Lethn 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's good to take away views from youtube but it's worth pointing out most of these arseholes use Rumble and Odysee purely as a backup channel which they mirror to. Lotus Eaters and TheQuartering sort of do it to their credit and mainly focus on Rumble, but other than that most of them ignore the alternatives because the bulk of their audience is on youtube. Or they stick with youtube because they want to get that fat ad money, then proceed to constantly whine and do their victim larp when youtube inevitably clamps down on them as if it isn't a corporation filled with people that hate them.

It's something I've been finding pretty pathetic about the youtube commentator crowd these days especially when it come to the political side of things, I don't watch a lot of their content anymore and I've grown to really dislike the ones who larp as edgy freedom fighters while farming youtube for money.

Lethn 0 points ago +1 / -1

Even the deeply Christian ones have a reputation for being cheaters even if they aren't outright sluts unfortunately, of course this will depend on the type of community they grew up in and what values they have. Tomboys? Maybe, I've known some introvert-ish girls and as one would expect they've got their own issues that sometimes end up rearing their heads in an unpleasant way even if you're just hanging out with them as friends in a group.

I'm so fucking blackpilled on western women lol.

Lethn 2 points ago +2 / -0

I hope you're right, I just pay attention to my instinct, I do think the normies are slowly turning on the elites purely for self-preservation because they've realised how deadly virtue signalling really is. However there's still a significant chunk of the population that simply hates Trump and will do anything to get rid of him. It's not necessarily about ideology for them, they just hate him and are willing to literally burn down the west over it.

You'll never convince everyone to turn away from this crap, but I at least want to see fractures happening in the deep leftist circles over all of this nonsense. I'm not seeing that though at least in the UK and other places so I'm wary about what's going to happen in America. Even if Trump wins legit and most people go oh well that's that I could easily see some violent sperging happening and the elites will definitely nudge retards into it as they often like to.

Lethn 1 point ago +1 / -0

What did it for me with Amazon aside from the product quality being shit was the awful website and I somehow managed to get clicked onto their Amazon Prime trial. I swear I clicked on cancel when they did that nasty pop up and that was the final straw for me because they really do just nab your details from your account and start trying to send you crap in the mail. It tells you something as well when even the normies notice this shit and the regulators get involved telling Amazon off for it. Granted, it won't do much but that's how bad they are towards customers.

Ever since then I've avoided that site, you can't escape the corporations entirely unfortunately, that's just the way it is for a lot of people because of the area they live in. What I do though is I find national branches and the like and order off them. As an example with my PC stuff I order from Overclockers and now Ebuyer which I didn't know was a thing but that site is perfect for doing small purchases. Unlike Ebay I know those will at least be legit products and not stolen.

Ebuyer also has the added bonus of having a guest checkout which I always appreciate.

Lethn 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don't even get why Muslims have Taylor Swift Derangement Syndrome she is easily one of the most milquetoast pop music assets ever.

Lethn 3 points ago +4 / -1

Yes the DOJ is corrupt and they are always lying pieces of shit, but youtubers have also shown they're greedy fucks who will chase multiple pay checks even if it means doing a complete larp for their audience. As far as I'm concerned, if you're a youtuber that turns out to be a glowie or a glowie asset and you get caught out lying to your audience I to cover up the fact that you're with glowies I don't want to know you.

Even if the DOJ can't hit them with anything, I suspect nobody is going to come out looking good from this and that's probably exactly what was intended.

Lethn 6 points ago +6 / -0

NATO and organisations like it are nothing more than an international vehicle for politicians to profit from weapons manufacturers.

Lethn 1 point ago +1 / -0

Funnily enough, the military response in the west isn't something I'm worried about because of how many white hats there are. The people who might do something about it are literally too retarded to even fly a plane or operate artillery correctly so we're good on that front. The recruitment numbers are so abysmal that they're having to keep naval ships as an example docked because they don't have enough staff.

I think there's credibility to the conspiracy theory that they're using mass immigration and importing criminals on purpose as part of their new army against the general population. It's a very common trend throughout history that a dying regime relies on foreigners to sustain itself.

Lethn 1 point ago +4 / -3

You're right in that them receiving money by itself isn't a big deal but this is where it always gets blatantly shady with youtubers.

. They often don't publicly disclose they are getting money from a foreign government, likely because they're wary of the potential backlash from their audience

. The reason they're wary about fan backlash is they often do an edgy anti-establishment larp so being part of a government just because it's foreign would inevitably bother or piss off a lot of people who previously like them for that and thought they were legit

. They're farming one source of income publicly and the other secretly, which brings into question their entire credibility by itself, if they had just owned up from the beginning they were taking foreign money I doubt it wouldn't have ever been an issue.

. They often milk their audience by doing a poor and oppressed larp, do you know how much money youtubers get for shilling for government agencies? It's a lot, I'm sure there are figures floating around given how much of a scandal it all is but I remember the Clinton campaign being a particularly infamous example plus there were incidents with youtubers getting China money

. Knowing all of this, it's easy to understand why fans would end up being pissed off realising that these shitheads are all just grifters doing a larp and lying their arses off about their situations for sympathy and money because how often have you seen e-begging going on?

I love it when people try and make these arguments, because then you can lay it out point by point in detail on why they're wrong lol because it's such a vague gotcha attempt. Do you know anything about the MrBeast situation? It's going to be a similar thing where the more we peel back the layers the more we realise oh my god this is actually fucked.

