Kienan 16 points ago +16 / -0

Because by sheer volume, he's shitting up the place and making the experience worse. He'll probably drive away a couple users, and we're a small community to begin with. A ban is well deserved.

Kienan 14 points ago +14 / -0

Middle managers have a lot in common with commies when it comes to understanding work and productivity.

Imagine if the majority of people understood...basic fucking shit.

Utopia. Literally, utopia.

Kienan 22 points ago +22 / -0

I don't understand why...

A) Commies.

B) Commies are the biggest "capitalist pigs" around, but absolutely retarded about it.

Seriously, the reason commies think the world needs communism is because commies are some of the sleeziest, greediest people around, and think everyone else is like they are. They're the greedy fatcats they warn us about but, again, retarded. Of course they manage their shit into the ground.

Kienan 15 points ago +15 / -0

collapsing due to financial malfeasance (or the artists being lazy, take your pick)

Both. Probably both.

Kienan 18 points ago +18 / -0

A bit off topic but, speaking of comments, I think there's a bot/shill farm behind probably RFK, but much more clearly his VP pick, Nicole Shanahan.

There's something really off there. She keeps doing appearances (I wonder if she's paying either her way on, or paying for softballs, too), and they're really boring and she just comes off as half-assed, but pretty much all the comments are some variation on 'she's so sharp and insightful,' and 'I've got her back,' and stuff like that.

Anyone else noticed that?

Dave Smith's interview is a good example. I generally like the dude, but this was really weird. He's been going hard on RFK for his Israel/war stance (he used to like him, but when he had him on last just spent a quite combative hour arguing about Israel), has Nicole on, and never even asks about 'the most important issue,' and actually agrees that health is now the most important issue. It was bizarre and out of character, some comments were calling it out, but there were a bunch more low engagement 'she's so great' comments.

Nicole Shanahan is up to something shady in the digital sphere, I'm convinced.

Kienan 23 points ago +23 / -0

This dude and a Black Hebrew Israelite need to have a debate.

Although I guess on second thought it wouldn't be as funny as my first instinct, since they'd actually just agree. One guy thinks Jews are white, the other thinks blacks are Jews. There's no conflict, since if the "fake Jews" aren't Jews, they must be white.

Shame, would be hilarious if they were fighting about who were Jews, and whites, and stuff.

What's funny is, you can go around insulting people as white, but if he'd even mentioned many were Jewish...this would be framed a whole different way. Derogatorily call Jews white? No problem. Call Jews Jews? Uh-oh.

Also, I'd feel pretty unsafe if some jackass came up to me and started calling me out like that; there are a whole lot of crazies, and for all I know he's got a knife, a gun, or a bomb. Dude's asking for a beatdown.

Oh, last thing. I found the one situation where I'd actual sympathize and enjoy if someone had said 'glass Palestine.' I don't agree with the sentiment, but I'd agree with the belligerent pushback against this asshole.

Kienan 5 points ago +5 / -0

girls are degenerate sluts and that there is no psychological trauma in child sexual abuse.

Again, arguing against your own point. Inflicting sexual and psychological trauma on someone who is still mentally developing, such as a child, is one of the things that cause them to grow up and act out sexually. Child abuse causes people to be "degenerate sluts."

Kienan 4 points ago +4 / -0

Filled with whores admitting they enjoyed getting molested as kids.

You're arguing against your own point, retard. Yes, sometimes children rationalize and "enjoy" getting molested...because they have no frame of reference, and precisely because they weren't ready. And they often grow up to be the hypersexuals you rail against. And often also pedophiles themselves.

Sure, they might rationalize "enjoying" it, but it is clearly damaging, and they don't grow up "just fine." It fucks them up, even if they say they enjoyed it...even if they did enjoy it. You get all kinds of sexual disfunction, and a continuing cycle of abuse. Just because abused people say they enjoyed it doesn't mean the abuse is fine.

"Enjoyment" is a sick metric, and you can abuse people into enjoying plenty of things that are bad for them. Heck, people even do it to themselves; people voluntarily "enjoy" drugs, and porn, and cutting themselves, and asphyxiation, and all kinds of fucked up shit that's really bad for you.

"I did meth, and I enjoyed it!" Does that mean meth is good for you? Hell no.

Kienan 21 points ago +21 / -0

The most surprising part is that they even bothered to lie with data. It's a cult, you don't need data. It's a truism to them that 'diversity is our strength,' I'm surprised they felt the need to sell anyone on 'people want this, look at this data.'

After all, diversity is just good. That's unquestionable to their ilk. So, obviously, putting more diversity into a game is good. Furthermore, the whole deal with ESG is you're not selling to your customers anymore, you're selling to the big investment companies instead. So, if you're going to make a compelling financial argument for including diversity, it's as simple as 'Blackrock will give you $X! You'll even personally gain $Y if you're deemed Inclusive enough!'

So, yeah, not sure why they even felt the need for a fake study.

Kienan 26 points ago +26 / -0

If I am forced to sit through ONE single ad, I will simply stop using Youtube until the ads go away.

Nice thing is, too, they've driven most of the people I even care about to at the very least also post their content elsewhere. The only reason I'm still using YouTube is because it's so easy, and supported by apps and stuff. If they make it no longer easy, I can find most of the content elsewhere, because YT is so shit everyone who isn't a mindless shill has branched out, fearing the banhammer.

Kienan 15 points ago +15 / -0

I like the gasps in chat when the combat system was revealed.

This just feels cheap. To be fair, I'm not a huge fan of whatever genre this is, and it seems a lot of games that go that way are cheap, but still. It just feels off.

Most importantly, though, this isn't Dragon Age. DAO was gritty, this is the opposite. DAO was tactical, this is the opposite. DAO was...you know, an RPG. This is some cartoony action game, it seems.

