Kienan 26 points ago +27 / -1

Boy, they're lucky Russian isn't as evil as they say. They'd kind of stand out to any drones, aircraft, or surveillance.

Kienan 20 points ago +20 / -0

don't get mad at us, here's some damage control BS

Which is totally not their job, and just means they're a bunch of cowards. Elites wouldn't be so bad, probably, if they were actually, you know, elite.

Instead we have a bunch of midwits who think they're hot shit, and have massive power over us.

Kienan 25 points ago +26 / -1

Steve Bannon (fired)

(fired and looking at jail time.)

"tRuMp wIlL gO aFtEr hIs pOlItIcAl oPpoNeNtS!!!1"

Kienan 15 points ago +15 / -0

I am so horribly frustrated with "no standing" on countless supreme court cases.

At this point we should just get rid of the concept entirely, and say everyone has "standing."

Kienan 18 points ago +18 / -0

fuck this country

Nah, fuck the people we've allowed to ruin it. The framework is still great, we just have a bunch of traitors ignoring and subverting as they please.

if our states don't have "standing" to stand up to the federal government

They do have standing, our justice system is simply on the very long list of traitorous and/or cowardly assholes.

Kienan 8 points ago +8 / -0

To be fair, it's hard for anyone to get something so peak wholesome as Yuru Camp.

Kienan 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yes, but it's not a super fair comparison, since every other country would still have their crime-ridden shitholes, pushing up their numbers.

That said, it's still a useful comparison, since it does help against the narrative that the USA is dangerous overall, because of all them dang guns.

Kienan 7 points ago +7 / -0


Although I wish she hadn't backed off.

I wasn’t endorsing anything. Just glad to see Raistlin and Caramon.

And, worse,

I think he was being ironic.

Whatever, I'll still take this as a win, if a severely exaggerated one.

Kienan 17 points ago +17 / -0

He killed too many of them probably

One too many, probably. Japan doesn't fuck around.

Kienan 42 points ago +42 / -0

Murthy was born in Huddersfield, Yorkshire, to immigrants from Karnataka, India.

We have literal foreigners lecturing Americans about firearms, with the full support and authority of the Federal government.

When he was three years old, the family relocated to Miami...

Now, to be fair, he's been here since he was three...but still. But fucking still.

Fuck this whole gay regime.

Also..."Shall not be infringed." That includes warning labels or any other stupidity. Federal government can't touch that shit, fuck off. Honestly, it's actually perhaps less egregious having unelected agencies like the ATF do their bullshit. Never thought I'd see the day.

I just hope our Supreme Court - who is now slightly less retarded than modern standard - slaps this retard down, and slaps the ATF down too while they're at it. There's so many cases; take them, and do the right thing this time. You fuckers once again dropped the ball in Rahimi, like the retards you are. Get your shit together.

Kienan 5 points ago +5 / -0

Nitter link, for those not logged in.

Honestly, his other tweets are far worse.

He’s a cringe faggot what’s wrong with you

In response to that Crowder shouldn't have been smeared as abusive.

I’ve been writing about the scourge of fatherlessness for nearly 20 years but between no dad and Steven Crowder I dunno gurl

What a piece of shit. Seriously, what an absolute piece of shit. I've liked and been entertained by Milo in the past, but this is really quite vile. Not to mention incredibly hypocritical.

The only funny and non-vile thing Milo said in that thread was a good dunk on Pearl, when she said that she had no words in reaction to his nonsense.

Feels like a good outcome for everyone

Funny. But, overall, Milo is just being his usual, awful, provocative, shit-stirring self, turned up high and directed at the wrong people. Lame.

Kienan 10 points ago +10 / -0

Pride events saying 'we're coming for your children?' Always have been.

That thread was deleted by its OP. Here's a link to the article in question.

Kienan 6 points ago +6 / -0

I'm not sure how many times I have to tell people, but gopower is not a Zionist. He's a hilarious and lovable antizionist troll. He's the only funny troll we have.

See this thread where I lay out a tiny portion of gopower's obvious trolling.

A few highlights:

He calls Muslims 'tunnellers' and stuff, and that started right after the whole weird 'NY Jews in the sewers' thing. It's 100% intentional.

He's said Hitler got what he deserved for trying to oust bankers. Hahahaha.

He called Palestinians "a bunch of rootless parasites that moved onto Israeli land and tried to claim they always lived there."

Kienan 10 points ago +10 / -0

No one can compete with gopower.

R.I.P., he shall be missed. Banned for 'criticizing white people.' Yeah, sure.

Kienan 12 points ago +12 / -0

Any jew stupid enough to think that Zoomer & Alpha leftists aren't going to kill them is a threat to themselves and others.

Leftist radical losers are a (potential) threat to everyone, not specifically Jews.

Don't say retarded shit like this, unless you're trying to troll your own side. If so, go wild, it's funny.

All of the elites' children have been groomed by radical Leftists


...to hate jews...

Ahahaha. No, someone forgot to tell them Jews aren't White. Simple miscommunication. Could happen to anyone. Whoopsies.

Kienan 4 points ago +4 / -0

What exactly is the point of being a part of a society anymore?

But what about Our Democracy, comrade?!

Kienan 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's worse, because they often don't even justify or rationalize it. It's literally just "say good things about the Jews...that's quite often antisemitism." No explanation or anything.

Kienan 7 points ago +7 / -0

Her background pic is LEGIT a pic of Biden!?! She's not a journalist. She's an operative.

To be fair, I can imagine being happy about shaking hands with POTUS but, yeah, there's still a serious argument to be made for keeping that shit on the downlow if you want to pretend to be neutral.

If I were to steelman, I will say it's kind of sad that things are so divided where a picture of you with Joe Biden is inherently political...that said...it certainly is nowadays.

I was going to say that anyone pre-Trump didn't have this sort of vitriol attached...but quickly realized that only applied to Democrats. You could shake hand with Obama, or Clinton, and you're fine. That's "apolitical." But shake hands with Trump, or Bush? EVIL, and you endorse their EVIL ways! Just shows how embedded the media is.

Kienan 5 points ago +5 / -0

it appears that Count Dankula loves the trannies?

I only skimmed the thread, but that seems pretty dang unfounded. Although it also wouldn't surprise me. Dank's an edgy ex-commie; I like him, but I also wouldn't be shocked if he was into some weird shit. That said, I'm not going to assume that's the case, unless significant evidence is presented.

That said...I really, really, really don't get the whole 'into trannies' thing in general. What's the appeal? If you want to be a degenerate, at least be into (female) whores or something like that. Heck, even being into dudes is probably better. Actually what the heck is the deal with liking trannies sexually? They're usually ugly dudes pretending to be ugly women. Why not just be into hot women, or hot men, if the latter is your thing? I guess I'm just not weird or degenerate enough, but I really don't get what mentally ill crossdressers bring to the table?

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