Lethn 3 points ago +3 / -0

Lulz I don't think Keir Starmer is going to last that long with how many people he's pissing off but we'll see, but my point is I think that the elites are going to go mask off just to spite Trump if he wins. If nothing of note happens it will be a miracle.

Lethn 13 points ago +13 / -0

Fucked up, but it's pretty famously documented about how a bunch of people in Europe can trace their lineage back to Genghis Khan and the Mongols generally because of how much raping they did. This is an aspect of history nobody on any side particularly likes to discuss because it throws ethnic ancestry into question big time. The Mongols are one of those groups of people that did rape on an industrial scale.

Lethn 1 point ago +1 / -0

You'd be surprised, from the insider leaks and second hand accounts we're getting from ex-employees apparently these massive companies don't even see their finished product in a lot of cases which they should be completely embarrassed by if that's true. Now my empathy completely vanishes of course if it turns out that's not what is going on and for some reason it's gotten worse since these guys left.

I suspect games companies currently are far more retarded than any of us initially might think. The ex-Fallout 1/2 dev doing his videos is a great one to take a look at because apparently they would try and sit on a few lines of code for a couple of weeks when in reality it would take him five seconds to write up and implement.

Lethn 24 points ago +24 / -0

Who the fuck is asking for this? I mean aside from money launderers of course.

Lethn 17 points ago +18 / -1

It will be an excellent thing in the long run and open up the market for the indie developers to take up the slack in a big way, the fact that these games can't be propped up by normies means that nature is healing.

Lethn 25 points ago +25 / -0

The clampdown is starting, I fully expect youtubers in the UK for example to be mysteriously raided and harassed for no reason as the elites start getting desperate.

Lethn 4 points ago +4 / -0

All of these points about how much games are fucking themselves over in this regard are valid but I would point to something even more basic and it's that many of these developers seem to refuse to playtest their own projects towards the release date. They need to play their own games, period, if they did they would have caught many problems before they became such massive PR disaster.

If it were me I would make it so that everyone from the CEO to the janitor and security guard have to have mandatory play sessions so that everyone knows what's going on with the product they're involved with. I'm playtesting my own game right now and shocker, despite me being fairly confident in my code, I'm still finding bugs occasionally and behaviour that needs fixing. If CD Projekt Red had bothered playtesting their own game for five seconds on machines other than their high end gear they would have been horrified.

Lethn 13 points ago +13 / -0

lol that's the thing about that sort of behaviour especially when you look at how they post it's so fucking easy to tell when it's a small number of them and they're cycling through accounts. In most cases they don't hide it very well to make their posts look real.

Lethn 5 points ago +5 / -0

Don't be fooled by redditor propaganda where they constantly harp on about the 'nordic model of socialism' it doesn't exist, that kind of American bullshit got so bad one of the European leaders called out Bernie Sanders and explained they were a market economy. They latch onto the whole nordic socialism thing because it's the only society they can vaguely lay claim to as being 'left wing' even though by the standards of leftists they're practically right wing.

The UK is about the only country in Europe that's going truly socialist and it's an utter disaster especially with the NHS. I just find it amusing that even with the lefties in the EU they're having to correct American lefties because their viewpoints are that out of touch.

Lethn 12 points ago +16 / -4

I am telling you guys the LGBT/Islam civil war in the left is going to come to a head and the elites are going to be forced to pick a side, this is going to get extremely funny.

Lethn 3 points ago +3 / -0

This is why even if I see things I agree with I'm pretty cynical because despite it being destiny saying this he has a point and they all fucking do this. Lots of stuff on clearnet is just outright fake and I think it's partly a trap as well designed to make people think they're engaging with somebody or are having lots of reach but they're not so they're shocked that no one's really seen them RL.

Doing the maths on all of this fake engagement and the strategies being used by botfarms and glowies is fascinating. People might think I'm being schizo but I've done experiments with bot farms sometimes if I've been targeted by them and I did it on reddit as well and you can write absolute gibberish and you'll get vote engagement regardless of what you post.

I'm also wondering how many comments on youtube are bots because of course there will be a bunch of accounts but I've always found it odd that there are replies that repeat what a person writes with a slight variance and thought it initially might be retards but now I'm wondering if it's bots trying to farm engagement.

Lethn 1 point ago +3 / -2

I know I'm nitpicking, but it was the case that they simply didn't decide to renew Clarkson's contract and they all walked when the scuffle happened between him and a producer. There was quite a lot of fake news about that with people saying he was fired etc. I'm sure it had a lot to do with them leaving and it benefited the BBC PR wise being able to technically get rid of him without actually firing him but I do feel it's important to point out these details.

Either way, they're clearly a lot happier now being able to do their own thing properly rather than being under the thumb of the BBC. You could tell even with the small things like being able to have real sponsors for example it cheered them up lol. Even if I don't agree with his views quite a bit Clarkson is one of the reasons I got so red pilled on the media because they would constantly write fake news about him and still do.

Lethn 8 points ago +8 / -0

Like most leftist victim groups they simply want the ability to run roughshod over everyone with zero consequences.

Lethn 5 points ago +5 / -0

Gardener in a hot country I guess? I'm baffled lol even then being somebody who does garden work on my own property you want the jeans sometimes just for protection.

Lethn 2 points ago +4 / -2

What's really wholesome about all of this is the normies are having none of the propaganda now and it's because leftists are being far too in your face with it. They got found out and instead of dialling it back and playing the patient game of infiltration they sperged so now more and more normies are getting red pilled on gaming as a result and actively snub woke shit despite the damage control being done by fence sitters to protect the woke viewpoint and downplay everything.

No one wants what leftists are selling and this is a good thing.

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