRight 4 points ago +4 / -0

I'm guessing this is implied by your statement about not being woke and retarded, but I think it's worth making explicit too: that story can be cool, but should probably be written from an ultimate perspective of "this one clone is fucked in the head, and we're either doing a story that includes the mild body horror/ethical issues part of cloning or we're trying to fix this as a plot point." Trannydom is a mental illness, and an incredibly destructive one at that.

LibertyPrimeWasRight 7 points ago +7 / -0

True enough, perhaps her guard is slipping. Although my guess is that she just cares less about video games than she does about other media.

LibertyPrimeWasRight 13 points ago +13 / -0

Rowling usually maintains pretty tight control over her work, though. In fact, this quote is part of the article, from that same guy:

“And I think maybe there’s some other creative possibilities within this world, but J.K. Rowling controls all of it and is not going to let anyone else come play with her toys. And that’s her right and is obviously very profitable for her. So that’s what we get.”

I think this means that their ability to subvert is limited. They’ll be stuck with doing stuff Rowling agrees to, which I would expect means we might see a “more diverse” main trio—she’s signed off on a black Hermiome before—and we might see the insertion of extra gay stuff for Dumbledore, or maybe some Jewish students, or anything that plays into her habit of grafting in extra brownie points things that didn’t really exist in the original versions. What we probably won’t see is wholesale departure from or subversion of major plot points and character traits. We won’t get “actually, James Potter was kind of a douche,” we won’t get trannies, etc.

LibertyPrimeWasRight 1 point ago +1 / -0

Halo 4 was bad. Not necessarily the actual gameplay, although there were at least some bad parts there. The lore. A core idea of the original trilogy was that you’re in the shadow of giants. The Forerunners existed on a scale so far beyond humanity and the Covenant that it’s laughable. There’s a throwaway line early on when you meet 343 Guilty Spark about how the Chief—wearing the pinnacle of human engineering—is in something like a level three combat suit, and should really upgrade to at least an eight. The Forerunner technology we run into in the little drone guys, the Flood as it exists in modern times, these are all remnants of a long dead glory and a long-passed war.

And then in Halo 4 you fight the superweapon robots created by the most fervent warlord the Forerunners had, and they die no problem just like everything else. It’s lame.

Also, I know that it was at least alluded to before and the possibility of Cortana going insane was not completely out of left field, but man, we didn’t need to see it. We didn’t need confirmation that sorry, that character you like, your near-constant companion, really does die like that. “Wake me if you need me” was the perfect ending, they didn’t need to fuck with it at all, but they did.

LibertyPrimeWasRight 5 points ago +5 / -0

I assume offensive acting means stuff like pretend rape, pretend racism, etc. but I like to imagine it means porn acting that is just so so bad it’s potentially criminal.

LibertyPrimeWasRight 2 points ago +2 / -0

Day[9] and Husky come to mind as the giants of the casting scene. Pretty much everyone was playing second to them, as I remember it. And then if you ask me to pick third place, it would probably be TotalBiscuit. His commentary wasn’t quite as engaging, but it was still good, and I loved that he put huge “anti-spoiler” chunks of black screen at the end of his videos.

I don’t think Destiny was really on my radar at all.

LibertyPrimeWasRight 2 points ago +2 / -0

That’s not anime, that’s one of those horrible “cartoonify you” apps.

LibertyPrimeWasRight 2 points ago +2 / -0

I have to break the bit to make a correction: while the US Navy also hires fags, the ship in question is part of the NZ Navy.

LibertyPrimeWasRight 4 points ago +4 / -0

Tolkein’s laundry list would still be better written than Rings of Power.

LibertyPrimeWasRight 2 points ago +2 / -0

That’s a piece of the lore that I’ve forgotten.

LibertyPrimeWasRight 4 points ago +4 / -0

Made dead shot and his daughter black

Well, that specific one has been a push since the movie with Will Smith. Next time they reboot the comics, they’ll probably do it over there.

LibertyPrimeWasRight 1 point ago +1 / -0

hardly insignificant

Actually—and if you read the article, the further context reinforces this—he’s saying they weren’t insignificant, and it’s understandable that it would be shocking. It tripped me up the first time I read the sentence as well.

LibertyPrimeWasRight 26 points ago +26 / -0

Harley Quinn has only had any lesbian suggestion to her character since the same hacks that ruined it in all the other ways started writing. I mean, take out her terribly executed, unnecessary, generally awful “redemption” arc(s), and the actual character is defined by her romantic and sexual obsession with a man. I think even Poison Ivy used to be less “feminist man hater” and more “pure eco nut.” Doesn’t she flirt with Batman/find him attractive in a lot of her pre-modern/woke appearances?

LibertyPrimeWasRight 13 points ago +13 / -0

Terminator? Basically the same deal: two real good ones, then increasingly downhill. Jurassic Park[/World] maybe?

LibertyPrimeWasRight 7 points ago +7 / -0

add a lightsaber and gratuitous bouncing titty shots while she rides her horse. I’m out no matter what they do now, fuck them all.

She’s not attractive enough for that.

LibertyPrimeWasRight 8 points ago +8 / -0

In his case, it’s more that either “lethn” was always a character and he was doing a bit, or he wasn’t doing a bit, and lethn was him, and he really wrote and talked and thought that way. And if it’s the latter, I simply don’t believe a sperg of that type could maintain an alt without getting into the exact same sort of fights for the exact same sort of reasons, because there was something about him that rendered him fundamentally unable to communicate properly.

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