Veilguard might be fine as some F2P action game, or something. It being Dragon Age definitely hurts it big. You can't make this and call it Dragon Age.

Kienan 12 points ago +12 / -0

I'm saying anti-white soycucks should leave. Be the change you want to see.

Kienan 17 points ago +17 / -0

As in, your whole job was designing leaves and bushes and such?

Isn't that also pretty much pointless, as the big studio games just reuse assets and engines? I thought they largely didn't even do "foliage design" anymore.

Kienan 14 points ago +14 / -0

...hippy nonsense about the environment when the whole story of Perfect Dark and Joanna Dark overall is she's this sexy woman in a spy thriller investigating terrorist organisations

They could have at least combined the two (but you know that's not what this is), and do something like Michael Crichton's State of Fear. That would be interesting, and fit a spy thriller better than simply 'muh environment.'

Kienan 23 points ago +23 / -0

"Guys like me (White men) can't leave soon enough!

To be fair, he's right. I also want guys like him (useless cucks) to leave.

Kienan 4 points ago +4 / -0

If you don't mind, what actually did happen with Phoenix Point?

Oh, man, where to begin. You're right that it involves the Epic exclusivity, but that is honestly the least of their slights. It's an instance of the coverup being worse than the crime. The Epic thing rightfully rankled people (including me, who backed it), but their attitude and lies were what really ruined it all for me. They absolutely nuked their reputation.

if they did a Kickstarter or something and then took Epic money, is pretty bullshit.

Which is exactly what they did. Then lied about Steam keys being promised to backers on release. And they said they'd be fine if every single backer requested a refund, because they'd be fine with Epic money. Yeah, bitch, would you have been fine for the years you were supported by us, you smarmy pricks?! So, yeah, they sold out, lied, took shots at the community that had supported them, made lame excuses, banned people, and more. They also went about it really incompetently, where they still promised Steam keys at around the time they took the Epic money.

Check out the subreddit's best of; it's all from years ago, and all bashing the game. My post is even there, bringing the receipts.

Incidentally, there's like five people on the sub at the moment; it's totally dead. They killed it.

PP devs looked at what Metro had done at the time (who at least delivered existing preorders on Steam), and said "hold my beer," told founding backers to get fucked, and basically laughed their way to the bank as they broke their promises, which they claimed to have never made, while saying they'd be fine if the people who'd provided the money to produce the game all demanded refunds.

Yeah. Yeah...

Kienan 3 points ago +3 / -0

I've been very sick of the state of muh 'modern' gaming seen these days

Yeah, same. And it seems to be getting worse. I like your (and other's) theory that modern AAA devs are so compromised at this point they would be downright incapable of designing a game that isn't just copy/paste. The industry is running on fumes, as all the competent people have long since been replaced. Sadly the average consumer doesn't care so, for now, it's still trucking along mostly fine. But you can only keep this going so long, when the devs aren't capable of, well, developing.

Kienan 4 points ago +4 / -0

I haven't been following it super closely (RTS isn't my main thing), but it seems pretty promising, from what I have seen.

I'm also a bit warry, though. These things usually go one of a few ways, with the whole 'totally legit ex-[blank] devs,' and 'spiritual successors,' and the like.

They either deliver, and break everything wide open (super rare, but does happen), or they deliver a competent but not groundbreaking game and, with all the hype they built up, people kind of go 'that's it?' This seems by far the most common.

Then there are even a few negative outcomes, where these totally competent and hyped up devs aren't capable of working in their new environment, and turn out slop after hyping it up so much. They were just missing a few pieces to actually churn out a good game.

Lastly, sometimes they're just straight up scams, or otherwise destroy the faith of most of the playerbase. I'll never forgive Phoenix Point for that bullshit they pulled.

I think Stormgate will at the very least fall into the 'competent' category though. Possibly actually break some ground, but we'll just have to wait and see.

Kienan 16 points ago +16 / -0

I hope conservatives are smart enough

...I'm going to stop you right there.


Kienan 13 points ago +14 / -1

I don't usually go all in on the accelerationism, but I can't help but to find this anything but hilarious. More power to them, the retards. Gas, gas, gas.

Kienan 8 points ago +9 / -1

What are your thoughts on the Xbox showcase?

That's a thing? And it's happening now?

Industry events are cringe anyway, and I'm PC Masterrace on top of that, so...

Kienan 3 points ago +3 / -0

Now they pretend to be worried about about felons?

Sad thing is, leftists don't "pretend." They're so ideologically captured they (mostly) believe their obvious bullshit.

They're not pretending to care about "Trump being a felon." They do care. Even though they want the justice system abolished.

Leftoids are an abomination.

Kienan 1 point ago +2 / -1

I wasn't using 'discriminate' just in the hiring sense. There are forms of discrimination that are wrong, and should be illegal but, like I said, are probably covered under other laws already anyway.

Again, I'm just leaving myself a bit of leeway because...I don't know. I know there's discrimination that's wrong; whether there's specifically discrimination that should be illegal is another matter. I'd have to think on it. We're in agreement that "anti-discrimination" laws have gone way too far, that's for sure.

Kienan 1 point ago +2 / -1

Perhaps. I wanted to leave some wiggle room, as there may very well be some discrimination that should be illegal...although I agree most of that is already covered by laws against other illegal activity. i.e. you can't go around bashing in gay's skulls, because you can't go around bashing in anyone's skulls.

So, I don't know if all discrimination should be legal or not, but I agree at the very least that maybe it should. And, yes, you shouldn't be forced to hire anyone, for any position, due to their sexuality or other bullshit. You certainly won't hear me arguing against that stance.

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