KingLion7 1 point ago +1 / -0

Where does one get A2 milk? Everything at every grocery store is pasteurized.

KingLion7 8 points ago +8 / -0

This is just a giant passive aggressive middle finger to the public. There is no reason every single word had to be redacted otherwise.

KingLion7 4 points ago +4 / -0

Prior to that, Bulma was obsessed with hot guys in Dragon Ball, came to a battlefield with baby Trunks, uses her dad's money to solve all her problems and is a poster child for tsundere. Oh, and like all chicks obsessed with their looks she is incapable of keeping her place clean and incapable of cooking.

KingLion7 3 points ago +3 / -0

To be fair, I have seen many men with hard core short man syndrome wind up with many a spoiled bimbo. It seems like a natural pairing of two different types of narcissists.

KingLion7 17 points ago +17 / -0

Hags are a term often associated, if not outright meaning, witches. Witches serve the devil and his unholy priests/ servants. She is calling them Satan's minions.

KingLion7 47 points ago +47 / -0

If the WW2 generation could see what the West became they would have never fought. We are not a serious people.

KingLion7 9 points ago +9 / -0

There has always been feminists, both overt lefties and covert normies cons/ churchians, doing just that.

There are a great deal of snake oil salesmen claiming to be "red pilled" on YouTube however, and even normie media occasionally tries to claim the phrase.

KingLion7 8 points ago +8 / -0

Does 4Chan have it in them for another "Islam is right about women" campaign? Maybe add some new ones, like Islam is right about Jews, Africans and/ or LGBT deviants?

KingLion7 7 points ago +7 / -0

In this post, Jack from Sigma Frame goes over the state of the Red Pill and the Manosphere. Virtually none of the old guard are still posting, the red pill has been watered down and hijacked by grifters, blogs have been deleted and lots of the old knowledge has been lost.

KingLion7 6 points ago +6 / -0

No idea. I just found this link on Founding Questions, found the data useful, then decided to pass it along. It is already making the rounds on the dissident sphere.

Edit: Link has already been posted on Gab, Jim's blog and Z Man. Found another blog talking about it as well:


KingLion7 10 points ago +10 / -0

A report from the institute of Scott Rasmussen. This data is used to figure out who exactly is amongst America's elite and what their views are. Most of this is stuff pretty well known by the crowd in dissident circles but it is nice to have some more data to back up the knowledge.

KingLion7 2 points ago +2 / -0

Should we accept their behavior then? Those who pass on their lineage routinely sacrifice their children for Mammon and Moloch. I am not saying give up, but some standards must be met. One doesn't want to end up another destroyed divorcee, with broken children or spending their whole lives in a situation they hate.

And you came across as shaming, sorry if I read too much into that and misinterpreted what you said. I am just used to hearing the same shaming tactics and language over and over again.

Also, not true on passing on the lineage being the end all be all. There are many a saint, many a hero, many an inventor and other assorted great men who left no children behind but did great things for their peoples and communities. And there are many a man who breed but did nothing, and their children remained slaves and paupers for all time. Breeding is important, but not everything.

KingLion7 3 points ago +5 / -2

Men gotta be shamed. Shame, shame. At this point, anytime anybody tries to shame men at all makes them suspect.

KingLion7 8 points ago +8 / -0

There is a theory that that is why they are attacking it with such gusto. Last era one could be a straight, white Christian man and have a culture.

KingLion7 38 points ago +38 / -0

The 80s sucked so bad that everything back then must be stolen and remade to kill the sweet memories of then. Sure buddy. And I have a bridge to sell.

What was that quote about the past having to be stolen and destroyed? Orwell, Brave New World, something else? All things belong to the enteral present, the party, the eternal now?

KingLion7 1 point ago +1 / -0

That shows a difference between Japanese and American industry, at least the media industry. Japanese industry is high trust and, in general, competent. American media industry is low trust despite, or because of, everybody knowing everybody else. It's basically just a grift with a lot of control freaks and busy bodies.

KingLion7 18 points ago +18 / -0

That image has been going around the internet amongst the usual suspects. Originally posted by a gal named Salem Pierce. Supposedly it is an actual question on a job application. Although the job application process in America is complete bull shit, I do wonder if this is real or something staged for clicks. As I noted earlier the usual left-wing suspects are passing this around and sites that have this image linked have commentary about how it will be used to prevent people with mental disorders or "extra melanin" from getting jobs. My question is, is this real or just another story taking advantage of the current job market's bs to engineer a story to get everyone the same page (or just the usual victimhood narcissism)?

KingLion7 2 points ago +2 / -0

When did he say/ text that?

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