If you have no questions about 9/11 you're quite literally retarded. Here's a 5 minute primer: https://odysee.com/@deehinja:5/Corbett911:5
Bill Maher hates you and everything you stand for. Any "based" takes he has must be taken in context of 30 years of continued democrat party shilling and anti-nativist sentiment for every non-Israeli nation. Just listen to his recent chat with fellow chosen konstantin kissin where he says the displacement of British from Britain is a great thing, actually.
Weird alliance? They're both jews.
I actually disagree. My experience is mostly university-based, but my interactions with this demographic are incredibly frustrating because they're always depressed losers with an incalculable amount of mental illnesses hellbent on ruining any situation.
The typical normie Progressive scum will continually socially test you at every available opportunity to make sure you're on their team. If you do not constantly signal to them that you are definitely on their team every time they signal, they will attempt to remove you forcibly from the situation/workplace/friendgroup. Neutrality is not an option and signals to them "potential enemy" which they act upon in the same way.
The typical apolitical normie actually functions in the same way, only they have more leeway and test less. The end result is largely the same if you signal to them you're an -ist or -phobe in any way. Luckily, they tend to not care if you keep to yourself.
I trust Vavra but am very hesitant to jump on KC2 because of this.
Why do we even bother with these people? The second a decisive verdict comes in they should be forced to stand in a dumpster and promptly shot in the head.
"Some Canadians"
You mean like 70% since the 80s at least?
My personal barometer is the repealing of the latest Trudeau gun legislation. Pollievre specifically said he'd repeal it, so when he doesn't I know for a fact that he's paid for.
Nothing "trad" about our conservatives, just cuck. Cut from very much the same cloth as yours, really. Status quo liberals instead of progressive "liberals" is all. Best we get in Canada is a Fresh Prince enjoyer who gets smeared as a nazi, as usual.
Lmao lurk more faggot
"Excuse me sweaty, if you imprison murderers you will eventually imprison everyone, for any reason! Slippery slope!!!"
They denied unvaxxed people who needed organs and just let them die by the way.
After watching Destiny and people of his ilk unironically defend incest because "it's not hurting anyone," and "logically it's just two consenting adults," you're damn right I'm in favor of Christian Authoritarianism. Secularists have proven their rules for society end in its degeneration and destruction due to their unfailing, childish want to be completely uninhibited from indulging in any desire. If we need to force you not to fuck your sister and not to eat your own shit, you're making the case for us.
Damn sure is a good thing western governments are trustworthy and never lie.
Are they doing anything to the guides themselves? I don't give a shit otherwise if I can still read my DSimpson.
Did anyone actually read GameFAQs forums?
Muslims purposefully burned Notre Dame to the ground and the French government let it happen. You're blind if you think otherwise.
Not if it's under or at the daily limit, which is exactly what this guy did.
Just wait until they remove cash entirely!
Christians are always the bad guy, in every event, both historical and present, and therefore every action against them is justified.
Now don't you dare go back to any of these events and research them, or you might be an antivaxx bigot too.
My thoughts are that this "femanon" has a cock
I was making fun of soctatic and am now explaining the joke and feel bad doing so.
Anyone who thinks some women do not deserve to get hit have zero experience with women.
I 100% was in fact!
"The truth doesn't matter if it can't be directly acted upon."
Nice. What was your mom's religion again?