Kirko 1 point ago +1 / -0

That's why no one engaged you deeper than that, kid. Sophistry in full display.

Kirko 7 points ago +7 / -0

Americans and their sport balls... very KiA2, much vidya, wow.

Kirko 1 point ago +1 / -0

People have already told you why, you aren't going to change your opinion nor did you come here to perhaps have it changed oh great ironic one.

I'm merely another voice reminding you that you are wrong, that you're using a language that you do not understand and that you cannot silence people here.

Kirko 1 point ago +1 / -0

is like

No, it isn't, some reasons have been forwarded to you by other users why those two aren't compatible.

Kirko 1 point ago +1 / -0



noun: demon; plural noun: demons

an evil spirit or devil, especially one thought to possess a person or act as a tormentor in hell.

a cruel, evil, or unmanageable person.

a powerful, often destructive compulsion or obsession.

something very insidious and harmful.

reckless mischief; devilry.

a forceful or skillful performer of a specified activity.

Kirko 1 point ago +1 / -0

Your analogy must contain a correspondence or partial similarity, "yours" had none and thus isn't an analogy.

Kirko 7 points ago +7 / -0

I'll make a special case for electric motorbikes if like me you live in the mountains.

by scyths
Kirko 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ce bon vieux Alain, même en Suisse les gauchistes vont le pourchasser, comme quoi c'est bel et bien un crime de ne pas être placer sur l'échequier gauche/droite et de chercher une troisième voie avec tout le monde...

Kirko 1 point ago +1 / -0

Depends if they're useful or not.

The lesbian dance theory will be fodders and dead weight, but if you have the tools and training to reinforce cars, doors, walls, fences you can manage, if you know how to make or at least maintain/repair guns any good community leader will sacrifice a lot to have you around.

by Lethn
Kirko 3 points ago +3 / -0


by Lethn
Kirko 3 points ago +3 / -0

Don't waste your time with S2 then.

Kirko 6 points ago +6 / -0

Wigsonhead got mad that Boxxy stole all the channers attention back in the day, she tried to pierce through different style until she basically copied and pasted what Armored Skeptic did, but no animation or anything, just face cam and low hanging fruit pandering to "our" talking point.

She's a prima dona lolcow taking herself way too seriously.

by Lethn
Kirko 5 points ago +5 / -0

Total War Warhammer 3 is in a weird place for me.

The DLC policies of Sega and CA are atrocious, the engine is still chocking, it's uglier than the first one, the content for the price you are paying and so called "unique legendary lords with unique mechanics" is wishful thinking at best.


More than 2 players coop and simultaneous turn? Holy shit I and my small cell of nerds have been asking for that for years and boy are we having a blast, being able to gift specific units to anyone in your battle is also very cool, the wife love to screw around with the big ass bear while I hammer and anvil yet another Orc invasion.

Weird, very weird.

Kirko 1 point ago +1 / -0


Hell I know my people and my government haven't been perfect, that I'm aware of it but let me tell you as a French I have stories about the many, many, many documented dickerings Anglo-Saxons successive governments have been doing to anyone that isn't them and a lot of those aren't just Historical thingies, some of them happened less than 6 months ago.

I personally admire the will of the USA people, from frontiersman to forest people, from trailblazers to entrenched resilient patriots (I did spend two weeks in Arizona in August a few years ago) what I fail to understand is that those traits are viewed as bad and wrong when it's impersonated by someone else but them, like it's somehow undermining their success or attempting to be like them or something, the famous "jealousy" or something.

For example I know some are shocked that France is actively cooperating with China, the only real shocking part is how long "we" put up with our (((allies))), a polite reminder that when the Brits and the Germans decided to economically bleed the French they allied with Turkey and managed until things died down.

I don't have any illusions about that, I know that behind all the [current year] things, if "we" ever win against the socjus, I know who's on my side and who need to be repeatedly told to go fuck themselves, as I've already been doing a lot on this board and will continue to do.

Kirko 1 point ago +1 / -0

That's a dilemma our Northern American brethren have to face...

Like everywhere else in the West, they too are under assault by the usual suspects using the usual motives, a.k.a : "America bad" so I kind of understand them going on the other end of the spectrum with "America #1!" and drinking the kool aid.

That make dealing with people here, or /pol/ack material rather difficult, since they will use the same leftoids rhetoric used against any of us depending on where you're from in the West or simply smugly larp about any form of "USA #1" that is as obnoxious as listening to vegans of bible thumpers.

I wish the people from the USA here would understand: When the rest of the West is angry at the USA, it's not the people, no one is "jealous of your freedom" or whatever nonsense Fox or CNN might tell you, it's the government, if you think they're harsh on you, you do have not the slightest idea of what the glowies are doing, especially to their supposed allies.

What Girotnik said is just the tip of the iceberg, I was in Iraq myself, I saw the 2AM raids, the humiliations of a very very conservative and religious people in their homestead, the torture chambers? re-opened; the previous warden? re-hired, the pictures of what they did in there? leaked.

Do not be part of the great Satan, do not become part of the Golem.

Kirko 2 points ago +2 / -0


high speed thanks for the gold kind stranger ensue


high speed yaaaasss slaaaay kweeeeeen echoing in the distances

Kirko 1 point ago +1 / -0

the muttoid seethe and project his inadequacies with a copious side of buzzwords

Cope, seethe, dilate.

Kirko 0 points ago +1 / -1

There's no "we", fuckboy. You're not at the top, you're a low life just like the rest of us, the very fact that you're posting here should give you a hint.

I would question your credentials to make such a bold statement but we both know you have none and is just another retarded mutt that fully drank the "muh manifest destiny" bullshit.

Kirko 2 points ago +2 / -0

Until you don't have the might anymore.

Kirko 20 points ago +20 / -0

That did not helped MegaUpload founder/sysadmin, the USA violated many international laws and treaty and extracted his ass with special forces.

(It's ok when the US does it apparently, must be nice having your laws being enforced extra territorially)

Kirko 1 point ago +1 / -0

(The communist narrative is : cinema must be used to advance hatred of america and antagonism among the races)

This could be a thing if they didn't shit as much, if not more on Europeans too.

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