In comparison to what he did to people, I don't give a flying fuck what he did to animals.
What does FOB mean? Not familiar with that acronym.
Given that my pastor literally preached on Galatians 5: 5-12 this morning, and focused on "A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump", and segued into "Even a little false doctrine can destroy a church"...
Very fitting comment.
... Is this a reference to some stupidity from leftists that I haven't heard of yet? Parody? I don't know anymore.
I like how he makes the claim and then doesn't back it up lol.
Proof-posting is better than a relatively-easily faked screenshot, you fag.
Fuck the Dodgers, go Yanks.
Incredible violence?
Blue Screen Of Death. A very bad sight to see on a computer.
What is that acronym you used, never seen that one before.
Those covid jabs are dangerous, dingus.
Wasn't it Hilary Clinton and her ilk pushing that "games bad" rhetoric back then?
The more I hear about the churches people on here attend, the more I thank God for my church here in NC. My pastor has said outright that if the church ever gets away from The Bible being our authority, then he will split the church and go start one right across the street.
He'd do it too.
I've heard the divorces are brutal in that community, have to pay a lot of allo-money if you dare try to end a marriage.
What even the fuck is allosexual supposed to mean?
That sounds awful, who would do this lol.
... Dare I ask what a shared plate is referring to here? Like I know it's probably exactly what it sounds like, but these days that isn't a safe assumption anymore.
I don't even count them as humans, just animals wearing a skinsuit.
Over 2000 years after The Messiah came into the Temple and threw over the tables and chased them out with a whip, the descendants of the Pharisees are still mad about it and still think Judaism is a relevant religion.
It's not. The modern-day Jewish faith is nothing more than an outdated system that was fulfilled when Christ died on the cross for all Mankind.
I find it "hilarious" that these entitled brats can protest America, can protest Christianity, can protest White People, and everyone is a-ok.
Protest against Israel one time and it's shut down with consequences for those involved. IN OUR OWN COUNTRY.
I think this might have caused my pastor to have an aneurysm if he saw it.
The LOTR games from EA around 2002~2006 were pretty good, and while some were less canon than others, cough cough Third Age what the fuck cough cough, overall they were still fun games that didn't hate the world they were set in nor the person playing.
I would much sooner trust a leopard than a pitbull lmao.
From what little I know of him from osmosis through the years and the rare times my pastor has mentioned him, Olsteen is a "prosperity gospel" televangelist who only preaches the feel-good parts of The Bible. He runs a megachurch and uses it to enrich himself and his subordinates, I presume or else they wouldn't be helping him, by conning easily mislead people into donating to him.
I'm sure he's done some good in the sense of "Some of that money may have helped someone in genuine need here and there", but by and large he's a fraud and a probable heretic.
Yes, and?